Fondamenti di Informatica A 2012/2013

    Main     News     Info     Slides     Software     Lab     Exercises     Exam     Exams

Exercises will be online few days before the lab lesson. Solutions will be published just after the lab session.

201303131Expressions typing and evaluation  Slides  Use the FrameworkFV to get the solutions.
201303202Functions and recursionSlides  Solutions.
201303273Elements of structured programming  Slides  Solutions.
201304034Structured programming  Slides  Solutions.
201304105Programming with Java-static  Slides Sources  Solutions.
201304176Exam simulation  Slides  Solutions.
201304247C basics  Slides Sources  Solutions.
201305088Arrays and pointers in C  Slides Sources  Solutions.
201305159Data structures in C  Slides Sources  Solutions.
2013052210Operating systems and file system access in C  Slides Sources  Solutions.
2013052911My first C complete application  Slides Sources  Solutions.

Slides sources

This section should be much more interesting for those who will inherit the course tutoring next year than for students. I made publicly available the sources of my lab slides: you can access them through Bitbucket. The license for this document is Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0 Italia.