Per Year
@article{Detassis_Lombardi_Milano_2021, author = {Detassis, Fabrizio and Lombardi, Michele and Milano, Michela}, doi = {10.1609/aaai.v35i5.16491}, journal = {Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, month = {May}, number = {5}, pages = {3742-3749}, title = {Teaching the Old Dog New Tricks: Supervised Learning with Constraints}, url = {}, volume = {35}, year = 2021}
@proceedings{proceedings-woa2021, address = {Aachen, Germany}, booktitle = {WOA 2021 -- 22nd Workshop ``From Objects to Agents''}, dblp = {conf/woa/2021}, editor = {Calegari, Roberta and Ciatto, Giovanni and Denti, Enrico and Omicini, Andrea and Sartor, Giovanni}, iris = {11585/834360}, issn = {1613-0073}, location = {Bologna, Italy}, month = oct, note = {22nd Workshop ``From Objects to Agents'' (WOA 2021), Bologna, Italy, 1--3~} # sep # {~2021. Proceedings}, pages = {II, 258}, publisher = {Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, subseries = {AI*IA Series}, title = {From Objects to Agents}, url = {}, volume = 2963, year = 2021 }
@inproceedings{xai-arg2P-causal2021, author = {Billi, Marco and Calegari, Roberta and Contissa, Giuseppe and Pisano, Giuseppe and Sartor, Galileo and Sartor, Giovanni}, booktitle = {Workshop on Causal Reasoning and Explanation in Logic Programming (CAUSAL 2021)}, editor = {LeBlanc, Emily and Vennekens, Joost and Son, Tran Cao and Cabalar, Pedro and Fandiño, Jorge and Balduccini, Marcello and Lierler, Yuliya}, iris = {11585/836343}, location = {Porto, Portugal (virtual)}, month = sep, numpages = 14, publisher = {Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, subseries = {AIxIA Series}, title = {Explainability through argumentation in logic programming}, url = {}, volume = 2970, year = 2021 }
@incollection{imagination-extraamas2021, address = {Basel, Switzerland}, author = {Ciatto, Giovanni and Najjar, Amro and Calbimonte, Jean-Paul and Calvaresi, Davide}, booktitle = {Explainable and Transparent AI and Multi-Agent Systems. Third International Workshop, EXTRAAMAS 2021, Virtual Event, May 3--7, 2021, Revised Selected Papers}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-82017-6_9}, editor = {Calvaresi, Davide and Najjar, Amro and Winikoff, Michael and Fr{\"a}mling, Kary}, iris = {11585/842452}, isbn = {978-3-030-82016-9}, eisbn = {978-3-030-82017-6}, issn = {0302-9743}, keywords = {Multi-agent systems; Imagination; BDI; Cognitive agents; XAI}, pages = {139--157}, publisher = {Springer Nature}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, subseries = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}, title = {Towards Explainable Visionary Agents: License to Dare and Imagine}, url = {}, volume = 12688, year = 2021}
@article{montagna-joms2021, author = {Montagna, Sara and Mariani, Stefano and Gamberini, Emiliano}, doi = {10.1007/s10916-021-01780-1}, isbn = {1573-689X}, journal = {Journal of Medical Systems}, number = 12, articleno = {103}, title = {{Augmenting BDI Agency with a Cognitive Service: Architecture and Validation in Healthcare Domain}}, url = {}, volume = 45, year = 2021}
@article{detonar-ieetnsm2021, author = {Agiollo, Andrea and Conti, Mauro and Kaliyar, Pallavi and Lin, TsungNan and Pajola, Luca}, doi = {10.1109/TNSM.2021.3075496}, ieee = {9415869}, iris = {11585/842654}, issn = {1932-4537}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management}, keywords = {Internet of Things, Low Power and Lossy Networks, Routing Protocol, Networking attacks, Intrusion Detection System}, number = 2, numpages = 13, pages = {1178 - 1190}, publisher = {IEEE}, title = {{DETONAR}: Detection of Routing Attacks in {RPL}-based {I}o{T}}, url = {}, urlpdf = {}, volume = 18, wos = {000660636700006}, year = 2021 }
@article{selforgcoord-fgcs114, author = {Pianini, Danilo and Casadei, Roberto and Viroli, Mirko and Natali, Antonio}, doi = {10.1016/j.future.2020.07.032}, issn = {0167-739X}, journal = {Future Generation Computer Systems}, keywords = {Coordination, Distributed systems, Design patterns, Self-organisation, Self-improving integration, Edge computing, Aggregate programming}, pages = {44--68}, title = {Partitioned integration and coordination via the self-organising coordination regions pattern}, url = {}, volume = 114, year = 2021}
@article{defreasoning-j-2021, author = {Billi, Marco and Calegari, Roberta and Contissa, Giuseppe and Lagioia, Francesca and Pisano, Giuseppe and Sartor, Galileo and Sartor, Giovanni}, doi = {10.3390/j4040061}, editor = {Ivascu, Larisa}, issn = {2571-8800}, journal = {J}, keywords = {argumentation; defeasible reasoning; tools and technologies; Arg2P}, month = dec, note = {Special Issue The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Law}, number = 4, pages = {897-914}, publisher = {MDPI}, status = {Published}, title = {Argumentation and Defeasible Reasoning in the Law}, url = {}, volume = 4, year = 2021}
@incollection{mpm-mdabook2021, author = {Molesini, Ambra and Denti, Enrico and Omicini, Andrea}, booktitle = {Advancements in Model-Driven Architecture in Software Engineering}, chapter = 4, doi = {10.4018/978-1-7998-3661-2.ch004}, editor = {Rhazali, Yassine}, eisbn = {9781799836636}, iris = {11585/769135}, isbn = {9781799836612}, isbn10 = {1799836614}, isbn13 = {9781799836629}, keywords = {Multi-Paradigm Modeling; Development Process; Meta-Modeling; MDE}, month = jun, numpages = 24, pages = {64--87}, publisher = {IGI Global}, scholar = {5411882464942243375}, semanticscholar = {224974647}, title = {{MDE} \& {MDA} in a Multi-Paradigm Modeling Perspective}, url = {}, year = 2021 }
@inproceedings{calegari-bpicail2021, keywords = {Burden of persuasion, argumentation, legal reasoning}, year = 2021, pages = {180–184}, author = {Calegari, Roberta and Riveret, Regis and Sartor, Giovanni}, numpages = 5, month = jun, publisher = {ACM}, doi = {10.1145/3462757.3466078}, isbn = {9781450385268}, title = {The Burden of Persuasion in Structured Argumentation}, booktitle = {ICAIL'21: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law}, editor = {Maranhão, Juliano and Wyner, Adam Zachary}, url = {}, series = {ICAIL'21}, location = {São Paulo - Brazil}}
@book{russellnorvig-ai, address = {Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA}, author = {Russell, Stuart J. and Norvig, Peter}, edition = {4th Global}, eisbn = {1-292-40113-3}, isbn = {978-0-13-604259-4}, isbn-10 = {0-13-604259-7}, isbn10 = {0-13-604259-7}, note = {Complementary materials at}, numpages = 1166, publisher = {Pearson Education Limited}, title = {Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach}, url = {}, year = 2021 }
@InProceedings{bp-standardproof-clar2021, author={Calegari, Roberta and Omicini, Andrea and Sartor, Giovanni}, editor={Baroni, Pietro and Benzmüller, Christoph and Wáng, Yὶ N.}, title={Burdens of Persuasion and Standards of Proof in Structured Argumentation}, booktitle={Logic and Argumentation}, year=2021, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, address={Cham}, pages={40--59}, doi={10.1007/978-3-030-89391-0_3}, isbn="978-3-030-89391-0" }
@article{mlexplanations-corr210607756, author = {Verma, Sahil and Dickerson, John P. and Hines, Keegan}, eprint = {2106.07756}, eprinttype = {arXiv}, journal = {CoRR}, title = {Counterfactual Explanations for Machine Learning: {C}hallenges Revisited}, url = {}, urlopenaccess = {}, urlpdf = {}, volume = {abs/2106.07756}, year = 2021 }
@inproceedings{microserivces-icsme2021, author = {Pianini, Danilo and Neri, Alessandro}, booktitle = {2021 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME)}, doi = {10.1109/ICSME52107.2021.00051}, pages = {505--514}, title = {Breaking down monoliths with Microservices and DevOps: an industrial experience report}, url = {}, year = 2021}
Scopus ID
Andrea Agiollo
Roberta Calegari
Giovanni Ciatto
Cristian Cosci
Angelo Croatti
Enrico Denti
Matteo Magnini
Sara Montagna
Andrea Omicini
Giuseppe Pisano
Andrea Rafanelli
Federico Sabbatini