
Knowledge-Based Systems1Future Generation Computer Systems1ACM Computing Surveys1Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems9Journal of Logic and Computation3Intelligenza Artificiale8Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine1Journal of Applied Logics1Applied Sciences5SoftwareX1Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming1Complexity2Information2International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing1Expert Systems1Theory and Practice of Logic Programming1Big Data and Cognitive Computing1Computer Science and Information Systems1Fundamenta Informaticae2The IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin1SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International1IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing1Pervasive and Mobile Computing1Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence2SCS M&S Magazine1Science of Computer Programming5Computing Now1ALP Newsletter2ISRN Software Engineering1Journal of Simulation1The Knowledge Engineering Review4Applied Computing Review1International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering1International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering3International Journal of Artificial Intelligence1Multiagent and Grid Systems1IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems1Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal1Web Intelligence and Agent Systems1Applied Artificial Intelligence5ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems1Informatica2Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing2AgentLink News2UPGRADE1International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems2AI*IA Notizie4Journal of Universal Computer Science1Journal of Systems Integration1Applied Artificial Intelligence: An International Journal1Nordic Journal of Computing1Software: Practice and Experience1Internet Research1