Designing and Programming Organizational Infrastructures for Agents situated in Artifact-based Environments - European PhD (PhD Dissertation, 30/04/2010) — Michele Piunti (Michele Piunti)
Designing and Programming Organisational Infrastructures for Agents situated in Artifact-based Environments (PhD XXII cycle seminars, DEIS Università di Bologna, 14/01/2010) — Michele Piunti (Michele Piunti)
Embodying Organisations in Multi-Agent Work Environments (2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT 2009), Milano, Italy, 17/09/2009) — Michele Piunti (Michele Piunti, Alessandro Ricci, Olivier Boissier, Jomi F. Hübner)
Embodied Organisations in MAS Environments (11/09/2009) — Michele Piunti (Michele Piunti, Alessandro Ricci, Olivier Boissier, Jomi F. Hübner)
Exploiting Agent Observability in Multi-Agent System Programming (German Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (MATES 2009), 09/09/2009) — Michele Piunti (Alessandro Ricci, Michele Piunti)
Design of SOA/WS applications using an Agent-based approach (Lecture Seminar in the context of Distributed System - A.A. 2008/2009, 12/06/2009) — Andrea Santi, Michele Piunti (Andrea Santi, Michele Piunti)
Introducing Relevance Awareness in BDI Agents (Programming Multi Agent Systems (PROMAS 2009), in the context of AAMAS 2009, 12/05/2009) — Michele Piunti (Michele Piunti)
Embodying Organisations - an Introduction (Seminar at Ecole des Mines - G2I, St-Etienne (France), 10/04/2009) — Michele Piunti (Michele Piunti)
From Objects based Middleware to Artifact based Work Environment in Multi-Agent Systems (Extensible Object Systems for Dynamic and Unpredictable Environments (EOS-DUE) Final Meeting, Torino , 09/01/2009) — Michele Piunti (Andrea Omicini, Michele Piunti, Mirko Viroli)
From Agents to Artifacts Back and Forth: Purposive and Doxastic Use of Artifacs in MAS (Sixth European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS-2008), 18/12/2008) — Michele Piunti (Alessandro Ricci, Michele Piunti)
Goal-Directed Interactions in Artifact-Based MAS: Jadex Agents playing in CARTAGO Environments (IEEE/WIC/ACM Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technologies WI-IAT 2008 (Sydney), 11/12/2008) — Michele Piunti (Michele Piunti, Alessandro Ricci, Lars Braubach, Alexander Pokahr)
Programming BDI agents in Jadex (Multi-Agent Systems (principles and applications) in Master Web Intelligence (Université Jean Monnet and Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines St-Etienne) , 25/11/2008) — Michele Piunti (Michele Piunti)
DA A AD A : Towards a Cognitive Use of Artifacts in MAS (Séminaires G2I, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines St-Etienne, 13/11/2008) — Michele Piunti (Alessandro Ricci, Michele Piunti)
Goal Directed Agents using Artifacts (Dagstuhl Seminar PRogramming Multi-Agent Systems, 04/09/2008) — Michele Piunti (Alessandro Ricci, Michele Piunti)