Changes for page Overview

From version 4.1
edited by Andrea Omicini
on 31/12/2021 23:59
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 7.1
edited by Andrea Omicini
on 23/07/2022 01:21
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



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1 -Overview
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1 -Every paradigm, computational model, or language is based on some kind of driving abstract or high level metaphors, which are often are essential to define the main characteristics of the paradigm abstractions. simpA metaphors are taken from humans cooperative working environments, where "systems" are composed by individual autonomous entities (humans), encapsulating different kind of skills, which actively carry on some kind of task or goal oriented activities, both individually and cooperatively by interacting with other individuals and suitably exploiting resources and tools, artifacts to use a unique term, available in the environment.
1 += Overview =
2 2  
3 -simpA brings this metaphor down to computer programming, conceiving a software systems as one or multiple **workspaces** where ensemble of autonomous entities called **agents** execute their task-oriented activities and interact by co-constructing, sharing and using **artifacts**, analogously to the human case.
3 +Every paradigm, computational model, or language is based on some kind of driving abstract or high level metaphors, which are often are essential to define the main characteristics of the paradigm abstractions. {{simpa/}} metaphors are taken from humans cooperative working environments, where "systems" are composed by individual autonomous entities (humans), encapsulating different kind of skills, which actively carry on some kind of task or goal oriented activities, both individually and cooperatively by interacting with other individuals and suitably exploiting resources and tools, artifacts to use a unique term, available in the environment.
4 4  
5 -So, while classes and objects are still used to represent basic data structures and abstract data types, in simpA agents and artifacts are used as basic high-level building blocks to decompose and structure complex systems, composed by ensemble of interacting and coordinating parts.
5 +{{simpa/}} brings this metaphor down to computer programming, conceiving a software systems as one or multiple **workspaces** where ensemble of autonomous entities called **agents** execute their task-oriented activities and interact by co-constructing, sharing and using **artifacts**, analogously to the human case.
6 6  
7 +So, while classes and objects are still used to represent basic data structures and abstract data types, in {{simpa/}} agents and artifacts are used as basic high-level building blocks to decompose and structure complex systems, composed by ensemble of interacting and coordinating parts.
8 +
7 7  In particular:
8 8  
9 9  * **agents** can be used to model as first-class abstraction pro-active entities, i.e. entities programmed so as to autonomously execute some kind activity - composed by one or more activities - encapsulating the control of such activity;
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17 17  //"The biggest sea change in software development since the OO revolution is knocking at the door, and its name is Concurrency ... The concurrency revolution is primarily a software revolution. The difficult problem is not building multicore hardware, but programming it in a way that lets mainstream applications benefit from the continued exponential growth in CPU performance ... Today concurrent programming languages and tools are at a level comparable to sequential programming at the beginning of the structured programming era. Semaphores and coroutines are the assembler of concurrency, and locks and threads are the slightly higher-level structured constructs of concurrency. What we need is OO for concurrency - higher-level abstractions that help build concurrent programs, just as object-oriented abstractions help build large componentized programs."//
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19 -Following this perspective, in simpA agents and artifacts abstractions can be used as higher-level building blocks to design and build concurrent applications, not providing just mechanisms but a new (methodological) perspective to be exploit for developing software systems.
21 +Following this perspective, in {{simpa/}} agents and artifacts abstractions can be used as higher-level building blocks to design and build concurrent applications, not providing just mechanisms but a new (methodological) perspective to be exploit for developing software systems.
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21 21  {{include reference="Environment" excludeFirstHeading="true"/}}


Alessandro Ricci email


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