Per anno

72 pubblicazioni senza Web of Science ID  /  2011
Address = {Austria},
Booktitle = {Pervasive Adaptation. The Next Generation Pervasive Computing Research Agenda},
Editor = {Ferscha, Alois},
Isbn = {978-3-200-02270-6},
Month = may,
urlpdf = {},
Publisher = {Institute for Pervasive Computing, Johannes Kepler University Linz},
Title = {Pervasive Adaptation. The Next Generation Pervasive Computing Research Agenda},
Url = {},
Year = 2011}
Address = {Rende, Italy},
Author = {Viroli, Mirko and Nardini, Elena and Castelli, Gabriella and Mamei, Marco and Zambonelli, Franco},
Booktitle = {WOA 2011 -- XII Workshop Nazionale "Dagli Oggetti agli Agenti"},
Editor = {Fortino, Giancarlo and Garro, Alfredo and Palopoli, Luigi and Russo, Wilma and Spezzano, Giandomenico},
Issn = {1613-0073},
Month = {4-6~} # jul,
Pages = {19--27},
Publisher = {Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University},
Series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
Title = {Coordinating Spatially-Situated Pervasive Service Ecosystems},
Url = {},
Volume = 741,
Year = 2011}
Author = {Archibugi, Daniele and Filippetti, Andrea},
Isbn = {978-0-415-60228-0},
Month = aug,
Publisher = {Routledge},
Series = {Routledge Studies in Global Competition},
Title = {Innovation and Economic Crisis. Lessons and Prospects from the Economic Downturn},
Url = {},
Year = 2011}
Address = {Milan, Italy},
Author = {Natali, Antonio},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop of the Italian Eclipse Community},
Keywords = {Eclipse, IDE, Agent-Oriented Programming},
Title = {Model-driven communications and collaborative software development},
Url = {},
Year = 2011}
   booktitle = {Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies {VIII}},
   doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-20715-0},
   editor = {Omicini, Andrea and Sardina, Sebastian and Vasconcelos, Wamberto},
   eisbn = {978-3-642-20715-0},
   eissn = {1611-3349},
   iris = {11585/102332},
   isbn = {978-3-642-20714-3},
   issn = {0302-9743},
   keywords = {commitment protocols; formal semantics; multi-agent programming; ontology alignment; symbolic model checking},
   month = may,
   note = {8th International Workshop (DALT 2010), Toronto, Canada, 10~} # may # {~2010. Revised, Selected and Invited Papers},
   pages = {X, 205},
   publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
   scopus = {2-s2.0-79957525749},
   series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
   subseries = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
   title = {Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies {VIII}},
   url = {},
   volume = 6619,
   year = 2011
 author    = {Cuevas Rumin, Ruben and Laoutaris, Nikolaos and Yang, Xiaoyuan  and Siganos, Georgos and Rodriguez, Pablo},
 title     = {Deep diving into BitTorrent locality},
 booktitle = {INFOCOM},
 year      = {2011},
 pages     = {963-971},
 bibsource = {DBLP,}
   author = {Greengard, Samuel},
   bibsource = {DBLP,},
   doi = {10.1145/2001269.2001277},
   url = {},
   journal = {Commun. ACM},
   number = 10,
   pages = {17-19},
   title = {Living in a digital world},
   volume = 54,
   year = 2011
Author = {Sangiorgi, Davide},
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Title = {An introduction to Bisimulation and Coinduction},
Year = 2011}
Author = {Ricci, Alessandro and Viroli, Mirko and Piancastelli, Giulio},
Doi = {10.1016/j.scico.2010.06.012},
Editor = {Canal, Carlos and Poizat, Pascal and Viroli, Mirko},
Issn = {0167-6423},
Journal = {Science of Computer Programming},
Month = jan,
Number = 1,
Pages = {37--62},
Publisher = {Elsevier Science B.V.},
Title = {{simpA}: An Agent-oriented Approach for Programming Concurrent Applications on top of {J}ava},
Url = {},
Volume = 76,
Year = 2011}
howpublished = {AAMAS Workshop Trust in Agents Societies (TRUST-11)},
booktitle = {Workshop TRUST in AGENTS SOCIETIES},
author = {Venanzi, Matteo and Piunti, Michele and Falcone, Rino and Castelfranchi, Cristiano},
title = {Reasoning with Categories for Trusting  Strangers: a Cognitive Architecture  },
year = 2011,
keywords = {Agents, Cognitive, Trust, Categories, Learning, AI, Social Systems},
status = {Published},
venue = {AAMAS}}
journal = {Communications of the ACM},
author = {Geller, Tom},
title = {Seeing is not enough},
year = 2011,
pages = {15-16},
number = 10,
volume = 54}
   author = {Omicini, Andrea and Sardina, Sebastian and Vasconcelos, Wamberto},
   booktitle = {Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies {VIII}},
   editor = {Omicini, Andrea and Sardina, Sebastian and Vasconcelos, Wamberto},
   eisbn = {978-3-642-20715-0},
   eissn = {1611-3349},
   iris = {11585/102333},
   isbn = {978-3-642-20714-3},
   issn = {0302-9743},
   note = {8th International Workshop (DALT 2010), Toronto, Canada, 10~} # may # {~2010. Revised, Selected and Invited Papers},
   pages = {IV--V},
   publisher = {Springer},
   scopus = {2-s2.0-79957493874},
   series = {LNAI},
   title = {Preface},
   volume = 6619,
   year = 2011
@article {CardoneTCJ2011,
title = {Cross-Network Opportunistic Collection of Urgent Data in Wireless Sensor Networks},
journal = {The Computer Journal},
year = {2011},
abstract = {Ubiquitous smart environments equipped with low-cost and easy-deployable Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and ever-increasing widespread Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks (MANETs) are opening brand new opportunities in environmental monitoring. This paper proposes an original solution for WSN/MANET integration based on the primary design guideline of opportunistically exploiting MANET overlays impromptu formed over the WSN to improve and boost the data collection task of typical WSN. On the one hand, we adopt a cross-layer approach that exploits MANET connections to differentiate and fasten the delivery of sensed urgent data by pushing them over low-latency MANET paths. On the other hand, we take advantage of local cross-layer visibility of the WSN data collection procedures and protocols to carefully control and limit WSN-MANET coordination overhead. We claim that our proposed solution can obtain significant QoS improvements via differentiation, by granting faster delivery times to urgent data with a very limited cost in most common execution scenarios.},
author = {Cardone, Giuseppe and Corradi, Antonio and Foschini, Luca}
acm = {1883614},
Address = {New York, NY, USA},
Author = {Viana, Aline Carneiro and Maag, Stephane and Zaidi, Fatiha},
Doi = {10.1145/1883612.1883614},
Issn = {0360-0300},
Journal = {ACM Computing Surveys},
Keywords = {Protocol validation, wireless self-organizing networks},
Month = jan,
Number = 2,
Pages = {7:1--7:36},
Publisher = {ACM},
Title = {One Step Forward: Linking Wireless Self-organizing Network Validation Techniques with Formal Testing Approaches},
Url = {},
Volume = 43,
Year = 2011}
Author = {Ricci, Alessandro and Piunti, Michele and Viroli, Mirko},
Doi = {10.1007/s10458-010-9140-7},
Editor = {Bordini, Rafael H. and Dastani, Mehdi and Dix, J{\"u}rgen and El Fallah Seghrouchni, Amal},
Issn = {1387-2532},
eissn = {1573-7454},
Journal = {Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems},
Month = sep,
Note = {Special Issue: Multi-Agent Programming},
Number = 2,
Pages = {158--192},
Title = {Environment Programming in Multi-Agent Systems -- An Artifact-Based Perspective},
Url = {},
Volume = 23,
Year = 2011}
   author = {Molesini, Ambra and Denti, Enrico and Omicini, Andrea},
   booktitle = {WOA 2011 -- XII Workshop Nazionale ``Dagli Oggetti agli Agenti''},
   editor = {Fortino, Giancarlo and Garro, Alfredo and Palopoli, Luigi and Russo, Wilma and Spezzano, Giandomenico},
   iris = {11585/103230},
   issn = {1613-0073},
   keywords = {MABS, medioeval battles, MAS, SODA, TuCSoN, AOSE},
   location = {Rende, Italy},
   month = {4-6~} # jul,
   pages = {140--149},
   publisher = {Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University},
   scopus = {2-s2.0-84868677911},
   series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
   title = {{\sf BaSi}: Multi-Agent Based Simulation for Medieval Battles},
   urlpdf = {},
   volume = 741,
   year = 2011
booktitle = {Proceedings of the compilation of the co-located workshops on DSM'11, TMC'11, AGERE!'11, AOOPES'11, NEAT'11, \& VMIL'11},
publisher = {ACM New York},
author = {Santi, A. AND Ricci, A.},
title = {JaCa-Android: an agent-based platform for building smart mobile applications},
isbn = {978-1-4503-1183-0},
year = {2011},
abstract = {The extraordinary progress of mobile device technologies pushes for a new generation of smart mobile applications, featuring complex computational and interactive behaviour, exhibiting different degrees of autonomy and flexibility. This raises new challenges in mobile application programming, calling for programming tools and development platforms providing a proper level of abstraction to deal with such a new level of complexity. This demo shows an agent-oriented platform called JaCa-Android allowing to tackle the complexities related to the design of fore-coming smart mobile applications providing an agent-oriented level of abstraction for their design, programming and execution on top of the Android platform. This demo aims at investigating the adoption of agent-oriented programming -- and in particular of agent-based programming languages rooted on a strong notion of agency -- to tackle the complexities related to the design of fore-coming smart mobile applications. For doing this we present an agent-oriented platform called JaCa-Android, providing an agent-oriented level of abstraction to design, program and execute smart mobile applications on top of the Android platform.},
keywords = {JaCa, Mobile, JaCa-Android, Mobile framework},
status = {Published},
pages = {239--242},
venue = {---},
url = {},
address = {New York, USA},
doi = {10.1145/2095050.2095088}}
   author = {García-Fornes, Ana and Hübner, Jomi F. and Omicini, Andrea and Rodríguez-Aguilar, Juan A. and Botti, Vicent},
   booktitle = {Special Issue ``{I}nfrastructures and Tools for Multiagent Systems''},
   editor = {García-Fornes, Ana and Hübner, Jomi F. and Omicini, Andrea and Rodríguez-Aguilar, Juan A. and Botti, Vicent},
   iris = {11585/105019},
   issn = {0952-1976},
   journal = {Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence},
   keywords = {Multiagent systems; Infrastructures; Tools; Agent platforms; Management; Security; Simulation; Industry},
   month = oct,
   number = 7,
   pages = {1095--1302},
   publisher = {Elsevier Science B.V.},
   title = {Special Issue ``{I}nfrastructures and Tools for Multiagent Systems''},
   url = {},
   volume = 24,
   year = 2011
author = {Ricci, Alessandro and Santi, Andrea},
title = {Designing a general-purpose programming language based on agent-oriented abstractions: the simpAL project},
booktitle = {Proc. of the compilation of the co-located workshops on DSM'11, TMC'11, AGERE!'11, AOOPES'11, NEAT'11, VMIL'11},
series = {SPLASH '11 Workshops},
year = {2011},
isbn = {978-1-4503-1183-0},
location = {Portland, Oregon, USA},
pages = {159--170},
numpages = {12},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/2095050.2095078},
acm = {2095078},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
keywords = {actors, agent-oriented programming},
Address = {AAMAS 2011, Taipei, Taiwan},
Author = {Parunak, H. Van Dyke and Brueckner, Sven A.},
Booktitle = {12th International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE 2011)},
Editor = {Weyns, Danny and M{\"u}ller, J{\"o}rg P.},
Keywords = {software engineering, self-organization, distributed systems, decentralized computing, emergent behavior},
Month = {2~} # may,
Title = {Software Engineering for Self-Organizing Systems},
urlpdf = {},
Year = 2011}
Address = {Rende, Italy},
Author = {Pianini, Danilo and Viroli, Mirko and Montagna, Sara},
Booktitle = {WOA 2011 -- XII Workshop Nazionale "Dagli Oggetti agli Agenti"},
Editor = {Fortino, Giancarlo and Garro, Alfredo and Palopoli, Luigi and Russo, Wilma and Spezzano, Giandomenico},
Issn = {1613-0073},
Month = {4-6~} # jul,
Pages = {150--157},
Publisher = {Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University},
Series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
Title = {A Simulation Framework for Pervasive Services Ecosystems},
Url = {},
Volume = 741,
Year = 2011}
acm = {2026771},
Author = {Roy, Marcus and Suleiman, Basem and Schmidt, Dennis and Weber, Ingo and Benatallah, Boualem},
Booktitle = {23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'11)},
Isbn = {978-3-642-21639-8},
Keywords = {SOA governance, annotation, enterprise services},
Location = {London, UK},
Pages = {566--581},
Publisher = {Springer},
Title = {Using {SOA} Governance Design Methodologies to Augment Enterprise Service Descriptions},
Url = {},
Year = 2011}
   address = {Taipei, Taiwan},
   author = {Prasanna Velagapudi and Pradeep Varakantham and Katia Sycara and Paul Scerri},
   booktitle = {10th International Joint Conference ``Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems'' (AAMAS 2011)},
   editor = {Liz Sonenberg and Peter Stone and Kagan Tomer and Pinar Yolum},
   keywords = {DEC-POMDP, Uncertainty, Multi-agent systems},
   month = {2--6~} # may,
   pages = {955--962},
   publisher = {IFAAMAS},
   title = {Distributed Model Shaping for Scaling to Decentralized {POMDP}s with Hundreds of Agents},
   year = 2011
series = {Communications in Computer and Information Science},
location = {Sofia, Bulgaria},
booktitle = {Software and Data Technologies. 4th International Conference, ICSOFT 2009, Sofia, Bulgaria, July 26-29, 2009. Revised Selected Papers},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
journal = {Communications in Computer and Information Science},
author = {Damiani, Ferruccio and Giannini, Paola and Ricci, Alessandro and Viroli, Mirko},
title = {A Calculus of Agents and Artifacts},
isbn = {978-3-642-20115-8},
year = 2011,
abstract = {A library-based extension of Java, the simpA framework, introduced a new abstraction based on agent-oriented concepts. Agents are autonomous entities that cooperate by exploiting artifacts, representing resources that are dynamically created and shared by agents. In this paper we present a core calculus integrating techniques coming from the area of concurrency and from OO programming. The syntax of the calculus with its static and dynamic semantics are introduced through an example. The calculus aims to foster the formalization (and proof) of type soundness of simpA programs and the development of techniques for analyzing the computational behaviour of agents and artifacts.},
keywords = {Artifacts; Core Calculus; Operational Semantics; Type System},
eissn = {1865-0929},
status = {Published},
pages = {124--136},
venue_list = {--},
url = {},
editor = {Cordeiro, Jos{\'e} and Ranchordas, AlpeshKumar and Shishkov, Boris},
address = {Berlin, Germany},
volume = 50,
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-20116-5_10}}
@incollection {springerlink:10.1007/978-3-642-17348-6_13,
  author = {Casadei, Matteo and Mamei, Marco and Villalba, Cynthia and Viroli, Mirko and Zambonelli, Franco},
  affiliation = {Università di Bologna, 47023 Cesena, Italy},
  title = {Middleware Infrastructures for Self-organising Pervasive Computing Systems},
  booktitle = {Self-organising Software},
  series = {Natural Computing Series},
  editor = {Di Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna and Gleizes, Marie-Pierre and Karageorgos, Anthony},
  publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
  isbn = {978-3-642-17348-6},
  keyword = {Computer Science},
  pages = {313-344},
  url = {},
  note = {10.1007/978-3-642-17348-6_13},
  year = {2011}
 author    = {Hyman, Paul},
 title     = {Dennis Ritchie, 1941-2011},
 journal   = {Communications of the ACM},
 volume    = 54,
 number    = 12,
 year      = 2011,
 pages     = 21,
 doi       = {10.1145/2043174.2043202},
 bibsource = {DBLP,}
   acm = {1989737},
   address = {New York, NY, USA},
   articleno = 33,
   author = {Cattafi, Massimiliano and Gavanelli, Marco and Milano, Michela and Cagnoli, Paolo},
   doi = {10.1145/1989734.1989737},
   issn = {2157-6904},
   journal = {ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology},
   keywords = {Computational sustainability, facility location},
   month = jul,
   number = 4,
   numpages = 19,
   pages = {33:1--33:19},
   publisher = {ACM},
   title = {Sustainable Biomass Power Plant Location in the {I}talian {E}milia-{R}omagna region},
   url = {},
   volume = 2,
   year = 2011
Address = {Karlsruhe, Germany},
Author = {Fernandez-Marquez, Jose Luis and Arcos, Josep Lluis and Di Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna and Viroli, Mirko and Montagna, Sara},
Booktitle = {3rd Workshop on Bio-Inspired and Self-* Algorithms for Distributed Systems},
Month = {14~} # jun,
Publisher = {ACM},
Title = {Description and Composition of Bio-Inspired Design Patterns: the Gradient Case},
Year = 2011}
howpublished = {Twenty second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-11)},
author = {Matteo Venanzi and Michele Piunti and Rino Falcone and Cristiano Castelfranchi},
title = {Facing Openness with Socio Cognitive Trust and Categories},
year = 2011,
abstract = {Typical solutions for agents assessing trust relies on the circulation of information on the individual level, i.e. reputational images, subjective experiences, statistical analysis, etc. This work presents an alternative approach, inspired to the cognitive heuristics enabling humans to reason at a categorial level. The approach is envisaged as a crucial ability for agents in order to:
(\emph{1}) estimate trustworthiness of unknown trustees based on an ascribed membership to categories;
(\emph{2}) learn a series of emergent relations between trustees observable properties and their effective abilities to fulfill tasks in situated conditions.
On such a basis, categorization is provided to recognize signs (\emph{Manifesta}) through which hidden capabilities (\emph{Kripta}) can be inferred. Learning is provided to refine reasoning attitudes needed to ascribe tasks to categories.
A series of architectures combining categorization abilities, individual experiences and context awareness are evaluated and compared in simulated experiments.}
keywords = {Cognitive, Systems, Agents, Trust, Social Systems, Machine Leraning, Open},
status = {In press},
venue = {--}}
Author = {Kshemkalyani, Ajay D. and Singhal, Mukesh},
Isbn = {978-0-521-87634-6},
Isbn-13 = {978-0-521-18984-2},
Month = mar,
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Title = {Distributed Computing. Principles, Algorithms, and Systems},
Url = {},
Year = 2011}
 author    = {Nikhil, Rishiyur S.},
 title     = {Abstraction in hardware system design},
 journal   = {Commun. ACM},
 volume    = {54},
 number    = {10},
 year      = {2011},
 pages     = {36-44},
 ee        = {},
 bibsource = {DBLP,}
 author    = {Gong, Li},
 title     = {Java Security Architecture Revisited},
 journal   = {ACM Queue},
 volume    = {9},
 number    = {9},
 year      = {2011},
 pages     = {30},
 ee        = {},
 bibsource = {DBLP,}
 author    = {Kroeker, Kirk L.},
 title     = {Improving brain-computer interfaces},
 journal   = {Communications of the ACM},
 volume    = 54,
 number    = 10,
 year      = 2011,
 pages     = 11-14,
 url       = {},
Address = {SASO 2011, Ann Arbor, MI, USA},
Author = {Viroli, Mirko and Nardini, Elena and Castelli, Gabriella and Mamei, Marco and Zambonelli, Franco},
Booktitle = {2011 5th IEEE Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops (SASOW 2011)},
Month = {7~} # oct,
Note = {1st Awareness Workshop ``Challenges in achieving self-awareness in autonomous systems'' (AWARE 2011)},
Pages = {114--119},
Publisher = {IEEE CS},
Title = {A Coordination Approach to Adaptive Pervasive Service Ecosystems},
Url = {},
Year = 2011}
Address = {Universit{\`a} di Trento, Italy},
Author = {Argentini, Andrea and Blanzieri, Enrico},
Institution = {Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienze dell'Informazione (DISI)},
Month = jun,
Number = {DISI-11-480},
Title = {Unsupervised Learning of True Ranking Estimators using the Belief Function Framework},
Type = {Technical Report},
Url = {},
Year = 2011}
Address = {Austria},
Author = {Zambonelli, Franco},
Booktitle = {Pervasive Adaptation. The Next Generation Pervasive Computing Research Agenda},
Chapter = {VIII: Sociotechnical Systems},
Editor = {Ferscha, Alois},
Isbn = {978-3-200-02270-6},
Keywords = {pervasive sensing, collective intelligence, social systems},
Month = may,
Pages = {86--87},
Publisher = {Institute for Pervasive Computing, Johannes Kepler University Linz},
Title = {Towards Social-{ICT} Organisms},
Url = {\#item:16},
Year = 2011}
Author = {Zambonelli, Franco and Viroli, Mirko},
Doi = {10.1108/17427371111172997},
Issn = {1742-7371},
Journal = {International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications},
Keywords = {Context-aware computing, Ecosystems, Metaphors, Middleware, Nature-inspired approaches, Pervasive computing, Self-organization},
Number = 3,
Pages = {186--204},
Publisher = {Emerald},
Title = {A Survey on Nature-inspired Metaphors for Pervasive Service Ecosystems},
Url = {},
urlpdf = {},
Volume = 7,
Year = 2011}
 author    = {Cusumano, Michael A.},
 title     = {The legacy of Steve Jobs},
 journal   = {Communications of the ACM},
 volume    = 54,
 number    = 12,
 year      = 2011,
 pages     = {26--28},
 doi        = {10.1145/2043174.2043184},
 bibsource = {DBLP,}
author = {Kwon, YoungMin and Agha, Gul},
title = {Verifying the Evolution of Probability Distributions Governed by a DTMC},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
volume = 37,
number = 1,
month = jan,
year = 2011,
issn = {0098-5589},
pages = {126--141},
doi = {10.1109/TSE.2010.80},
url = {},
acm = {1936543},
publisher = {IEEE Press},
address = {Piscataway, NJ, USA},
keywords = {Probabilistic model checking, linear temporal logic, Discrete Time Markov Chain, pharmacokinetics}
Address = {Las Vegas, NV, USA},
Author = {Fernandez-Marquez, Jose Luis and Arcos, Josep Lluis and Di Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna and Casadei, Matteo},
Booktitle = {8th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Engineering of Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (EASe 2011)},
Doi = {10.1109/EASe.2011.15},
Isbn = {978-1-4577-0309-6},
Month = {27--29~} # apr,
Pages = {87--96},
Publisher = {IEEE CS},
Title = {Description and Composition of Bio-Inspired Design Patterns: the Gossip Case},
Year = 2011}
author = {Lanier, Jaron},
title = {The most ancient marketing},
journal = {Communications of the ACM},
volume = 54,
number = 12,
month = dec,
year = 2011,
issn = {0001-0782},
pages = {22--23},
doi = {10.1145/2043174.2043204},
acm = {2043204},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
 author    = {Kamp, Poul-Henning},
 title     = {The software industry is the problem},
 journal   = {Commun. ACM},
 volume    = {54},
 number    = {11},
 year      = {2011},
 pages     = {44-47},
 ee        = {},
 bibsource = {DBLP,}
Author = {Cernuzzi, Luca and Zambonelli, Franco},
Doi = {10.1017/S0269888911000014},
Issn = {0269-8889},
eissn = {1469-8005},
Journal = {The Knowledge Engineering Review},
Month = may,
Number = 2,
Pages = {175--190},
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Title = {Adaptive organizational changes in agent-oriented methodologies},
Url = {},
Volume = 26,
Year = 2011}
urlpdf = {},
issn = {1556-4665},
publisher = {ACM},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems},
author = {Viroli, Mirko and Casadei, Matteo and Montagna, Sara and Zambonelli, Franco},
title = {Spatial Coordination of Pervasive Services through Chemical-inspired Tuple Spaces},
year = 2011,
keywords = {Chemical-inspired computation, tuple spaces},
status = {Published},
pages = {14:1--14:24},
number = 2,
venue = {TAAS},
url = {},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
volume = 6,
month = {June},
doi = {10.1145/1968513.1968517}}
author = {Kuikkaniemi, Kai and Jacucci, Giulio and Turpeinen, Marko and Hoggan, Eve and Müller, Jörg},
title = {From Space to Stage: How Interactive Screens Will Change Urban Life},
journal = {Computer},
volume = 44,
number = 6,
month = jun,
year = {2011},
issn = {0018-9162},
pages = {40--47},
doi = {10.1109/MC.2011.135},
acm = {1999175},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
keywords = {Smart cities, Digital displays, Ubiquitous computing}
       Address = {Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA},
Author = {Viroli, Mirko and Nardini, Elena and Castelli, Gabriella and Mamei, Marco and Zambonelli, Franco},
Booktitle = {The 5th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO 2011)},
       Month = {3--8~} # oct,
       Pages = {223--224},
       Note = {Poster},
Title = {Towards a Coordination Approach to Adaptive Pervasive Service Ecosystems},
Year = 2011}
   address = {Austria},
   author = {Omicini, Andrea},
   booktitle = {Pervasive Adaptation. The Next Generation Pervasive Computing Research Agenda},
   chapter = {VII: Human-Centric Adaptation},
   editor = {Ferscha, Alois},
   iris = {11585/102883},
   isbn = {978-3-200-02270-6},
   keywords = {knowledge-intensive environments, self-organising knowledge, self-organising workspaces},
   month = may,
   pages = {71--72},
   publisher = {Institute for Pervasive Computing, Johannes Kepler University Linz},
   title = {Self-organising Knowledge-intensive Workspaces},
   url = {},
   year = 2011
   address = {València, Spain},
   author = {Such Aparicio, Jose Miguel},
   institution = {Universitat Politècnica de València},
   month = nov,
   school = {Departament de Sistemes Informàtics i Computació},
   title = {Enhancing Privacy in Multi-Agent Systems},
   year = 2011
Author = {Dustdar, Schahram and Bhattacharya, Kamal},
Date-Added = {2014-04-08 15:08:44 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-04-08 15:08:59 +0000},
Journal = {IEEE Internet Computing},
Number = {3},
Title = {The Social Compute Unit},
Volume = {15},
Year = {2011}}
Author = {Dixon, Clare and Winfield, Alan and Fisher, Micheal},
Booktitle = {Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems},
Doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-23232-9_30},
Editor = {Gro{\ss}, Roderich and Alboul, Lyuba and Melhuish, Chris and Witkowski, Mark and Prescott, Tony J. and Penders, Jacques},
Isbn = {978-3-642-23231-2},
Note = {12th Annual Conference (TAROS 2011), Sheffield, UK, 31~} # aug # {~-- 2~} # sep # {~2011. Proceedings},
Pages = {336--347},
Publisher = {Springer},
Series = {LNCS},
Title = {Towards Temporal Verification of Emergent Behaviours in Swarm Robotic Systems},
Url = {},
Volume = 6856,
Year = 2011}
   address = {Bologna, Italy},
   author = {Montagna, Sara},
   institution = {Alma Mater Studiorum--Università di Bologna},
   keywords = {Morphogenesis, Developmental Biology, Self-Organisation, Computational Biology, Multi-level Models, Formal Methods, Agent-based Model, Stochastic Simulation, Meta-heuristic, Parameter Optimisation},
   month = mar,
   school = {Dottorato in Ingegneria Elettronica, Informatica e delle Telecomunicazioni},
   title = {Multi-level models and infrastructures for simulating biological system development},
   year = 2011
       Author = {Canal, Carlos and Viroli, Mirko},
       Doi = {doi:10.1016/j.scico.2010.06.002},
       Editor = {Canal, Carlos and Poizat, Pascal and Viroli, Mirko},
       Issn = {0167-6423},
       Journal = {Science of Computer Programming},
       Month = may,
       Note = {Special Issue on the 6th International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures (FOCLASA '07)},
       Number = 1,
       Pages = {1--2},
       Publisher = {Elsevier Science B.V.},
       Title = {Preface},
       Url = {},
       Volume = 76,
       Year = 2011}
Author = {Kroeker, Kirk L.},
Doi = {10.1145/2043174.2043180},
Journal = {Communications of the ACM},
Number = 12,
Pages = {11--13},
Title = {The Rise of Molecular Machines},
Volume = 54,
Year = 2011}
publisher = {ACM Press, New York},
journal = {Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology },
author = {Falcone, Rino and Piunti, Michele and Venanzi, Matteo and Castelfranchi, Cristiano},
title = {From Manifesta to Krypta: The Relevance of Categories for Trusting Others},
year = 2011,
keywords = {Cognitive, Trust, Agents, Social Simulation, Open, Systems},
status = {In press},
venue = {---}}
Author = {Dasgupta, Aniruddha and Ghose, Aditya K.},
Booktitle = {Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies VIII},
Doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-20715-0_2},
Editor = {Omicini, Andrea and Sardina, Sebastian and Vasconcelos, Wamberto},
Isbn = {978-3-642-20714-3},
Pages = {22--39},
Publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
Title = {{BDI} Agents with Objectives and Preferences},
Url = {},
Volume = 6619,
Year = 2011}
Address = {Milan, Italy},
Author = {Santi, Andrea and Leardini, Andrea and Natali, Antonio and Ricci, Alessandro},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th Workshop of the Italian Eclipse Community},
Keywords = {Eclipse, IDE, Agent-Oriented Programming},
Title = {Exploiting the {E}clipse Ecosystem for Agent-Oriented Programming},
Url = {},
Year = 2011}
Author = {Dustdar, Schahram and Guo, Yike and Satzger, Benjamin and Truong, Hong-Linh},
Date-Added = {2014-04-08 14:54:16 +0000},
Date-Modified = {2014-04-08 15:05:07 +0000},
Journal = {IEEE Internet Computing},
Number = {5},
Title = {Principles of Elastic Processes},
Volume = {15},
Year = {2011}}
Address = {Tunghai University, TaiChung, Taiwan},
Author = {Viroli, Mirko and Beal, Jacob and Casadei, Matteo},
       Booktitle = {26th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2011)},
       Editor = {Palakal, Mathew J. and Hung, Chih-Cheng and Chu, William and Wong, W. Eric},
       Isbn = {978-1-4503-0113-8},
       Month = {21--25~} # mar,
Pages = {1325--1332},
Publisher = {ACM},
Title = {Core Operational Semantics of {P}roto},
Volume = {II: Artificial Intelligence & Agents, Information Systems, and Software Development},
Year = 2011}
 title={An interaction-oriented agent framework for open environments},
 author={Baldoni, Matteo and Baroglio, Cristina and Bergenti, Federico and Marengo, Elisa and Mascardi, Viviana and Patti, Viviana and Ricci, Alessandro and Santi, Andrea},
 booktitle={AI* IA 2011: Artificial Intelligence Around Man and Beyond},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS 2011)},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
author = {Pianini, Danilo and  Montagna, Sara and Viroli, Mirko },
title = {A Chemical Inspired Simulation Framework for Pervasive Services Ecosystems},
isbn = {978-83-60810-22-4},
year = 2011,
status = {Published},
pages = {667--674},
venue = {MASS},
editor = {Ganzha, Maria and Maciaszek, Leszek and Paprzycki, Marcin},
address = {Szczecin, Poland},
month = {18-21 September}}
Address = {Geneva, Switzerland},
Author = {Montagna, Sara and Viroli, Mirko and Risoldi, Matteo and Pianini, Danilo and Di Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna},
Booktitle = {3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems},
Doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-24124-6_12},
Keywords = {pervasive computing, software ecosystems, self-adaptation, self-organisation},
Month = {29--30~} # sep,
Pages = {115--129},
Publisher = {Springer},
Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
Title = {Self-organising Pervasive Ecosystems: A Crowd Evacuation Example},
Url = {},
Volume = 6968,
Year = 2011}
Author = {McBurney, Peter and Parsons, Simon and Viroli, Mirko},
Doi = {10.1017/S0269888910000330},
Editor = {Viroli, Mirko and Parsons, Simon and McBurney, Peter},
Issn = {0269-8889},
Journal = {The Knowledge Engineering Review},
Month = mar,
Note = {Special Issue 01 (25th Anniversary Issue)},
Number = 1,
Pages = {1--3},
Title = {A Quarter-century of {T}he {K}nowledge {E}ngineering {R}eview: Introduction to the {S}pecial {I}ssue},
Url = {},
Volume = 26,
Year = 2011}
 author    = {Shmatikov, Vitaly},
 title     = {Anonymity is not privacy: technical perspective},
 journal   = {Communications of the ACM},
 volume    = {54},
 number    = {12},
 year      = {2011},
 pages     = {132},
 doi       = {10.1145/2043174.2043198}
   acm = {1982378},
   address = {Taichun, Taiwan},
   author = {Sbaraglia, Marco and Casadei, Matteo and Viroli, Mirko},
   booktitle = {26th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2011)},
   doi = {10.1145/1982185.1982378},
   keywords = {CArtAgO, coordination artifact, declarative coordination language},
   month = {21--25~} # mar,
   note = {Poster},
   numpages = 2,
   pages = {885--886},
   title = {Programming Coordination Laws of Artifacts in CArtAgO},
   url = {},
   year = 2011
   author = {Brijder, Robert and Ehrenfeucht, Andrzej and Main, Michael G. and Rozenberg, Grzegorz},
   booktitle = {Special Issue -- Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2010)},
   dblp = {journals/ijfcs/BrijderEMR11},
   doi = {10.1142/S0129054111008842},
   journal = {International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science},
   keywords = {natural computing, biochemical reactions, reaction systems, transition systems},
   month = nov,
   note = {Special Issue -- Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2010)},
   number = 7,
   pages = {1499--1517},
   title = {A Tour of Reaction Systems},
   url = {},
   volume = 22,
   year = 2011
Author = {Raberto, Marco and Teglio, Andrea and Cincotti, Silvano},
Journal = {Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal},
Number = {2011-31},
Title = {Debt Deleveraging and Business Cycles. An Agent-Based Perspective},
Url = {},
Volume = {Economics Discussion Papers},
Year = 2011}
booktitle = {Proceedings of the compilation of the co-located workshops on DSM'11, TMC'11, AGERE!'11, AOOPES'11, NEAT'11, VMIL'11},
publisher = {ACM New York},
author = {Sorici, A. and Boissier, O. and Picard, G. and Santi, Andrea},
title = {Exploiting the JaCaMo framework for realising an adaptive room governance application},
isbn = {978-1-4503-1183-0},
year = 2011,
abstract = {Ambient Intelligent (AmI) applications are often meant to be used in complex and highly dynamic environments and are characterized by features such as context-awareness, personalisation, adaptivity and anticipation of user's desires. In this demo we focus on how the use of the high level of abstraction provided by multi agent-oriented technologies and related programming languages -- and in particular of the ones rooted on a strong notion of agency -- can ease the conceiving and realisation of AmI applications exhibiting such features. For doing this we present here an adaptive governance application, realised using the JaCaMo framework, for the dynamic management and allocation of rooms in the context of a smart co-working space.},
keywords = {JaCaMo, Ambient Intelligence, demo},
status = {Published},
pages = {239--242},
venue = {---},
url = {},
address = {New York, USA},
doi = {10.1145/2095050.2095088}}
Editor = {Archibugi, Daniele and Koenig-Archibugi, Mathias and Marchetti, Raffaele},
Isbn = {9780521174985},
Month = oct,
Publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
Title = {Global Democracy: Normative and Empirical Perspectives},
Url = {},
Year = 2011}
author = {Cohen, Sarah and Hamilton, James T. and Turner, Fred},
title = {Computational journalism},
journal = {Communications of the ACM},
volume = 54,
number = 10,
month = oct,
year = 2011,
issn = {0001-0782},
pages = {66--71},
numpages = {6},
doi = {10.1145/2001269.2001288},
acm = {2001288},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
   acm = {10.1145/1982185.1982375},
   address = {Tunghai University, TaiChung, Taiwan},
   author = {Nardini, Elena and Omicini, Andrea and Viroli, Mirko},
   booktitle = {26th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2011)},
   doi = {10.1145/1982185.1982375},
   editor = {Palakal, Mathew J. and Hung, Chih-Cheng and Chu, William and Wong, W. Eric},
   iris = {11585/102110},
   isbn = {978-1-4503-0113-8},
   month = {21--25~} # mar,
   pages = {869--876},
   publisher = {ACM},
   scopus = {2-s2.0-79959300590},
   title = {Description Spaces with Fuzziness},
   url = {},
   urlpdf = {},
   volume = {II: Artificial Intelligence \& Agents, Information Systems, and Software Development},
   year = 2011
author = {Davis, Michael},
title = {Will software engineering ever be engineering?},
journal = {Communications of the ACM},
volume = 54,
issue = 11,
month = nov,
year = 2011,
issn = {0001-0782},
pages = {32--34},
doi = {10.1145/2018396.2018407},
acm = {2018407},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
72 pubblicazioni nel 2011 senza Web of Science ID • in cimaindicein fondo

pubblicazioni senza Web of Science ID  /  2011  /  personali
Andrea Agiollo  •  Roberta Calegari  •  Giovanni Ciatto  •  Cristian Cosci  •  Angelo Croatti  •  Enrico Denti  •  Matteo Magnini  •  Sara Montagna  •  Andrea Omicini  •  Giuseppe Pisano  •  Andrea Rafanelli  •  Federico Sabbatini