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19 papers in proceedings  /  Angelo Croatti
author = {Croatti, Angelo and Ricci, Alessandro},
title = {Programming Agent-Based Mobile Apps: The JaCa-Android Framework},
year = {2021},
isbn = {9781450383073},
publisher = {International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems},
address = {Richland, SC},
booktitle = {20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS 2021)},
pages = {1724–1726},
numpages = {3},
keywords = {android, agents, personal agents, BDI, Jacamo},
location = {Virtual Event, United Kingdom},
	year = 2020,
	keywords = {Agent Programming; AOSE; Simulation; Multi-Agent Programming; JaCaMo; BDI; Testing; Debugging},
	status = {Camera-ready sent},
	venue_list = {--},
	author = {Ricci, Alessandro and Croatti, Angelo and Bordini, Rafael H. and Hubner, Jomi F. and Boissier, Olivier},
	title = {Exploiting Simulation for MAS Programming and Engineering - The JaCaMo-sim Platform},
	abstract = {Simulation can be an important conceptual and practical tool to support the engineering of multi-agent systems (MAS), in different ways. In this paper we consider the case in which simulation is applied and exploited directly upon a MAS developed using an existing agent/MAS programming platform. That is: without requiring to model and simulate agents and their environment using a different platform, e.g. an agent-based simulation one. In particular, we describe the design of JaCaMo-sim, an extension of the JaCaMo platform that makes it possible to both run and simulate the execution of MAS programs based on BDI agents written in Jason, situated in artifact-based environments developed in CArtAgO. The tool can be useful for different aspects that concern MAS engineering, from MAS testing/debugging at development time to agent decision making support at runtime.},
	venue_e = {Events.Emas2020}} 
author="Croatti, Angelo and Bottazzi, Manuel and Ricci, Alessandro",
editor="Demazeau, Yves
and Holvoet, Tom
and Corchado, Juan M.
and Costantini, Stefania",
title="Agent-Based Mixed Reality Environments in Healthcare: The Smart Shock Room Project",
booktitle="Advances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Trustworthiness. The PAAMS Collection",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",
abstract="Nowadays, the impressive development of smart technologies allows for designing novel kind of Personal Digital Assistant Agents (PDAA) supporting healthcare professionals in their individual and cooperative activities. Such technologies can have a disruptive impact in supporting those pathologies where the enhancement of both physician and the environment could be useful to reduce patient care times and to offer to physician new ways to access information and to be assisted by smart agents. This demo aims to present the prototype of the Smart Shock Room project. The project's purpose is to design and develop an innovative environment where smart technologies (e.g. mobile and pervasive computing, Mixed Reality, Vocal Assistants) can revolutionise the management of critical time-dependent pathologies (i.e. traumas) within the hospital emergency department.",
author="Croatti, Angelo
and Ricci, Alessandro",
editor="Bassiliades, Nick
and Chalkiadakis, Georgios
and de Jonge, Dave",
title="From Virtual Worlds to Mirror Worlds: A Model and Platform for Building Agent-Based eXtended Realities",
booktitle="Multi-Agent Systems and Agreement Technologies",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",
abstract="Extended Reality (XR) refers to applications that blend the digital and the physical worlds in different ways: both by situating virtual worlds into physical environments by means of Augmented and Mixed Reality Technologies, and by exploiting smart things and devices in the physical environment connected to the Virtual World, in a pervasive computing perspective. Like in the case of Virtual Worlds and Intelligent Virtual Environments, XR applications are a relevant application domain for multi-agent systems and AI---for instance, for designing XR-based smart environments. The research question addressed by this paper is about the definition of a model for conceiving and designing agent-based XR applications, effective enough to capture essential aspects in spite of the specific implementing technologies. To this purpose, the paper describes a model based on the Mirror World conceptual framework and a concrete platform used to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.",
author="Croatti, Angelo and Ricci, Alessandro",
editor="Demazeau, Yves and Holvoet, Tom and Corchado, Juan M. and Costantini, Stefania",
title="The JaCa-Android Framework for Programming BDI-Based Personal Agents on Mobile Devices",
booktitle="Advances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Trustworthiness. The PAAMS Collection",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",
abstract="Nowadays, smart mobile applications are a medium allowing more and more for developing (part of) complex software systems, featuring interactive behaviour and exhibiting different degrees of autonomy and flexibility. In agents and MAS literature, Personal Assistant Agents represent the area that mostly can benefit from the availability of frameworks allowing for easily developing native agent-based applications able to exploit features offered by smart mobile and wearable devices. This paper discusses the JaCa-Android framework, a version of JaCaMo redesigned to natively run over mobile devices equipped with Google Android operating system. Exposing native features to observe and perceive the real-time user context and act accordingly, the framework is oriented in particular to the development of smart mobile apps as BDI-based personal assistant agents offering a proper layer of abstraction for this specific purpose.",
author={Montagna, Sara and Croatti, Angelo and Ricci, Alessandro and Agnoletti, Vanni and Albarello, Vittorio}, 
booktitle={2019 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS)}, 
title={Pervasive Tracking for Time-Dependent Acute Patient Flow: A Case Study in Trauma Management}, 
keywords={Hospitals;Pathology;Real-time systems;Tracking;Radiofrequency identification;Real time location system;Pervasive Tracking;Trauma Management}, 
author = {Mariani, Stefano and Croatti, Angelo and Ricci, Alessandro and Prati, Andrea and Vizzari, Giuseppe},
title = {ViTALiSE: Virtual to Augmented Loop in Smart Environments},
year = {2019},
isbn = {9781450363099},
publisher = {International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems},
address = {Richland, SC},
abstract = {Future workplaces will be smart environments providing human users with features and functionalities augmenting their capabilities while lowering their cognitive/physical efforts. ViTALiSE is a vision of future smart environments integrating Human-Agent Collectives (HAC) with Digital Twins (DTs) fostering the synergistic interplay between the physical and digital reality.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems},
pages = {2114–2116},
numpages = {3},
keywords = {virtual reality, ViTALiSE, augmented reality, smart environments, mixed reality, multiagent systems, mirror worlds, augmented worlds},
location = {Montreal QC, Canada},
series = {AAMAS '19}
    address = {Cham},
    author = {Croatti, Angelo and Ricci, Alessandro},
     editor = {Demazeau, Yves and An, Bo and Bajo, Javier and Fernandez-Caballero, Antonio},
    booktitle = {Advances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Complexity: The PAAMS Collection},
    dblp = {conf/paams/CroattiR18a},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-94580-4_25},
    iris = {11585/643021},
    isbn = {978-3-319-94580-4},
    pages = {301--304},
    publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85049381775},
    title = {Developing Agent-Based Pervasive Mixed Reality Systems: The {MiRAgE} Framework},
    url = {},
    wos = {000553806300025},
    year = 2018
    address = {Cham},
    author = {Croatti, Angelo and Ricci, Alessandro},
    booktitle = {Advances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Complexity: The PAAMS Collection},
    dblp = {conf/paams/CroattiR18},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-94580-4_10},
    editor = {Demazeau, Yves and An, Bo and Bajo, Javier and Fernández-Caballero, Antonio},
    iris = {11585/643019},
    isbn = {978-3-319-94580-4},
    pages = {127--139},
    publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85049376533},
    title = {A Model and Platform for Building Agent-Based Pervasive Mixed Reality Systems},
    url = {},
    wos = {000553806300010},
    year = 2018
 author = {Croatti, Angelo and Ricci, Alessandro},
 title = {Mashing Up the Physical and Augmented Reality: The Web of Augmented Things Idea},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on the Web of Things},
 series = {WoT 2017},
 year = {2017},
 isbn = {978-1-4503-6344-0},
 location = {Linz, CA, USA},
 pages = {4--7},
 numpages = {4},
 url = {},
 doi = {10.1145/3199919.3199921},
 acm = {3199921},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 keywords = {Augmented Reality, Pervasive Computing, the Web of Augmented Things, the Web of Things},
	booktitle = {2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Workshops (ICSAW)},
	year = 2017,
	keywords = {Augmented reality;Context;Hardware;Mobile communication;Pervasive computing;Software;Augmented Reality;Pervasive Computing;Web of Augmented Things;Web of Things},
	url = {},
	month = apr,
	eisbn = {978-1-5090-4793-2},
	location = {Gothenburg, Sweden},
	publisher = {IEEE},
	author = {Croatti, Angelo AND Ricci, Alessando},
	title = {Towards the Web of Augmented Things},
	pages = {80-87}} 
	Author = {Croatti, Angelo and Montagna, Sara and Ricci, Alessandro},
	Booktitle = {Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems},
	Doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-71679-4_15},
	Editor = {Sukthankar, Gita and Rodriguez-Aguilar, Juan A.},
	Isbn = {978-3-319-71679-4},
	Note = {AAMAS 2017 Workshops, Visionary Papers, S{\~a}o Paulo, Brazil, May 8-12, 2017, Revised Selected Papers},
	Pages = {228--244},
	Publisher = {Springer},
	Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
	Title = {A Personal Medical Digital Assistant Agent for Supporting Human Operators in Emergency Scenarios},
	Url = {},
	Volume = 10643,
	Year = 2017} 
    author = {Ricci, Alessandro and Viroli, Mirko and Omicini, Andrea and Mariani, Stefano and Croatti, Angelo and Pianini, Danilo},
    booktitle = {Intelligent Distributed Computing X. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing -- IDC 2016, Paris, France, October 10-12 2016},
    chapter = 12,
    dblp = {conf/idc/RicciVOMCP16},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-48829-5_12},
    editor = {Badica, Costin and El Fallah Seghrouchni, Amal and Beynier, Aur{\'e}lie and Camacho, David and Herpson, C{\'e}dric and Hindriks, Koen and Novais, Paulo},
    eisbn = {978-3-319-48829-5},
    iris = {11585/586449},
    isbn = {978-3-319-48828-8},
    issn = {1860-949X},
    keywords = {Multi-Agent Systems, Space-based Coordination, Spatial Computing, Augmented/Mixed Reality},
    location = {Paris, France},
    pages = {121--130},
    publisher = {Springer},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-84992336025},
    series = {Studies in Computational Intelligence},
    title = {{S}patial {T}uples: Augmenting Physical Reality with Tuple Spaces},
    url = {},
    volume = 678,
    wos = {000398722900012},
    year = 2017
	Author = {Croatti, Angelo and Montagna, Sara and Ricci, Alessandro},
	Booktitle = {Agents and Multi-Agent Systems for Health Care},
	Doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-70887-4_4},
	Editor = {Montagna, Sara and Abreu, Pedro Henriques and Giroux, Sylvain and Schumacher, Michael Ignaz},
	Isbn = {978-3-319-70887-4},
	Note = {10th International Workshop, A2HC 2017, S{\~a}o Paulo, Brazil, May 8, 2017, and International Workshop, A-HEALTH 2017, Porto, Portugal, June 21, 2017, Revised and Extended Selected Papers},
	Pages = {59--75},
	Publisher = {Springer},
	Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
	Title = {A Personal Medical Digital Assistant Agent for Supporting Human Operators in Emergency Scenarios},
	Url = {},
	Volume = 10685,
	Year = 2017}
 author = {Croatti, Angelo and Ricci, Alessandro},
 title = {An Extension of AgentSpeak(L) and Jason Tailored to Programming and Software Development},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Programming Based on Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control},
 year = {2016},
 isbn = {978-1-4503-4639-9},
 location = {Amsterdam, Netherlands},
 pages = {1--10},
 numpages = {10},
 url = {},
 doi = {10.1145/3001886.3001887},
 acm = {3001887},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 keywords = {AgentSpeak(L), Jason, Jona, agent programming languages, agent-oriented programming},
    author = {Viroli, Mirko and Pianini, Danilo and Ricci, Alessandro and Brunetti, Pietro and Croatti, Angelo},
    booktitle = {PRIMA 2015: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems},
    dblp = {conf/prima/ViroliPRBC15},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-25524-8_4},
    editor = {Chen, Qingliang and Torroni, Paolo and Villata, Serena and Hsu, Jane and Omicini, Andrea},
    iris = {11585/521212},
    isbn = {978-3-319-25523-1},
    keywords = {Spatial Computing; Aggregate Programming; Computational Fields},
    language = {English},
    pages = {49--64},
    publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-84950323451},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    title = {Multi-agent Systems Meet Aggregate Programming: Towards a Notion of Aggregate Plan},
    url = {},
    volume = 9387,
    wos = {000367782600004},
    year = 2015
  author={Pianini, Danilo and Croatti, Angelo and Ricci, Alessandro and Viroli, Mirko},
  booktitle={2015 IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops}, 
  title={Computational Fields Meet Augmented Reality: Perspectives and Challenges}, 
    acm = {10.1007/978-3-319-26184-3_11},
    author = {Ricci, Alessandro and Croatti, Angelo and Brunetti, Pietro and Viroli, Mirko},
    booktitle = {Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS 2015)},
    dblp = {conf/atal/RicciCBV15},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-26184-3_11},
    iris = {11585/520878},
    location = {Istanbul, Turkey},
    numpages = 21,
    scopus = {2-s2.0-84951273866},
    title = {Programming Mirror-Worlds: An Agent-Oriented Programming Perspective},
    wos = {000367684000011},
    year = 2015
    author = {Brunetti, Pietro and Croatti, Angelo and Ricci, Alessandro and Viroli, Mirko},
    booktitle = {Procedia Computer Science},
    dblp = {conf/euspn/BrunettiCRV15},
    doi = {10.1016/j.procs.2015.08.358},
    iris = {11585/538763},
    issn = {1877-0509},
    keywords = {Healthcare},
    location = {Berlin, Germany},
    month = sep,
    note = {The 6th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN 2015)/ The 5th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (ICTH-2015) / Affiliated Workshops},
    numpages = 8,
    pages = {392--399},
    publisher = {Elsevier Science B.V.},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-84954144309},
    series = {Procedia Computer Science},
    title = {Smart Augmented Fields for Emergency Operations},
    url = {},
    urlpdf = {},
    volume = 63,
    wos = {000373842900051},
    year = 2015
19 papers in proceedings • topindexbottom