Intelligenza artificiale LM 2010/2011
Principale | Laboratorio |
Course materials
- Course outline.
- Lecture slides can be downloaded from AMS Campus.
- Lab page
Additional teaching materials
The following papers are available only for teaching purposes.AI history
- Dartmouth summer research project proposal. The proposal for a project that has been the origin of AI.
- Search strategies exercises (in Italian). Credits Prof. Paola Mello.
- A brief introduction to mainstream techniques of constraint satisfaction. R.Barták. Constraint propagation and backtracking-based search. CP Summer school 2005.
- Incomplete depth-first search techniques: a short survey. R.Barták, Proceedings of CPDC 2004.
- Where the Really Hard Problems Are. P.Cheesman et al., Proc. 12th IJCAI, 1991.
- Phase transitions and the search problem. T.Hogg et al., Artificial Intelligence, n.81, 1996.
- Introduction to metaheuristics. C.Blum, A.Roli. Metaheuristics in Combinatorial Optimization: Overview and Conceptual Comparison. ACM Computing Surveys, Vol.35, N.3, 2003. (preprint available)
- A multi-agent architecture for metaheuristics. M.Milano, A.Roli. MAGMA: A Multiagent Architecture for Metaheuristics. IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part B, Vol.34, Issue 2, April 2004. (preprint available)
- A formal model of local search. A.Roli. A note on a model of local search. Technical report TR/IRIDIA/2004/23.01, IRIDIA, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
- On the relation between complete and incomplete search. M.Milano, A.Roli. Proceedings of CPAIOR 2002.
- An introduction to Hybrid metaheuristics (slides).
- Large Neighbourhood Search Algorithms for the Founder Sequence Reconstruction Problem. A. Roli, S. Benedettini, T. Stuetzle and C. Blum. TR/IRIDIA/2010-012.
- Comet source code of examples of stochastic local search algorithms for the N-queens problem.
Evolutionary computation
- Book (free download, Creative Commons) on genetic programming. R. Poli, W.B. Langdon, N.F. McPhee, J. Koza. A Field Guide to Genetic Programming.
Swarm intelligence
- M. Dorigo, E. Bonabeau, G. Theraulaz. Ant algorithms and stigmergy. Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol.16, n.9, 2000.
- C. Blum. Ant colony optimization: Introduction and recent trends. Physics of Life Reviews, 2(4):353-373, 2005.
- H. Labella, M. Dorigo, J.-L. Deneubourg. Division of Labour in a Group of Robots Inspired by Ants' Foraging Behaviour. Technical Report IRIDIA-TR-2004-13, IRIDIA, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, 2005.
- Alcune considerazioni sulla logica proposizionale. D. Palladino, 2003.
- Introduction to SAT solving algorithms. C.P. Gomes, H. Kautz, A. Sabharwal and B. Selman. Satisfiability solvers. Book chapter draft, 2007.
- Introduction to fuzzy system. B. Kosko and S. Isaka, Fuzzy Logic. Scientific American, July 1993.1.1.1 Software