Per Year

37 publications without IRIS ID  /  2012
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2012) },
publisher = {ACM},
author = {Montagna, Sara and Pianini, Danilo and Viroli, Mirko},
title = {A Model for Drosophila Melanogaster Development from a Single Cell to Stripe Pattern Formation},
isbn = {978-1-4503-0857-1},
year = 2012,
status = {Published},
pages = {1406--1412},
venue = {SAC},
editor = {Shin, Dongwan  and Hung, Chih-Cheng and Hong, Jiman},
address = {Riva del Garda (Trento), Italy},
month = {26-30 March}}
   address = {SASO 2012, Lyon France},
   author = {Alberti, Marco and Omicini, Andrea},
   booktitle = {1st International Workshop on Adaptive Service Ecosystems: Natural and Socially Inspired Solutions (ASENSIS 2012)},
   editor = {Fernandez-Marquez, José Luis and Montagna, Sara and Omicini, Andrea and Zambonelli, Franco},
   keywords = {pervasive ecosystems, SAPERE coordination model, model checking, data mining, behaviour prediction},
   month = {10~} # sep,
   note = {Pre-proceedings},
   pages = {5--10},
   title = {Towards the Analysis \& Prediction of Complex System Behaviour in {SAPERE}},
   year = 2012
Author = {Peters, Kirstin and Nestmann, Uwe},
Booktitle = {Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures},
Doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-28729-9_14},
Editor = {Birkedal, Lars},
Isbn = {978-3-642-28728-2},
Pages = {210--224},
Publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
Series = {LNCS},
Title = {Is It a ``Good'' Encoding of Mixed Choice?},
Url = {},
Volume = 7213,
Year = 2012}
Address = {Riva del Garda, TN, Italy},
Author = {Viroli, Mirko and Pianini, Danilo and Montagna, Sara and Stevenson, Graeme},
Booktitle = {27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2012)},
Doi = {10.1145/2245276.2245336},
Editor = {Ossowski, Sascha and Lecca, Paola and Hung, Chih-Cheng and Hong, Jiman},
Isbn = {978-1-4503-0857-1},
Month = {26--30~} # mar,
Publisher = {ACM},
Title = {Pervasive Ecosystems: a Coordination Model based on Semantic Chemistry},
Url = {},
Year = 2012}
author = {Viroli, Mirko and Pianini, Danilo and Beal, Jacob},
title = {Linda in space-time: an adaptive coordination model for mobile ad-hoc environments},
  booktitle = {Coordination Languages and Models},
  editor = {Sirjani, Marjan},
volume =    7274,
  series =    {LNCS},
  year =      2012,
  month =     jun,
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  pages =     {212--229},
note = {Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Coordination Models and Languages (Coordination 2012),Stockholm (Sweden), 14-15 June},
  issn =      {0302-9743}
urlpdf = {},
issn = {1613-0073},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Objects and Agents},
publisher = {CEUR-WS},
author = {Casadei, Matteo and Viroli, Mirko},
title = {A Framework to Specify and Verify Computational Fields for Pervasive Computing Systems},
year = 2012,
status = {Published},
venue = {WOA},
editor = {De Paoli, Flavio and Vizzari, Giuseppe},
month = {12 September}}
   author = {Toni, Francesca and Torroni, Paolo},
   booktitle = {Theorie and Applications of Formal Argumentation},
   doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-29184-5_16},
   editor = {Modgil, Sanjay and Oren, Nir and Toni, Francesca},
   pages = {249--262},
   publisher = {Springer},
   series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
   subseries = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
   title = {Bottom-Up Argumentation},
   url = {},
   volume = 7132,
   year = 2012
Author = {Stevenson, Graeme and Viroli, Mirko and Ye, Juan and Montagna, Sara and Dobson, Simon},
Address = {SASO 2012, Lyon, France},
Booktitle = {1st International Workshop on Adaptive Service Ecosystems: Natural and Socially Inspired Solutions (ASENSIS 2012)},
Editor = {Fernandez-Marquez, Jos\'e Luis and Montagna, Sara and Omicini, Andrea and Zambonelli, Franco},
Month = {10~} # sep,
Note = {Pre-proceedings},
Pages = {47--52},
Title = {Self-organising Semantic Resource Discovery for Pervasive Systems},
Year = 2012}
Address = {London},
Booktitle = {The Goals of Cognition. Essays in Honor of {C}ristiano {C}astelfranchi},
Editor = {Paglieri, Fabio and Tummolini, Luca and Falcone, Rino and Miceli, Maria},
Isbn = {978-1-84890-094-3},
Keywords = {cognition; goals; tribute to Cristiano Castelfranchi},
Month = dec,
Publisher = {College Publications},
Series = {Tributes},
Title = {The Goals of Cognition. Essays in Honor of {C}ristiano {C}astelfranchi},
Url = {},
Volume = 20,
Year = 2012}
Author = {Viroli, Mirko and Zambonelli, Franco and Stevenson, Graeme and Dobson, Simon},
Booktitle = {Adaptive Web Services for Modular and Reusable Software Development: Tactics and Solution},
Chapter = 8,
Doi = {10.4018/978-1-4666-2089-6.ch008},
Editor = {Cubo, Javier and Ortiz, Guadalupe},
Isbn = {978-1-4666-2091-9},
Isbn-10 = {9781466620896},
Isbn-13 = 1466620897,
Keywords = {Pervasive Computing, Service Oriented Architectures, RDF, Pervasive Ecosystems},
Pages = {207--237},
Pdf-Local = {chapter.pdf},
Publisher = {IGI Global},
Title = {From {SOA} to Pervasive Service Ecosystems: An Approach based on {S}emantic {W}eb technologies},
Url = {},
Year = 2012}
Author = {Dustdar, Schahram and Truong, Hong-Linh},
Date-Added = {2014-04-08 15:11:04 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-04-08 15:11:32 +0000},
Journal = {International Journal of Next-Generation Computing},
Number = {2},
Title = {Virtualizing Software and Humans for Elastic Processes in Multiple Clouds-a Service Management Perspective},
Volume = {3},
Year = {2012}}
author = {Ricci, Alessandro and Santi, Andrea},
title = {Programming abstractions for integrating autonomous and reactive behaviors: an agent-oriented approach},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd edition on Programming systems, languages and applications based on actors, agents, and decentralized control abstractions},
series = {AGERE! '12},
year = {2012},
isbn = {978-1-4503-1630-9},
location = {Tucson, Arizona, USA},
pages = {83--94},
numpages = {12},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/2414639.2414650},
acm = {2414650},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
keywords = {ageactors, agent-oriented programming, autonomy, event-driven programming, reactivity},
Author = {Dustdar, Schahram and Guo, Yike and Han, Rui and Satzger, Benjamin and Truong, Hong-Linh},
Date-Added = {2014-04-08 15:04:40 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-04-08 15:05:31 +0000},
Journal = {IEEE Internet Computing},
Number = {6},
Title = {Programming Directives for Elastic Computing},
Volume = {16},
Year = {2012}}
Address = {Valencia, Spain},
Author = {Viroli, Mirko and Stevenson, Graeme},
Booktitle = {Workshop on Spatial Computing},
Month = jun,
Title = {On the Space-time Situation of Pervasive Service Ecosystems},
Url = {},
       Note = {Informal Proceedings},
Year = 2012}
   acm = {2348836},
   articleno = 33,
   author = {Puviani, Mariachiara and Di Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna and Frei, Regina and Cabri, Giacomo},
   doi = {10.1145/2348832.2348836},
   issn = {1556-4665},
   journal = {ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS)},
   month = sep,
   number = 12,
   numpages = 25,
   pages = {33:1-33:25},
   publisher = {ACM Press},
   title = {A Method Fragments Approach to Methodologies for Engineering Self-Organising Systems},
   url = {},
   volume = 7,
   year = 2012
Author = {Coulouris, George and Dollimore, Jean and Kindberg, Tim and Blair, Gordon},
Booktitle = {Distributed Systems. Concepts and Design},
Edition = {5th},
Isbn = {978-0-273-76059-7},
Isbn-10 = {0132143011},
Isbn-13 = {978-0-132-14301-1},
Publisher = {Pearson},
Title = {Distributed Systems. Concepts and Design},
Url = {},
Year = 2012}
 title={Standard Type Soundness for Agents and Artifacts},
 author={Damiani, Ferruccio and Giannini, Paola and Ricci, Alessandro and Viroli, Mirko},
 journal={Scientific Annals of Computer Science},
 organization={``A.I. Cuza'' University, Iacsi, Romania},
 publisher={``A.I. Cuza'' University Press, Iacsi}
     booktitle={Morphogenetic Engineering},
     series={Understanding Complex Systems},
     editor={Doursat, Ren\'e and Sayama, Hiroki and Michel, Olivier},
     title={A Computational Framework for Multilevel Morphologies},
     publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
     author={Montagna, Sara and Viroli, Mirko},
  author = {Fernandez-Marquez, Jose Luis and Serugendo, Giovanna Di Marzo and Montagna, Sara},
  affiliation = {University of Geneva, Switzerland},
  title = {BIO-CORE: Bio-inspired Self-organising Mechanisms Core},
  booktitle = {Bio-Inspired Models of Networks, Information, and Computing Systems},
  series = {Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering},
  editor = {Hart, Emma and Timmis, Jon and Mitchell, Paul and Nakamo, Takadash and Dabiri, Foad and Akan, Ozgur and Bellavista, Paolo and Cao, Jiannong and Dressler, Falko and Ferrari, Domenico and Gerla, Mario and Kobayashi, Hisashi and Palazzo, Sergio and Sahni, Sartaj and Shen, Xuemin (Sherman) and Stan, Mircea and Xiaohua, Jia and Zomaya, Albert and Coulson, Geoffrey},
  publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
  isbn = {978-3-642-32711-7},
  keyword = {Computer Science},
  pages = {59-72},
  volume = {103},
  url = {},
  note = {10.1007/978-3-642-32711-7_5},
  year = {2012}
 title={Agent-oriented computing: Agents as a paradigm for computer programming and software development},
 author={Ricci, Alessandro and Santi, Andrea},
 journal={International Journal on Advances in Software},
   author = {Tampitsikas, Charalampos and Bromuri, Stefano and Fornara, Nicoletta and Schumacher, Michael Ignaz},
   doi = {10.1080/08839514.2012.653660},
   issn = {0883-9514},
   journal = {Applied Artificial Intelligence},
   month = may,
   note = {Special Issue: Eighth European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2010)},
   number = 4,
   pages = {398--427},
   title = {Interdependent Artificial Institutions in Agent Environments},
   url = {},
   urlpdf = {},
   volume = 26,
   year = 2012
Address = {Cambridge, UK},
Author = {Contucci, Pierluigi and Giardin{\`a}, Cristian},
Booktitle = {Perspectives on Spin Glasses},
Isbn = {9780521763349},
Month = oct,
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Title = {Perspectives on Spin Glasses},
Url = {},
Year = 2012}
Address = {Rome, Italy},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the AI*IA 2012 Doctoral Consortium},
Editor = {Liberatore, Paolo and Lombardi, Michele and Scioscia, Floriano},
Month = {15~} # jun,
Organization = {AI*IA},
Pages = {1--50},
Title = {Proceedings of the {AI*IA} 2012 {D}octoral {C}onsortium},
Url = {},
urlpdf = { of AI_IA 2012 Doctoral Consortium.pdf},
Year = 2012}
location = {Lyon, France},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 6th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO 2012)},
author = {Montagna, Sara and Pianini, Danilo and Viroli, Mirko},
title = {Gradient-based Self-organisation Patterns of Anticipative Adaptation},
year = 2012,
keywords = {Anticipative adaptation, Pervasive service ecosystem, Gradient pattern},
venue = {SASO},
month = {September},
       isbn = {978-0-7695-4851-7},
       doi = {10.1109/SASO.2012.25},
       ee = {},
       pages = {169--174}
   address = {SASO 2012, Lyon, France},
   author = {Mariani, Stefano and Omicini, Andrea},
   booktitle = {1st International Workshop on Adaptive Service Ecosystems: Natural and Socially Inspired Solutions (ASENSIS 2012)},
   editor = {Fernandez-Marquez, José Luis and Montagna, Sara and Omicini, Andrea and Zambonelli, Franco},
   keywords = {self-organising coordination, knowledge management, news management systems, biochemical tuple spaces, Molecules of Knowledge},
   month = {10~} # sep,
   note = {Pre-proceedings},
   pages = {11--16},
   title = {Self-Organising News Management: The \emph{Molecules of Knowledge} Approach},
   year = 2012
 title = {Typing Multi-Agent Programs in {simpAL}},
 author = {Ricci, Alessandro AND Santi, Andrea},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the Int. Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent Systems (ProMAS'12)},
 address = {Valencia, Spain},
 year = {2012}
urlpdf = {},
issn = {1613-0073},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Objects and Agents},
publisher = {CEUR-WS},
author = {Montagna, Sara and Viroli, Mirko and Pianini, Danilo and Fernandez-Marquez, Jose Luis},
title = {Towards a comprehensive approach to spontaneous self-composition in pervasive ecosystems},
year = 2012,
status = {Published},
venue = {WOA},
editor = {De Paoli, Flavio and Vizzari, Giuseppe},
month = {12 September}}
booktitle = {Proc. of The Seventh Workshop of the Italian Eclipse Community},
author = {Santi, Andrea and Ricci, Alessandro},
title = {An Eclipse-based IDE for Agent-Oriented Programming in simpAL},
year = 2012,
abstract = {The fundamental turn of software toward concurrency, distribution, interaction is calling for introducing further abstraction layers on top of those provided by mainstream programming paradigms to tackle more effectively the complexities that such turn implies. Accordingly, most of our research efforts are directed in the engineering of a new agent-based programming language called {\simpal} for investigating agent-oriented programming as a general purpose paradigm for developing modern software systems. In this paper we present the results of our efforts in using the Eclipse ecosystem for designing and developing a modular feature-rich agent-oriented Integrated Development Environment (IDE), in order to provide developers the adequate means to code, manipulate, inspect and debug simpAL applications.},
keywords = {Eclipse, IDE, Agent-Oriented Programming},
status = {Published},
venue = {--}}
Author = {Birukou, Aliaksandr and Blanzieri, Enrico and Giorgini, Paolo},
Doi = {10.1007/s10458-010-9148-z},
Issn = {1387-2532},
Journal = {Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems},
Number = 1,
Pages = {141--174},
Publisher = {Springer Netherlands},
Title = {{I}mplicit: A Multi-agent Recommendation System for Web Search},
Url = {},
Volume = 24,
Year = 2012}
Author = {Ye, Juan and Dobson, Simon and McKeever, Susan},
Doi = {10.1016/j.pmcj.2011.01.004},
Issn = {1574-1192},
Journal = {Pervasive and Mobile Computing},
Month = feb,
Number = 1,
Pages = {36--66},
Title = {Situation Identification Techniques in Pervasive Computing: A Review},
Url = {},
Volume = 8,
Year = 2012}
Author = {Dorn, Christoph and Taylor, Richard N},
Booktitle = {Web Information Systems Engineering-WISE 2012},
Date-Added = {2014-04-08 15:13:09 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-04-08 15:13:40 +0000},
Pages = {143--156},
Publisher = {Springer},
Title = {Architecture-driven modeling of adaptive collaboration structures in large-scale social web applications},
Year = {2012}}
acm = {2330686},
Address = {New York, NY, USA},
Author = {Calinescu, Radu and Ghezzi, Carlo and Kwiatkowska, Marta and Mirandola, Raffaela},
Doi = {10.1145/2330667.2330686},
Issn = {0001-0782},
Journal = {Communications of the ACM},
Month = sep,
Number = 9,
Numpages = 9,
Pages = {69--77},
Publisher = {ACM},
Title = {Self-adaptive software needs quantitative verification at runtime},
Url = {},
Volume = 55,
Year = 2012}
Address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
Author = {Zambonelli, Franco},
Doi = {10.1109/MC.2012.280},
Issn = {0018-9162},
Journal = {Computer},
Number = 8,
Pages = {76--78},
Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
Title = {Toward Sociotechnical Urban Superorganisms},
Url = {},
urlpdf = {},
Volume = 45,
Year = 2012}
   author = {Cárdenas-García, Maura and González-Pérez, Pedro Pablo and Montagna, Sara},
   doi = {10.14806/ej.18.B.563},
   journal = {EMBnet.journal},
   number = {B},
   title = {Simulation of caspases apoptotic signalling pathway in a tuple space-based bioinformatics infrastructure},
   url = {},
   volume = 18,
   year = 2012
Author = {Jacquet, Jean-Marie and Linden, Isabelle and Staicu, Mihail-Octavian},
Booktitle = {11th International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Self Adaptation (FOCLASA 2012)},
Doi = {10.4204/EPTCS.91.5},
Editor = {Kokash, Natallia and Ravara, Ant{\'o}nio},
Note = {Satellite Workshop of CONCUR 2012. Proceedings. arXiv:1209.1421},
Pages = {63-78},
Series = {EPTCS},
Title = {Blackboard Rules for Coordinating Context-aware Applications in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks},
Url = {},
Volume = 91,
Year = 2012}
booktitle = {1st International Workshop on Adaptive Service Ecosystems: Natural and Socially Inspired Solutions (ASENSIS 2012)},
publisher = {IEEE},
author = {Casadei, Matteo and Viroli, Mirko},
title = {Toward Approximate Stochastic Model Checking of Computational Fields for Pervasive Computing Systems},
year = 2012,
note = {Pre-proceedings},
abstract = {Pervasive context-aware computing networks call for designing algorithms for information propagation and reconfiguration that promote self-adaptation, namely, which can guarantee – at least to a probabilistic extent – certain reliability and robustness properties in spite of unpredicted changes and conditions. The possibility of formally analysing their properties is obviously an essential engineering requirement, calling for general-purpose models and tools.
As proposed in recent works, several such algorithms can be modelled by the notion of computational field: a dynamically evolving spatial data structure mapping every node of the network to a data value. Based on this idea, as a contribution toward formally verifying properties of pervasive computing systems, in this article we propose a specification language to model computational fields, and a framework based on PRISM stochastic model checker explicitly targeted at supporting temporal property verification, exploited for quantitative analysis of systems running on networks composed of hundreds of nodes.}
pdf-local = {PID2504561.pdf},
status = {Published},
pages = {59-64},
venue = {ASENSIS|SASOW},
editor = {Fernandez-Marquez, José Luis and Montagna, Sara and Omicini, Andrea and Zambonelli, Franco},
address = {SASO 2012, Lyon, France},
month = {10 September},
venue_e = {Events.Asensis2012}}
37 publications in 2012 without IRIS ID • topindexbottom

publications without IRIS ID  /  2012  /  personal
Andrea Agiollo  •  Roberta Calegari  •  Giovanni Ciatto  •  Cristian Cosci  •  Angelo Croatti  •  Enrico Denti  •  Matteo Magnini  •  Sara Montagna  •  Andrea Omicini  •  Giuseppe Pisano  •  Andrea Rafanelli  •  Federico Sabbatini