Per Year

25 publications with DOI  /  2006–2023  /  Ambra Molesini
2021  •  2016  •  2015  •  2014  •  2013  •  2011  •  2010  •  2009  •  2008  •  2007  •  2006
1 publication in 2021 with DOI • topindexbottom
1 publication in 2016 with DOI • topindexbottom
  • Developing Pervasive Multi-Agent Systems with Nature-Inspired CoordinationDOI (article in journal) — Franco Zambonelli, Andrea Omicini, Bernhard Anzengruber, Gabriella Castelli, Francesco L. DeAngelis, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Simon Dobson, José Luis Fernandez-Marquez, Alois Ferscha, Marco Mamei, Stefano Mariani, Ambra Molesini, Sara Montagna, Jussi Nieminen, Danilo Pianini, Matteo Risoldi, Alberto Rosi, Graeme Stevenson, Mirko Viroli, Juan Ye
1 publication in 2015 with DOI • topindexbottom
5 publications in 2014 with DOI • topindexbottom
2 publications in 2013 with DOI • topindexbottom
2 publications in 2011 with DOI • topindexbottom
4 publications in 2010 with DOI • topindexbottom
3 publications in 2009 with DOI • topindexbottom
3 publications in 2008 with DOI • topindexbottom
1 publication in 2007 with DOI • topindexbottom
2 publications in 2006 with DOI • topindexbottom