Per Year

5 publications without ACM ID  /  1987
    author = {Bratman, Michael E.},
    isbn = {9780674458192},
    isbn-10 = {0674458192},
    isbn10 = {0674458192},
    month = nov,
    publisher = {Harvard University Press},
    title = {Intention, Plans, and Practical Reason},
    year = 1987
	Address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
	Author = {Osterweil, Leon J.},
	Booktitle = {9th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '87)},
	Isbn = {0-89791-216-0},
	Location = {Monterey, California, United States},
	Pages = {2--13},
	Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
	Title = {Software Processes are Software too},
	Year = 1987} 
	Address = {New York, NYU, USA},
	Author = {Suchman, Lucy A.},
	Booktitle = {Plans and Situated Actions: The Problem of Human-Machine Communication},
	Chapter = 4,
	Isbn = {978-0521337397},
	Isbn-10 = {0-521-33137-4},
	Pages = {49--67},
	Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
	Title = {Situated Actions},
	Year = 1987} 
	Author = {Girard, Jean-Yves},
	Issn = {0304-3975},
	Journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
	Number = 1,
	Pages = {1--102},
	Publisher = {North Holland, Amsterdam},
	Title = {Linear logic},
	Volume = 50,
	Year = 1987}
    address = {Seattle, WA, USA},
    author = {Georgeff, Michael P. and Lansky, Amy L.},
    booktitle = {6th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-87)},
    editor = {Forbus, Kenneth and Shrobe, Howard},
    isbn = {0-934613-42-7},
    isbn-13 = {978-0-262-51055-4},
    month = {13-17}}},
    publisher = {AAAI Press},
    title = {Reactive Reasoning and Planning},
    url = {},
    volume = 2,
    year = 1987
5 publications in 1987 without ACM ID • topindexbottom

publications without ACM ID  /  1987  /  personal
Andrea Agiollo  •  Roberta Calegari  •  Giovanni Ciatto  •  Cristian Cosci  •  Angelo Croatti  •  Enrico Denti  •  Matteo Magnini  •  Sara Montagna  •  Andrea Omicini  •  Giuseppe Pisano  •  Andrea Rafanelli  •  Federico Sabbatini