Modifiche per il documento Overview

Dalla versione 1.2
modificato da Andrea Omicini
il 11/12/2020 22:09
Cambia il commento: Removed tag [Menu.1.2]
Alla versione 2.1
modificato da Andrea Omicini
il 11/12/2020 22:10
Cambia il commento: Nessun commento per questa versione



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1 +#includeMacros("SimpA.MacroSheet")
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2 2  Every paradigm, computational model, or language is based on some kind of driving abstract or high level metaphors, which are often are essential to define the main characteristics of the paradigm abstractions. simpA metaphors are taken from humans cooperative working environments, where "systems" are composed by individual autonomous entities (humans), encapsulating different kind of skills, which actively carry on some kind of task or goal oriented activities, both individually and cooperatively by interacting with other individuals and suitably exploiting resources and tools, artifacts to use a unique term, available in the environment.
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Alessandro Ricci email


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