Changes for page Per Year
From version 54.1
edited by Andrea Omicini
on 25/10/2021 21:45
on 25/10/2021 21:45
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To version 70.1
edited by Andrea Omicini
on 29/10/2021 15:21
on 29/10/2021 15:21
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Page properties (2 modified, 0 added, 0 removed)
- Page properties
- Title
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -Theses per Status1 +#if($xcontext.language=='it')Tesi per anno#{else}Theses per Year#end - Content
... ... @@ -1,14 +1,41 @@ 1 1 {{include reference="Theses.Environment"/}}{{include reference="Environment"/}}{{velocity}} 2 2 #set( $thesisMenu = true ) 3 -### START STATUS 4 -## hypothesis: $thesisStatus set, default "Completed" 5 -## status parameter 6 -#set( $statusPar = $request.status.trim().toLowerCase() ) 7 -#set( $oneStatus = false ) 8 -#if( $statusPar != '' && $allThesisStatuses.contains($statusPar) ) 9 - #set( $oneStatus = true ) 10 - #set( $selectedStatus = $statusPar ) 3 +#set( $oneYear = false ) 4 +### START YEAR 5 +## year parameter 6 +#set( $yearPar = $mathtool.toInteger("$!$request.year") ) 7 +#set( $fromPar = $mathtool.toInteger("$!$request.from") ) 8 +#set( $toPar = $mathtool.toInteger("$!$") ) 9 +#set( $firstYear = $firstYearTh ) 10 +#set( $lastYear = $lastYearTh ) 11 +#set( $yearList = [$lastYear..$firstYear] ) 12 +#if( $yearPar != '' ) 13 + #set( $oneYear = true ) 14 + #set( $selectedYear = $yearPar ) 15 +#else 16 + #if( $fromPar != '' && $yearList.contains($fromPar) ) 17 + #set( $firstYear = $fromPar ) 18 + #set( $yearList = [$lastYear..$firstYear] ) 19 + #end 20 + #if( $toPar != '' && $yearList.contains($toPar) ) 21 + #set( $lastYear = $toPar ) 22 + #set( $yearList = [$lastYear..$firstYear] ) 23 + #end 24 + #if( $lastYear <= $firstYear ) 25 + #set( $oneYear = true ) 26 + #set( $selectedYear = $firstYear ) 27 + #else 28 + #set( $yearList = [$lastYear..$firstYear] ) 29 + #end 11 11 #end 31 +$oneYear 32 +$selectedYear 33 +$firstYear 34 +$lastYear 35 +$yearList 36 +#stop 37 + 38 +STOP 12 12 ##check velocity variable, takes precedence 13 13 #if( $thesisStatus && $thesisStatus != '' && $allThesisStatuses.contains($thesisStatus.trim().toLowerCase()) ) 14 14 #set( $oneStatus = true ) ... ... @@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ 64 64 ## if $oneUser is false, $oneRole means nothing -- so all users, all roles / just status 65 65 ## 66 66 ## title 67 ->#if( $oneStatus ){{thesisStatus plural='yes' uppercase='yes'}}$selectedStatus{{/thesisStatus}}#else{{stringEngIta eng="Theses" ita="Tesi"/}}#end#if( $oneUser ) / $userFirstName **$userLastName**#end#if( $oneRole ) / $selectedRole#end{{id name='top'/}} 94 +>#if( $oneStatus ){{thesisStatus plural='yes' uppercase='yes'}}$selectedStatus{{/thesisStatus}}#else{{stringEngIta eng="Theses" ita="Tesi"/}}#end#if( $oneUser ) / $userFirstName **$userLastName**#end#if( $oneRole ) / {{thesisRole short='yes'}}$selectedRole{{/thesisRole}}#end{{id name='top'/}} 68 68 ## index 69 69 #if( !$oneStatus ) 70 70 (% style="font-size: smaller; padding:1em 1.5em 0.25em 1.5em; background-color:$theme.highlightColor" %)(((#foreach( $status in $allThesisStatuses )#if ($velocityCount > 1) | #end[[{{thesisStatus plural="true" uppercase="false"}}$status{{/thesisStatus}}>>||anchor="$status"]]#end))) 71 -#elseif( !$oneRole ) 72 -(% style="font-size: smaller; padding:1em 1.5em 0.25em 1.5em; background-color:$theme.highlightColor" %)(((#foreach( $role in $allThesisRoles )#if ($velocityCount > 1) | #end [[$role>>||anchor="$role"]]#end))) 98 +#elseif( $oneUser && !$oneRole ) 99 +(% style="font-size: smaller; padding:1em 1.5em 0.25em 1.5em; background-color:$theme.highlightColor" %)(((#foreach( $role in $allThesisRoles )#if ($velocityCount > 1) | #end [[{{thesisRole}}$role{{/thesisRole}}>>||anchor="$role"]]#end))) 73 73 #end{{id name='index'/}} 74 74 ## search theses 75 75 #set( $thesisNo = 0 ) ... ... @@ -86,26 +86,29 @@ 86 86 #set( $thesisStatusRoleNo = 0 ) 87 87 #if( !$oneRole || $selectedRole == $role ) 88 88 #if( $role == "contact" ) 89 - #set( $selectedRoleFieldName = "contact" ) 116 + #set( $selectedRoleFieldName = "contacts" ) 90 90 #elseif( $role == "cosupervisor" ) 91 - #set( $selectedRoleFieldName = "co Supervisors" )118 + #set( $selectedRoleFieldName = "cosupervisors" ) 92 92 #else 93 - #set( $selectedRoleFieldName = "supervisor" ) 120 + #set( $selectedRoleFieldName = "supervisors" ) 94 94 #end 95 95 ## some selected role or all roles / now $role 96 - #if( !$oneRole ) 97 -(% style="border-style:#if( $oneStatus )solid hidden hidden solid#{else}hidden hidden hidden dotted#end; border-color:$theme.borderColor; text-align:left; font-style:oblique; font-size:smaller" %)|#if( $oneStatus ){{id name='$role'/}}#else{{id name='$status-$role'/}}#end$role 98 - #end 99 99 #set ($sql = ", BaseObject as obj, StringProperty as prop0, LargeStringProperty as prop1, DateProperty as prop2 100 100 where = doc.fullName and obj.className = 'Theses.ThesisClass' and <> 'Theses.ThesisClassTemplate' and <> 'Theses.ThesisTemplate' and = and = and = and = 'status' and = '$selectedRoleFieldName' and = '$orderingDateFieldName' and lower(prop0.value) = '$status' and prop1.value like '%$selectedUser%' order by prop2.value desc" ) 101 101 #set( $thesisFound = $xwiki.searchDocuments($sql) ) 102 102 #set( $thesisFoundNo = $thesisFound.size() ) 103 103 #set( $thesisStatusRoleNo = $thesisStatusRoleNo + $thesisFoundNo ) 128 + #if( $thesisFoundNo > 0 && !$oneRole ) 129 +(% style="border-style:#if( $oneStatus )solid hidden hidden solid#{else}hidden hidden hidden dotted#end; border-color:$theme.borderColor; text-align:left; font-style:oblique; font-size:smaller" %)|#if( $oneStatus ){{id name='$role'/}}#else{{id name='$status-$role'/}}#end{{thesisRole plural='no' uppercase='yes' short='yes'}}$role{{/thesisRole}} 130 + #end 104 104 #foreach( $thesis in $thesisFound ) 105 -* $thesis 132 + #set($thesisDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($thesis)) 133 + #set($thesisObj = $thesisDoc.getObject('Theses.ThesisClass')) 134 +* [[$thesisObj.title>>$thesisDoc]]#if( $thesisObj.endDate != "" ) //($thesisObj.endDate)//#end#if( $thesisDoc.getValue('studentUserName') != "" ) [[$xwiki.getUserName($thesisDoc.getValue('studentUserName'), false)>>$thesisDoc.getValue('studentUserName')]]#elseif( $thesisObj.studentFirstName != "" && $thesisObj.studentLastName != "" ) $thesisObj.studentFirstName $thesisObj.studentLastName#end 135 + 106 106 #end 107 - #if( !$oneRole ) 108 -(% style="border-style:#if( $oneStatus )hidden solid solid hidden#{else}hidden dotted hidden hidden#end; border-color:$theme.borderColor; text-align:right; font-style:oblique; font-weight:normal; font-size:smaller; color:$theme.textSecondaryColor" %)|#if( $oneStatus ){{id name='$role-bottom'/}}#else{{id name='$role-$status-bottom'/}}#end($thesisStatusRoleNo $role $status) [[[{{stringEngIta eng='top' ita='in cima'/}}]>>||anchor="top"]] [[[{{stringEngIta eng='bottom' ita='in fondo'/}}]>>||anchor="bottom"]] 137 + #if( $thesisFoundNo > 0 && !$oneRole ) 138 +(% style="border-style:#if( $oneStatus )hidden solid solid hidden#{else}hidden dotted hidden hidden#end; border-color:$theme.borderColor; text-align:right; font-style:oblique; font-weight:normal; font-size:smaller; color:$theme.textSecondaryColor" %)|#if( $oneStatus ){{id name='$role-bottom'/}}#else{{id name='$role-$status-bottom'/}}#end($thesisStatusRoleNo #if( $thesisStatusRoleNo == 1 ){{thesisStatus plural='no' uppercase='no' short='no'}}$status{{/thesisStatus}}#else{{thesisStatus plural='yes' uppercase='no' short='no'}}$status{{/thesisStatus}}#end {{stringEngIta eng='as' ita='come'/}} {{thesisRole short='yes'}}$role{{/thesisRole}}) [[[{{stringEngIta eng='top' ita='in cima'/}}]>>||anchor="top"]] [[[{{stringEngIta eng='bottom' ita='in fondo'/}}]>>||anchor="bottom"]] 109 109 #end 110 110 #end 111 111 #set( $thesisStatusNo = $thesisStatusNo + $thesisStatusRoleNo ) ... ... @@ -118,18 +118,16 @@ 118 118 #set( $thesisFoundNo = $thesisFound.size() ) 119 119 #set( $thesisStatusNo = $thesisStatusNo + $thesisFoundNo ) 120 120 #foreach( $thesis in $thesisFound ) 121 -* $thesis 151 + #set($thesisDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($thesis)) 152 + #set($thesisObj = $thesisDoc.getObject('Theses.ThesisClass')) 153 +* [[$thesisObj.title>>$thesisDoc]]#if( $thesisObj.endDate != "" ) //($thesisObj.endDate)//#end#if( $thesisDoc.getValue('studentUserName') != "" ) [[$xwiki.getUserName($thesisDoc.getValue('studentUserName'), false)>>$thesisDoc.getValue('studentUserName')]]#elseif( $thesisObj.studentFirstName != "" && $thesisObj.studentLastName != "" ) $thesisObj.studentFirstName $thesisObj.studentLastName#end 154 + 122 122 #end 123 123 #end 124 124 #if( !$oneStatus ) 125 -(% style="border-style:hidden solid solid hidden; border-color:$theme.borderColor; text-align:right; font-style:oblique; font-weight:normal; font-size:smaller; color:$theme.textSecondaryColor" %)|$thesisStatusNo #if($thesisStatusNo == 1){{thesisStatus plural='false' uppercase='false' short=' true'}}$status{{/thesisStatus}}#else{{thesisStatus plural='true' uppercase='false' short='true'}}$status{{/thesisStatus}}#end{{id name='$status-bottom'/}} [[[{{stringEngIta eng='top' ita='in cima'/}}]>>||anchor="top"]] [[[{{stringEngIta eng='bottom' ita='in fondo'/}}]>>||anchor="bottom"]]158 +(% style="border-style:hidden solid solid hidden; border-color:$theme.borderColor; text-align:right; font-style:oblique; font-weight:normal; font-size:smaller; color:$theme.textSecondaryColor" %)|($thesisStatusNo #if($thesisStatusNo == 1){{thesisStatus plural='false' uppercase='false' short='no'}}$status{{/thesisStatus}}#else{{thesisStatus plural='true' uppercase='false' short='no'}}$status{{/thesisStatus}}#end{{id name='$status-bottom'/}}) [[[{{stringEngIta eng='top' ita='in cima'/}}]>>||anchor="top"]] [[[{{stringEngIta eng='bottom' ita='in fondo'/}}]>>||anchor="bottom"]] 126 126 #end 127 127 #end 128 -## 129 -## #set( $thesisFound = $xwiki.searchDocuments($sql) ) 130 -## #set($thesisDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($thesis)) 131 -## #set($thesisObj = $thesisDoc.getObject('Theses.ThesisClass')) 132 -##* [[$thesisObj.title>>$thesisDoc]] #if( $thesisDoc.getValue('studentUserName') != "" )//$thesisDoc.getValue('studentUserName')//#elseif( $thesisObj.studentFirstName != "" && $thesisObj.studentLastName != "" )//$thesisObj.studentFirstName $thesisObj.studentLastName//#end#if( $thesisObj.endDate != "" ) ($thesisObj.endDate)#end 133 -## #end 134 134 #end 162 +{{id name='bottom'/}} 135 135 {{/velocity}}