Changes for page Per Year

From version 96.5
edited by Andrea Omicini
on 30/10/2021 16:36
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 99.1
edited by Andrea Omicini
on 30/10/2021 16:44
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -83,9 +83,6 @@
83 83  #elseif( !$oneCycle )
84 84  (% style="font-size: smaller; padding:1em 1.5em 0.25em 1.5em; background-color:$theme.highlightColor" %)(((#foreach( $cycle in $allThesisCycles )#if ($velocityCount > 1) | #end [[{{thesisCycle}}$cycle{{/thesisCycle}}>>||anchor="$cycle"]]#end)))
85 85  #end{{id name='index'/}}
86 -
87 -#stop
88 -
89 89  ## search theses
90 90  #set( $thesisNo = 0 )
91 91  #foreach( $year in $yearList )
... ... @@ -112,36 +112,22 @@
112 112   #if( $thesisFoundNo > 0 && !$oneCycle )
113 113  (% style="border-style:#if( $oneYear )solid hidden hidden solid#{else}hidden hidden hidden dotted#end; border-color:$theme.borderColor; text-align:left; font-style:oblique; font-size:smaller" %)|#if( $oneYear ){{id name='$cycle'/}}#else{{id name='$year-$cycle'/}}#end{{thesisCycle plural='no' uppercase='yes' short='yes'}}$cycle{{/thesisCycle}}
114 114   #end
115 - #foreach( $thesis in $thesisFound )
116 - #set($thesisDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($thesis))
117 - #set($thesisObj = $thesisDoc.getObject('Theses.ThesisClass'))
112 + #foreach( $thesis in $thesisFound )
113 + #set( $thesisDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($thesis) )
114 + #set( $thesisObj = $thesisDoc.getObject('Theses.ThesisClass') )
118 118  * [[$thesisObj.title>>$thesisDoc]]#if( $thesisObj.endDate != "" ) //($thesisObj.endDate)//#end#if( $thesisDoc.getValue('studentUserName') != "" ) [[$xwiki.getUserName($thesisDoc.getValue('studentUserName'), false)>>$thesisDoc.getValue('studentUserName')]]#elseif( $thesisObj.studentFirstName != "" && $thesisObj.studentLastName != "" ) $thesisObj.studentFirstName $thesisObj.studentLastName#end
119 119  
120 120   #end
121 - #if( $thesisFoundNo > 0 && !$oneRole )
122 -(% style="border-style:#if( $oneStatus )hidden solid solid hidden#{else}hidden dotted hidden hidden#end; border-color:$theme.borderColor; text-align:right; font-style:oblique; font-weight:normal; font-size:smaller; color:$theme.textSecondaryColor" %)|#if( $oneStatus ){{id name='$role-bottom'/}}#else{{id name='$role-$status-bottom'/}}#end($thesisStatusRoleNo #if( $thesisStatusRoleNo == 1 ){{thesisStatus plural='no' uppercase='no' short='no'}}$status{{/thesisStatus}}#else{{thesisStatus plural='yes' uppercase='no' short='no'}}$status{{/thesisStatus}}#end {{stringEngIta eng='as' ita='come'/}} {{thesisRole short='yes'}}$role{{/thesisRole}}) [[[{{stringEngIta eng='top' ita='in cima'/}}]>>||anchor="top"]] [[[{{stringEngIta eng='bottom' ita='in fondo'/}}]>>||anchor="bottom"]]
118 + #if( $thesisFoundNo > 0 && !$oneCycle )
119 +(% style="border-style:#if( $oneYear )hidden solid solid hidden#{else}hidden dotted hidden hidden#end; border-color:$theme.borderColor; text-align:right; font-style:oblique; font-weight:normal; font-size:smaller; color:$theme.textSecondaryColor" %)|#if( $oneYear ){{id name='$cycle-bottom'/}}#else{{id name='$cycle-$year-bottom'/}}#end($thesisYearCycleNo #if( $thesisYearCycleNo == 1 ){{thesisCycle plural='no' uppercase='no' short='no'}}$cycle{{/thesisCycle}}#else{{thesisCycle plural='yes' uppercase='no' short='no'}}$cycle{{/thesisCycle}}#end {{stringEngIta eng='in' ita='nel'/}} $year [[[{{stringEngIta eng='top' ita='in cima'/}}]>>||anchor="top"]] [[[{{stringEngIta eng='bottom' ita='in fondo'/}}]>>||anchor="bottom"]]
123 123   #end
124 124   #end
125 125   #set( $thesisYearNo = $thesisYearNo + $thesisYearCycleNo )
126 126   #end
127 -## no user selected, no role selected
128 - #else
129 - #set ($sql = ", BaseObject as obj, StringProperty as prop0, DateProperty as prop1
130 - where = doc.fullName and obj.className = 'Theses.ThesisClass' and <> 'Theses.ThesisClassTemplate' and <> 'Theses.ThesisTemplate' and = and = and = 'status' and = '$orderingDateFieldName' and lower(prop0.value) = '$status' order by prop1.value desc" )
131 - #set( $thesisFound = $xwiki.searchDocuments($sql) )
132 - #set( $thesisFoundNo = $thesisFound.size() )
133 - #set( $thesisStatusNo = $thesisStatusNo + $thesisFoundNo )
134 - #foreach( $thesis in $thesisFound )
135 - #set($thesisDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($thesis))
136 - #set($thesisObj = $thesisDoc.getObject('Theses.ThesisClass'))
137 -* [[$thesisObj.title>>$thesisDoc]]#if( $thesisObj.endDate != "" ) //($thesisObj.endDate)//#end#if( $thesisDoc.getValue('studentUserName') != "" ) [[$xwiki.getUserName($thesisDoc.getValue('studentUserName'), false)>>$thesisDoc.getValue('studentUserName')]]#elseif( $thesisObj.studentFirstName != "" && $thesisObj.studentLastName != "" ) $thesisObj.studentFirstName $thesisObj.studentLastName#end
138 -
139 - #end
140 140   #end
141 - #if( !$oneStatus )
142 -(% style="border-style:hidden solid solid hidden; border-color:$theme.borderColor; text-align:right; font-style:oblique; font-weight:normal; font-size:smaller; color:$theme.textSecondaryColor" %)|($thesisStatusNo #if($thesisStatusNo == 1){{thesisStatus plural='false' uppercase='false' short='no'}}$status{{/thesisStatus}}#else{{thesisStatus plural='true' uppercase='false' short='no'}}$status{{/thesisStatus}}#end{{id name='$status-bottom'/}}) [[[{{stringEngIta eng='top' ita='in cima'/}}]>>||anchor="top"]] [[[{{stringEngIta eng='bottom' ita='in fondo'/}}]>>||anchor="bottom"]]
125 + #if( !$oneYear )
126 +(% style="border-style:hidden solid solid hidden; border-color:$theme.borderColor; text-align:right; font-style:oblique; font-weight:normal; font-size:smaller; color:$theme.textSecondaryColor" %)|($thesisYearNo #if($thesisYearNo == 1){{stringEngIta eng='thesis in' ita='tesi nel'/}}#else{{stringEngIta eng='theses in' ita='tesi nel'/}}#end$year{{id name='$year-bottom'/}}) [[[{{stringEngIta eng='top' ita='in cima'/}}]>>||anchor="top"]] [[[{{stringEngIta eng='bottom' ita='in fondo'/}}]>>||anchor="bottom"]]
143 143   #end
144 144   #end
145 -#end
146 146  {{id name='bottom'/}}
147 147  {{/velocity}}