Linguaggi e Modelli Computazionali L-M 2011/2012

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Schedule, Slides, and Software

Slides are available through the following link:

Code Description Date Room Time
0 Introduction Tue, 20/9/2011 A2
1a Computational Models Tue, 20/9/2011 A2 9-11
1b Abstract Data Types Thu, 22/9/2011 VELA 8.30-11
1c Functional Maude Thu, 22/9/2011 VELA 8.30-11
L1 Lab-Maude Mon, 26/9/2011 LELE 14-17
2a Prolog 1 Wed, 28/9/2011 A1 9-11
2a Prolog 2 Wed, 28/9/2011 A1 11-13
L-P1 Lab-Prolog 1 Mon, 3/10/2011 LELE 14-17
2b Prolog 3 Tue, 4/10/2011 A2 9-11
2b Prolog 4 Thu, 6/10/2011 GPT 8.30-11
L-P2 Lab-Prolog 2 Mon, 10/10/2011 LELE 14-17
2b Prolog 5 Tue, 11/10/2011 A2 9-11
2c Metaprogramming Thu, 13/10/2011 GPT 8.30-11
L-P3 Lab-Prolog3 Mon, 17/10/2011 LELE 14-17
2d Metainterpretation Tue, 18/10/2011 A2 9-11
2e Java-Prolog Thu, 20/10/2011 GPT 8.30-11
L-JP Lab-JavaProlog Mon, 27/10/2011 LELE 14-17
3a Propositional Logic Tue, 28/10/2011 A2 9-11
3b First-order Logic Thu, 30/10/2011 GPT 8.30-11
4a Formal Grammars Mon, 31/10/2011 GPT 14-17
4b Basic Parsing Thu, 3/11/2011 GPT 8.30-11
4c Compilation Tue, 8/11/2011 A2 9-11
4d Compilation in Java Thu, 10/11/2011 GPT 8.30-11
4e Operational Semantics Thu, 17/11/2011 GPT 8.30-11
4f System Maude Thu, 17/11/2011 G1P 16-18
5a Petri Nets Tue, 22/11/2011 A2 9-11
5b Model Checking Thu, 24/11/2011 GPT 8.30-11
5c Process Algebra Tue, 29/11/2011 A2 9-11
5d Process Algebra pt.2 Thu, 1/12/2011 GPT 8.30-11
5e Stochastic Models Mon, 5/12/2011 G1P 16-18
5f Stochastic Model Checking Tue, 6/12/2011 A2 9-11
E Exercises Tue, 13/12/2011 A2 9-11
F Free slot Thu, 15/12/2011 GPT 8.45-11
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