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6 pubblicazioni senza Web of Science ID  /  2018  /  Stefano Mariani
    author = {Ciatto, Giovanni and Mariani, Stefano and Omicini, Andrea and Zambonelli, Franco and Louvel, Maxime},
    booktitle = {Coordination Models and Languages},
    dblp = {conf/coordination/Ciatto0LOZ18},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-92408-3_3},
    editor = {Di Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna and Loreti, Michele},
    eisbn = {978-3-319-92408-3},
    iris = {11585/636939},
    keywords = {Coordination technologies, Middleware, Survey},
    note = {20th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, COORDINATION 2018, Held as Part of the 13th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2018, Madrid, Spain, June 18-21, 2018. Proceedings},
    numpages = 30,
    pages = {51--80},
    publisher = {Springer},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85048877084},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    title = {Twenty Years of Coordination Technologies: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives},
    url = {},
    volume = 10852,
    year = 2018
	year = 2018,
	status = {Published},
	venue_list = {--},
	url = {},
	journal = {International Workshop on Massively Multi-Agent Systems},
	author = {Lippi, Marco and Mamei, Marco and Mariani, Stefano and Zambonelli, Franco},
	title = {Distributed Speaking Objects: a Case for Massive Multiagent Systems},
	abstract = {Smart sensors and actuators, embedding learning and reasoning fea- tures and associated to everyday objects and locations, will soon densely popu- late our everyday environments. Being capable of understanding, reasoning, and reporting about what is happening (for sensors) and about what they can make possibly happen (for actuators), these “speaking objects” will thus be assimilable to autonomous situated agents. Accordingly, populations of speaking objects will define dense and massive multiagent systems, devoted to monitor and control our environments, let them be homes, industries or, in the large-scale, whole cities. In this context, the necessary coordination among speaking objects will be likely to become associated with the capability of argumenting about situations and about the current state of the affairs, triggering and directing proper distributed conver- sations, and eventually collectively reach future desirable state of the affairs. In this article, we detail the speaking object vision, overview the key enabling tech- nologies, and analyze the key challenges for engineering large-scale collectives of speaking objects and their conversations.}} 
    articleno = 23,
    author = {Calegari, Roberta and Ciatto, Giovanni and Mariani, Stefano and Denti, Enrico and Omicini, Andrea},
    dblp = {journals/fuin/CalegariDDO18},
    doi = {10.3390/bdcc2030023},
    eissn = {2504-2289},
    iris = {11585/640012},
    journal = {Big Data and Cognitive Computing},
    keywords = {Logic Programming as a Service, IoT, symbolic reasoning},
    number = 3,
    numpages = 26,
    publisher = {MDPI},
    scholar = {247396456770353218},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85075881133},
    title = {{LPaaS} as Micro-intelligence: Enhancing {IoT} with Symbolic Reasoning},
    url = {},
    urlpdf = {},
    volume = 2,
    year = 2018
    author = {Calegari, Roberta and Ciatto, Giovanni and Mariani, Stefano and Denti, Enrico and Omicini, Andrea},
    booktitle = {WOA 2018 -- 19th Workshop ``From Objects to Agents''},
    dblp = {conf/woa/CalegariC0DO18},
    editor = {Cossentino, Massimo and Sabatucci, Luca and Seidita, Valeria},
    iris = {11585/646038},
    keywords = {LPaaS, situatedness, logic programming, SOA, space-time programming},
    location = {Palermo, Italy},
    month = {29--30}}},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85054314622},
    series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
    subseries = {AI*IA Series},
    title = {Logic Programming in Space-Time: The Case of Situatedness in {LPaaS}},
    url = {},
    urlpdf = {},
    volume = 2215,
    year = 2018
    author = {Ciatto, Giovanni and Calegari, Roberta and Mariani, Stefano and Denti, Enrico and Omicini, Andrea},
    booktitle = {WOA 2018 -- 19th Workshop ``From Objects to Agents''},
    dblp = {conf/woa/CiattoC0DO18},
    editor = {Cossentino, Massimo and Sabatucci, Luca and Seidita, Valeria},
    iris = {11585/646042},
    keywords = {blockchain, logic programming, smart contracts},
    location = {Palermo, Italy},
    month = jun,
    pages = {69--74},
    publisher = {Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University},
    scholar = {816353538952619884},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85054323401},
    series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
    subseries = {AI*IA Series},
    title = {From the Blockchain to Logic Programming and Back: Research Perspectives},
    url = {},
    urlpdf = {},
    volume = 2215,
    year = 2018
	year = 2018,
	keywords = {coordination, socio-technical systems, MoK, Speaking Objects, ArgoRec, self-organisation, BIC, argumentation},
	status = {Published},
	venue_list = {--},
	editor = {Mazzara M., Ober I., Salaün G.},
	series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
	subseries = {Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2018)},
	eisbn = {978-3-030-04771-9},
	venue_s = {Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2018). Tolosa, Francia},
	publisher = {Springer},
	author = {Mariani, Stefano},
	title = {Coordination of Complex Socio-technical Systems: Challenges and Opportunities},
	isbn = {978-3-030-04770-2},
	note = {Invited paper},
	abstract = {The issue of coordination in Socio-Technical Systems (STS) mostly stems from "humans-in-the-loop", thus besides software-software we have software- human interactions to handle, too. Also, a number of peculiarities and related engineering challenges makes a socio-technical gap easy to rise, in the form of
a gap between what the computational platform provides, and what the users are expecting to have. In this paper, we try to shed some light on the issue of engineering coordination mechanisms and policies in STS. Accordingly, we highlight the main challenges, the opportunities we have to deal with them, and a few selected approaches for specific STS application domains.},
	volume = 11176,
	doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-04771-9_22},
	venue_e = {Events.ALP4IoT2017}} 
6 pubblicazioni nel 2018 senza Web of Science ID • in cimaindicein fondo