Per Year
@inproceedings{bdi-icmas95, address = {San Francisco, CA, USA}, author = {Rao, Anand S. and Georgeff, Michael P.}, booktitle = {1st International Conference on Multi Agent Systems (ICMAS 1995)}, editor = {Lesser, Victor R. and Gasser, Les}, isbn = {0-262-62102-9}, month = {12-14}}}, title = {{BDI} Agents: From Theory to Practice}, url = {}, year = 1995 }
@article{wooldridge-intelligentagents, author = {Wooldridge, Michael J. and Jennings, Nicholas R.}, doi = {10.1017/S0269888900008122}, journal = {The Knowledge Engineering Review}, month = jun, number = 2, pages = {115--152}, title = {Intelligent Agents: Theory and Practice}, url = {}, volume = 10, year = 1995 }
@article{empaPetri95, Author = {Bernardo, Marco and Busi, Nadia and Gorrieri, Roberto}, Journal = {The Computer Journal}, Number = {7}, Pages = {492--509}, Title = {A distributed semantics for EMPA based on stochastic contextual nets}, Volume = {38}, Year = {1995}}
@book{at-book1995, address = {Cambridge, MA, USA}, apice = {AtBook1995}, doi = {10.7551/mitpress/2137.001.0001}, editor = {Nardi, Bonnie A.}, eisbn = {9780262280419}, isbn = {0-262-14058-6}, month = dec, numpages = 400, publisher = {MIT Press}, title = {Context and Consciousness: Activity Theory and Human-Computer Interaction}, url = {}, year = 1995 }
@inproceedings{simeng95, title={Integration of object-oriented analysis and performance simulation for engineering computer-based systems}, author={Goldgar, Richard and Acosta, Ramon D.}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 1995 International Symposium and Workshop on Systems Engineering of Computer Based Systems}, pages={382--388}, year={1995}, doi={10.1109/ECBS.1995.521879}, ISBN={0-7803-2531-1}, address= {Tucson, AZ, USA, USA}, publisher ={IEEE Computer Sosciety} }
@incollection{lgl-lncs924, Author = {Minsky, Naftaly H. and Leichter, Jerrold}, Booktitle = {Object-based Models and Languages for Concurrent Systems}, Doi = {10.1007/3-540-59450-7\_8}, Editor = {Ciancarini, Paolo and Nierstrasz, Oscar and Yonezawa, Akinori}, Isbn = {978-3-540-59450-5}, Isbn-10 = {3-540-59450-7}, Pages = {125--146}, Publisher = {Springer}, Series = {LNCS}, Title = {{L}aw-{G}overned {L}inda as a Coordination Model}, Url = {}, Volume = 924, Year = 1995}
@article{agre-ai72, author = {Agre, Philip E.}, doi = {10.1016/0004-3702(94)00054-5}, issn = {0004-3702}, journal = {Artificial Intelligence}, month = jan, note = {Special volume on computational research on interaction and agency, part 1}, number = 1-2, pages = {1--52}, publisher = {Elsevier Science B.V.}, title = {Computational Research on Interaction and Agency}, volume = 72, year = 1995 }
@incollection{castelfranchi-atalI, author = {Castelfranchi, Cristiano}, booktitle = {Intelligent Agents}, doi = {10.1007/3-540-58855-8_3}, editor = {Wooldridge, Michael J. and Jennings, Nicholas R.}, isbn = {978-3-540-58855-9}, note = {ECAI-94 Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages (ATAL) Amsterdam, The Netherlands 8--9~} # aug # {~1994. Proceedings}, pages = {56--70}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, title = {Guarantees for Autonomy in Cognitive Agent Architecture}, url = {}, volume = 890, year = 1995,
@incollection{lpse-cnr95, address = {Milano, Italy}, author = {Lamma, Evelina and Mello, Paola and Natali, Antonio and Omicini, Andrea}, booktitle = {Ambienti per linguaggi di nuova concezione}, editor = {Filè, Gilberto}, isbn = {88-204-9515-5}, pages = {17--46}, publisher = {Franco Angeli}, series = {Collana CNR/PF ``Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo'' (1418)}, title = {La programmazione logica nello sviluppo del software: dai modelli agli strumenti}, volume = 4, year = 1995 }
@book {CalEletIII, author = {Denti, Enrico and Natali, Antonio}, title = {Calcolatori Elettronici III: una introduzione alla programmazione orientata agli oggetti}, year = 1995, publisher = {Pitagora Editrice}, series = {Consorzio Nettuno}, address = {Bologna, Italy}, isbn = {88-371-0771-4}, note = {Teaching material}}
@incollection{lprobot-scsai95, author = {Denti, Enrico and Natali, Antonio and Omicini, Andrea and Zanichelli, Francesco}, booktitle = {Logic Programming: Formal Methods and Practical Applications}, chapter = 12, dblp = {books/el/beierleP95/DentiNOZ95}, editor = {Beierle, Christoph and Plümer, Lutz}, isbn = {978-0-444-82092-1}, isbn10 = {0-444-82092-2}, pages = {343--379}, publisher = {Elsevier}, scopus = {2-s2.0-85023302187}, series = {Studies in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence}, title = {Robot Control Systems as Contextual Logic Programs}, volume = 11, year = 1995 }
@proceedings{icmasI, Address = {San Francisco, CA, USA}, Bibsource = {DBLP,}, Booktitle = {ICMAS}, Editor = {Lesser, Victor R. and Gasser, Les}, Isbn = {0-262-62102-9}, Isbn-13 = {978-0262621021}, Month = {12--14}}}, Title = {1st International Conference on Multiagent Systems}, Year = 1995}
@article{rapide-tse21, Author = {Luckham, David C. and Kenney, John J. and Augustin, Larry M. and Vera, James and Bryan, Doug and Mann, Walter}, Doi = {10.1109/32.385971}, Inspec-An = {4969551}, Issn = {0098-5589}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}, Month = apr, Number = 4, Pages = {336--354}, Publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, Title = {Specification and Analysis of System Architecture Using {R}apide}, Url = {}, Volume = 21, Year = 1995}
@article{probabilisticprocesses-inco121, Author = {Vanglabbeek, Rob J. and Smolka, Scott A. and Steffen, Bernhard}, Doi = {10.1006/inco.1995.1123}, Issn = {0890-5401}, Journal = {Information and Computation}, Number = 1, Pages = {59--80}, Title = {Reactive, Generative, and Stratified Models of Probabilistic Processes}, Url = {}, Volume = 121, Year = 1995}
@phdthesis{omicini-phdthesis95, address = {Bologna, Italy}, author = {Omicini, Andrea}, institution = {Alma Mater Studiorum -- Università di Bologna}, month = feb, pages = {IV, 149}, school = {Dottorato in Ingegneria Elettronica e Informatica}, title = {Programmazione Logica Orientata agli Oggetti}, year = 1995 }
@inproceedings{aclt-aiia95, acm = {761273}, author = {Omicini, Andrea and Denti, Enrico and Natali, Antonio}, booktitle = {Topics in Artificial Intelligence}, dblp = {conf/aiia/OmiciniDN95}, doi = {10.1007/3-540-60437-5_43}, editor = {Gori, Marco and Soda, Giovanni}, eisbn = {3-540-60437-5}, iris = {11585/953879}, isbn = {978-3-540-60437-2}, isbn10 = {3-540-60437-5}, issn = {0302-9743}, note = {4th Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA'95), Florence, Italy, 11--13~} # oct # {~1995, Proceedings}, pages = {439--450}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, scholar = {9467690504149452680}, scopus = {2-s2.0-84957673013}, semanticscholar = {18358079}, series = {LNAI}, title = {Agent Coordination and Control through Logic Theories}, url = {}, volume = 992, wos = {A1995BF24X00043}, year = 1995 }
@book{castelfranchi-cognitiveaction95, Editor = {Conte, Rosaria and Castelfranchi, Cristiano}, Isbn = {9781857281866}, Isbn-10 = {1857281861}, Pages = 215, Publisher = {Routledge}, Title = {Cognitive and Social Action}, Url = {}, Year = 1995}
@incollection{piCalculusPetriLncs95, Author = {Busi, Nadia and Gorrieri, Roberto}, Booktitle = {CONCUR '95: Concurrency Theory}, Editor = {Lee, Insup and Smolka, Scott}, Pages = {145-159}, Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Title = {A Petri Net Semantics for pi-Calculus}, Volume = {962}, Year = {1995}}
Andrea Agiollo
Roberta Calegari
Giovanni Ciatto
Cristian Cosci
Angelo Croatti
Enrico Denti
Matteo Magnini
Sara Montagna
Andrea Omicini
Giuseppe Pisano
Andrea Rafanelli
Federico Sabbatini