Per Year
- Opportunistic cyberphysical services: A novel paradigm for the future Internet of Things (paper in proceedings) — Giancarlo Fortino, Wilma Russo, Claudio Savaglio, Mirko Viroli, MengChu Zhou
- Engineering Resilient Collective Adaptive Systems by Self-Stabilisation (article in journal) — Mirko Viroli, Giorgio Audrito, Jacob Beal, Ferruccio Damiani, Danilo Pianini
- Hypermedia to connect them all autonomous hypermedia agents and sociotechnical interactions (article in journal) — Simon Mayer, Andrei Ciortea, Alessandro Ricci, Maria Ines Robles, Matthias Kovatsch, Angelo Croatti
- Optimal single-path information propagation in gradient-based algorithms (article in journal) — Giorgio Audrito, Ferruccio Damiani, Mirko Viroli
- From Field-Based Coordination to Aggregate Computing (paper in proceedings) — Mirko Viroli, Jacob Beal, Ferruccio Damiani, Giorgio Audrito, Roberto Casadei, Danilo Pianini
- Space-Time Universality of Field Calculus (paper in proceedings) — Giorgio Audrito, Jacob Beal, Ferruccio Damiani, Mirko Viroli
- A Survey of Methods for Explaining Black Box Models (article in journal) — Riccardo Guidotti, Anna Monreale, Salvatore Ruggieri, Franco Turini, Fosca Giannotti, Dino Pedreschi
- The mythos of model interpretability (article in journal) — Zachary C. Lipton
- Towards attack-resistant Aggregate Computing using trust mechanisms (article in journal) — Roberto Casadei, Alessandro Aldini, Mirko Viroli
- Collective Abstractions and Platforms for Large-Scale Self-Adaptive IoT (paper in proceedings) — Roberto Casadei, Mirko Viroli
- Distributed Speaking Objects: a Case for Massive Multiagent Systems (paper in proceedings) — Marco Lippi, Marco Mamei, Stefano Mariani, Franco Zambonelli
- Characteristics and Energy Dependence of Recurrent Galactic Cosmic-Ray Flux Depressions and of a Forbush Decrease with LISA Pathfinder (article in journal) — M. Armano, H. Audley, J. Baird, M. Bassan, S. Benella, P. Binetruy, M. Born, D. Bortoluzzi, A. Cavalleri, A. Cesarini, A. M. Cruise, K. Danzmann, K. de Deus Silva, I. Diepholz, G. Dixon, R. Dolesi, M. Fabi, L. Ferraioli, V. Ferroni, N. Finetti, E. D. Fitzsimons, M. Freschi, L. Gesa, F. Gibert, D. Giardini, R. Giusteri, C. Grimani, J. Grzymisch, I. Harrison, G. Heinzel, M. Hewitson, D. Hollington, D. Hoyland, M. Hueller, H. Inchauspé, O. Jennrich, P. Jetzer, N. Karnesis, B. Kaune, N. Korsakova, C. J. Killow, M. Laurenza, J. A. Lobo, I. Lloro, L. Liu, J. P. López-Zaragoza, R. Maarschalkerweerd, D. Mance, V. Martín, L. Martin-Polo, J. Martino, F. Martin-Porqueras, I. Mateos, P. W. McNamara, J. Mendes, L. Mendes, M. Nofrarias, S. Paczkowski, M. Perreur-Lloyd, A. Petiteau, P. Pivato, E. Plagnol, J. Ramos-Castro, J. Reiche, D. I. Robertson, F. Rivas, G. Russano, Federico Sabbatini, J. Slutsky, C. F. Sopuerta, T. Sumner, D. Tellon, D. Texier, J. I. Thorpe, D. Vetrugno, S. Vitale, G. Wanner, H. Ward, P. Wass, W. J. Weber, L. Wissel, A. Wittchen, A. Zambotti, C. Zanoni, P. Zweifel
- Programming Actor-Based Collective Adaptive Systems (book chapter) — Roberto Casadei, Mirko Viroli
- Distributed Real-Time Shortest-Paths Computations with the Field Calculus (paper in proceedings) — Giorgio Audrito, Ferruccio Damiani, Mirko Viroli, Enrico Bini
Scopus ID
Andrea Agiollo
Roberta Calegari
Giovanni Ciatto
Angelo Croatti
Enrico Denti
Matteo Magnini
Sara Montagna
Andrea Omicini
Giuseppe Pisano
Andrea Rafanelli
Federico Sabbatini