Per Year
@inproceedings{ADV-ALP4IOT2018, author = {Audrito, Giorgio and Damiani, Ferruccio and Viroli, Mirko}, title = {Aggregate Graph Statistics}, booktitle = {Proceedings First Workshop on Architectures, Languages and Paradigms for IoT, ALP4IoT at iFM 2017, Turin, Italy, September 18, 2017.}, pages = {18--22}, year = {2017}, url = {}, doi = {10.4204/EPTCS.264.2}, editor = {Pianini, Danilo and Salvaneschi, Guido}, series = {Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science}, volume = {264}, year = {2018} }
@inproceedings{FRSVZ-WFIOT2018, author = {Fortino, Giancarlo and Russo, Wilma and Savaglio, Claudio and Viroli, Mirko and Zhou, MengChu}, title = {Opportunistic cyberphysical services: {A} novel paradigm for the future Internet of Things}, booktitle = {4th {IEEE} World Forum on Internet of Things, WF-IoT 2018, Singapore, February 5-8, 2018}, pages = {488--492}, year = {2018}, url = {}, doi = {10.1109/WF-IoT.2018.8355174} }
@article{VABDP-TOMACS2018, author = {Viroli, Mirko and Audrito, Giorgio and Beal, Jacob and Damiani, Ferruccio and Pianini, Danilo}, title = {Engineering Resilient Collective Adaptive Systems by Self-Stabilisation}, journal = {ACM Transaction on Modelling and Computer Simulation}, issue_date = {March 2018}, volume = {28}, number = {2}, month = mar, year = {2018}, issn = {1049-3301}, pages = {16:1--16:28}, articleno = {16}, numpages = {28}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/3177774}, acm = {3177774}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {Aggregate computing, collective adaptive systems, distributed algorithms, field calculus, self-stabilisation, simulation and modeling}, }
@article{gradients-scp166, Author = {Audrito, Giorgio and Damiani, Ferruccio and Viroli, Mirko}, Doi = {10.1016/j.scico.2018.06.002}, Issn = {0167-6423}, Journal = {Science of Computer Programming}, Keywords = {Aggregate programming, Gradient, Information speed, Reliability, Spatial computing}, Pages = {146--166}, Title = {Optimal single-path information propagation in gradient-based algorithms}, Url = {}, Volume = 166, Year = 2018}
@inproceedings{VBDACP-COORDNATION2018, author = {Viroli, Mirko and Beal, Jacob and Damiani, Ferruccio and Audrito, Giorgio and Casadei, Roberto and Pianini, Danilo }, title = {From Field-Based Coordination to Aggregate Computing}, booktitle = {Coordination Models and Languages - 20th {IFIP} {WG} 6.1 International Conference, {COORDINATION} 2018, Held as Part of the 13th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2018, Madrid, Spain, June 18-21, 2018. Proceedings}, editor = {Di Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna and Loreti, Michele}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {10852}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {252--279}, year = {2018}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-92408-3_12}, }
@inproceedings{ABDV-COORDINATION2018, author = {Audrito, Giorgio and Beal, Jacob and Damiani, Ferruccio and Viroli, Mirko }, title = {Space-Time Universality of Field Calculus}, booktitle = {Coordination Models and Languages - 20th {IFIP} {WG} 6.1 International Conference, {COORDINATION} 2018, Held as Part of the 13th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2018, Madrid, Spain, June 18-21, 2018. Proceedings}, pages = {1--20}, year = {2018}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {10852}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-92408-3_1}, editor = {Di Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna and Loreti, Michele } }
@article{10.1145/3236009, address = {New York, NY, USA}, articleno = 93, author = {Guidotti, Riccardo and Monreale, Anna and Ruggieri, Salvatore and Turini, Franco and Giannotti, Fosca and Pedreschi, Dino}, doi = {10.1145/3236009}, issn = {0360-0300}, issue_date = {September 2019}, journal = {ACM Comput. Surv.}, keywords = {interpretability, explanations, Open the black box, transparent models}, month = aug, number = 5, numpages = 42, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, title = {A Survey of Methods for Explaining Black Box Models}, url = {}, volume = 51, year = 2018}
@article{modelinterpretability-cacm61, acm = {10.1145/3233231}, author = {Lipton, Zachary C.}, doi = {10.1145/3233231}, journal = {Communications of the ACM}, month = oct, number = 10, pages = {36--43}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, title = {The mythos of model interpretability}, url = {}, volume = 61, year = 2018 }
@InProceedings{CAV-FOCLASA2017-LNCS10729, author={Casadei, Roberto and Aldini, Alessandro and Viroli, Mirko}, editor={Cerone, Antonio and Roveri, Marco}, title={Combining Trust and Aggregate Computing}, booktitle={Software Engineering and Formal Methods}, year={2018}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, volume = {10729}, pages={507--522}, abstract={Recent trends such as the Internet of Things and pervasive computing demand for novel engineering approaches able to support the specification and scalable runtime execution of adaptive behaviour of large collections of interacting devices. Aggregate computing is one such approach, formally founded in the field calculus, which enables programming of device aggregates by a global stance, through a functional composition of self-organisation patterns that is turned automatically into repetitive local computations and gossip-like interactions. However, the logically decentralised and open nature of such algorithms and systems presumes a fundamental cooperation of the devices involved: an error in a device or a focused attack may significantly compromise the computation outcome and hence the algorithms built on top of it. We propose trust as a framework to detect, ponder or isolate voluntary/involuntary misbehaviours, with the goal of mitigating the influence on the overall computation. To better understand the fragility of aggregate systems in face of attacks and investigate possible countermeasures, in this paper we consider the paradigmatic case of the gradient algorithm, analysing the impact of offences and the mitigation afforded by the adoption of trust mechanisms.}, isbn={978-3-319-74781-1} }
@article{CAV-SCP2018, Author = {Casadei, Roberto and Aldini, Alessandro and Viroli, Mirko}, Doi = {10.1016/j.scico.2018.07.006}, Issn = {0167-6423}, Journal = {Science of Computer Programming}, Keywords = {Aggregate programming, Gradient, Information speed, Reliability, Spatial computing}, Pages = {114--137}, Title = {Towards attack-resistant Aggregate Computing using trust mechanisms}, Url = {}, Volume = 167, Year = 2018}
@inproceedings{casadei2018ecas, booktitle = {2018 IEEE 3rd International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS* W)}, year = 2018, status = {Published}, author = {Casadei, Roberto and Viroli, Mirko}, title = {Collective Abstractions and Platforms for Large-Scale Self-Adaptive IoT}, pages = {106--111}, doi = {10.1109/FAS-W.2018.00033}}
@inproceedings{, year = 2018, status = {Published}, venue_list = {--}, url = {}, journal = {International Workshop on Massively Multi-Agent Systems}, author = {Lippi, Marco and Mamei, Marco and Mariani, Stefano and Zambonelli, Franco}, title = {Distributed Speaking Objects: a Case for Massive Multiagent Systems}, abstract = {Smart sensors and actuators, embedding learning and reasoning fea- tures and associated to everyday objects and locations, will soon densely popu- late our everyday environments. Being capable of understanding, reasoning, and reporting about what is happening (for sensors) and about what they can make possibly happen (for actuators), these “speaking objects” will thus be assimilable to autonomous situated agents. Accordingly, populations of speaking objects will define dense and massive multiagent systems, devoted to monitor and control our environments, let them be homes, industries or, in the large-scale, whole cities. In this context, the necessary coordination among speaking objects will be likely to become associated with the capability of argumenting about situations and about the current state of the affairs, triggering and directing proper distributed conver- sations, and eventually collectively reach future desirable state of the affairs. In this article, we detail the speaking object vision, overview the key enabling tech- nologies, and analyze the key challenges for engineering large-scale collectives of speaking objects and their conversations.}}
@article{Armano_2018, doi = {10.3847/1538-4357/aaa774}, url = {}, year = 2018, month = {feb}, publisher = {American Astronomical Society}, volume = {854}, number = {2}, pages = {113}, author = {Armano, M. and Audley, H. and Baird, J. and Bassan, M. and Benella, S. and Binetruy, P. and Born, M. and Bortoluzzi, D. and Cavalleri, A. and Cesarini, A. and Cruise, A. M. and Danzmann, K. and de Deus Silva, K. and Diepholz, I. and Dixon, G. and Dolesi, R. and Fabi, M. and Ferraioli, L. and Ferroni, V. and Finetti, N. and Fitzsimons, E. D. and Freschi, M. and Gesa, L. and Gibert, F. and Giardini, D. and Giusteri, R. and Grimani, C. and Grzymisch, J. and Harrison, I. and Heinzel, G. and Hewitson, M. and Hollington, D. and Hoyland, D. and Hueller, M. and Inchausp{\'{e}}, H. and Jennrich, O. and Jetzer, P. and Karnesis, N. and Kaune, B. and Korsakova, N. and Killow, C. J. and Laurenza, M. and Lobo, J. A. and Lloro, I. and Liu, L. and L{\'{o}}pez-Zaragoza, J. P. and Maarschalkerweerd, R. and Mance, D. and Mart{\'{\i}}n, V. and Martin-Polo, L. and Martino, J. and Martin-Porqueras, F. and Mateos, I. and McNamara, P. W. and Mendes, J. and Mendes, L. and Nofrarias, M. and Paczkowski, S. and Perreur-Lloyd, M. and Petiteau, A. and Pivato, P. and Plagnol, E. and Ramos-Castro, J. and Reiche, J. and Robertson, D. I. and Rivas, F. and Russano, G. and Sabbatini, Federico and Slutsky, J. and Sopuerta, C. F. and Sumner, T. and Tellon, D. and Texier, D. and Thorpe, J. I. and Vetrugno, D. and Vitale, S. and Wanner, G. and Ward, H. and Wass, P. and Weber, W. J. and Wissel, L. and Wittchen, A. and Zambotti, A. and Zanoni, C. and Zweifel, P.}, title = {Characteristics and Energy Dependence of Recurrent Galactic Cosmic-Ray Flux Depressions and of a Forbush Decrease with {LISA} Pathfinder}, journal = {The Astrophysical Journal}, abstract = {Galactic cosmic-ray (GCR) energy spectra observed in the inner heliosphere are modulated by the solar activity, the solar polarity and structures of solar and interplanetary origin. A high counting rate particle detector (PD) aboard LISA Pathfinder, meant for subsystems diagnostics, was devoted to the measurement of GCR and solar energetic particle integral fluxes above 70 MeV n−1 up to 6500 counts s−1. PD data were gathered with a sampling time of 15 s. Characteristics and energy dependence of GCR flux recurrent depressions and of a Forbush decrease dated 2016 August 2 are reported here. The capability of interplanetary missions, carrying PDs for instrument performance purposes, in monitoring the passage of interplanetary coronal mass ejections is also discussed.} }
@incollection{ActorsAggregate2018, booktitle = {Programming with Actors: State-of-the-Art and Research Perspectives}, year = 2018, url = {}, editor = {Ricci, Alessandro and Haller, Philipp}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {Casadei, Roberto and Viroli, Mirko}, title = {Programming Actor-Based Collective Adaptive Systems}, pages = {94--122}, volume = 10789, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-00302-9_4}}
@inproceedings{Montagna-WIVACE2017, address = {Cham}, author = {Montagna, Sara and Braccini, Michele and Roli, Andrea}, booktitle = {Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-78658-2_8}, editor = {Pelillo, Marcello and Poli, Irene and Roli, Andrea and Serra, Roberto and Slanzi, Debora and Villani, Marco}, isbn = {978-3-319-78658-2}, pages = {104--115}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, scopus = {2-s2.0-85045231827}, title = {The Impact of Self-loops in Random Boolean Network Dynamics: A Simulation Analysis}, url = {}, year = 2018 }
@INPROCEEDINGS{ADVB-RTSS2018, author={Audrito, Giorgio and Damiani, Ferruccio and Viroli, Mirko and Bini, Enrico}, booktitle={2018 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS)}, title={Distributed Real-Time Shortest-Paths Computations with the Field Calculus}, year={2018}, volume={}, number={}, pages={23-34}, keywords={Calculus;Aggregates;Programming;Computational modeling;Real-time systems;Sensors;Wireless sensor networks;aggregate computing;field calculus;shortest path;IoT;distributed systems}, doi={10.1109/RTSS.2018.00013}, ISSN={2576-3172}, month={Dec}}
@incollection{smfoclasa2018invited, author = {Mariani, Stefano}, booktitle = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-04771-9_22}, editor = {Manuel Mazzara and Iulian Ober and Gwen Salaün}, eisbn = {978-3-030-04771-9}, isbn = {978-3-030-04770-2}, keywords = {coordination, socio-technical systems, MoK, Speaking Objects, ArgoRec, self-organisation, BIC, argumentation}, note = {Invited paper}, publisher = {Springer}, scopus = {2-s2.0-85058577434}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, subseries = {Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2018)}, title = {Coordination of Complex Socio-technical Systems: Challenges and Opportunities}, url = {}, urlopenaccess = {}, volume = 11176, year = 2018 }
Andrea Agiollo
Roberta Calegari
Giovanni Ciatto
Cristian Cosci
Angelo Croatti
Enrico Denti
Matteo Magnini
Sara Montagna
Andrea Omicini
Giuseppe Pisano
Andrea Rafanelli
Federico Sabbatini