Per Sort
- Intelligent Systems for Engineers and Scientists: A Practical Guide to Artificial Intelligence (2022) — Adrian A. Hopgood
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (2021) — Stuart J. Russell, Peter Norvig
- Multi-Agent Oriented Programming (2020) — Olivier Boissier, Rafael H. Bordini, Jomi Hübner, Alessandro Ricci
- Introducing the Oscillations Based Paradigm. The Simulation of Agents and Social Systems (2016) — Darius Plikynas
- Coordination of Complex Sociotechnical Systems: Self-organisation of Knowledge in MoK (2016) — Stefano Mariani
- On the Origin of Autonomy. A New Look at the Major Transitions in Evolution (2014) — Bernd Rosslenbroich
- Engineering General Intelligence, Part 2 (2014) — Ben Goertzel, Cassio Pennachin, Nil Geisweiller
- Distributed Systems. Concepts and Design (2012) — George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg, Gordon Blair
- Perspectives on Spin Glasses (2012) — Pierluigi Contucci, Cristian Giardinà
- Distributed Computing. Principles, Algorithms, and Systems (2011) — Ajay D. Kshemkalyani, Mukesh Singhal
- Innovation and Economic Crisis. Lessons and Prospects from the Economic Downturn (2011) — Daniele Archibugi, Andrea Filippetti
- Global Democracy: Normative and Empirical Perspectives (2011) — Daniele Archibugi, Mathias Koenig-Archibugi, Raffaele Marchetti
- An introduction to Bisimulation and Coinduction (2011) — Davide Sangiorgi
- The Description Logic Handbook: Theory, Implementation, and Applications (2010) — Franz Baader, Diego Calvanese, Deborah L. McGuinness, Daniele Nardi, Peter F. Patel-Schneider
- Trust Theory: A Socio-Cognitive and Computational Model (2010) — Christiano Castelfranchi, Rino Falcone
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (2010) — Stuart J. Russell, Peter Norvig
- Information, Physics, and Computation (2009) — Marc Mézard, Andrea Montanari
- An Introduction to MultiAgent Systems (2009) — Michael J. Wooldridge
- Costruire sistemi software: dai modelli al codice (2009) — Antonio Natali, Ambra Molesini
- The Craft of Prolog (2009) — Richard O'Keefe
- La cultura componibile. Dalla frammentazione alla disgregazione del sapere (2008) — Lucio Russo
- La costruzione dei sistemi software: dai modelli al codice (2008) — Antonio Natali, Ambra Molesini
- Developing Multi-Agent Systems with JADE (2007) — Fabio Luigi Bellifemine, Giovanni Caire, Dominic Greenwood
- Distributed Systems. Principles and Paradigms (2007) — Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Marteen van Steen
- RESTful Web Services (2007) — Leonard Richardson, Sam Ruby
- Sistemi Distribuiti (2007) — Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Marteen van Steen
- Programming Multi-Agent Systems in AgentSpeak using Jason (2007) — Rafael H. Bordini, Jomi F. Hübner, Michael J. Wooldridge
- The Plausibility of Life: Resolving Darwin's Dilemma (2006) — Marc W. Kirschner, John C. Gerhart
- Fundamentals of natural computing: basic concepts, algorithms, and applications (2006) — Leandro Nunes De Castro
- Field-Based Coordination for Pervasive Multiagent Systems. Models, Technologies, and Applications (2006) — Marco Mamei, Franco Zambonelli
- Reliable Distributed Systems. Technologies, Web Services, and Applications (2005) — Kenneth P. Birman
- Ant Colony Optimization (2004) — Marco Dorigo, Thomas Stützle
- Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems (2004) — Efraim Turban, Jay E. Aronson, Ting-Peng Liang
- Investigations (2003) — Stuart A. Kauffman
- Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit (2003) — Mary Poppendieck, Tom Poppendieck
- Introduzione alla Programmazione a oggetti in Java (2003) — Enrico Denti
- Theory of Financial Risk and Derivative Pricing: From Statistical Physics to Risk Management (2003) — Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, Marc Potters
- The Logic of Scientific Discovery (2002) — Karl Raimund Popper
- An Introduction to MultiAgent Systems (2002) — Michael J. Wooldridge
- Introduzione alla Programmazione a oggetti in Java (2001) — Enrico Denti
- Objective Coordination in Multi-Agent System Engineering (2001) — Michael Schumacher
- The OPEN Process Framework: An Introduction (2001) — Donald Firesmith, Brian Henderson-Sellers
- Statistical Physics of Spin Glasses and Information Processing: An Introduction (2001) — Hidetoshi Nishimori
- Fondamenti di Informatica A (Parte II) (2000) — Enrico Denti
- Introduzione alla Programmazione a oggetti in Java (2000) — Enrico Denti
- Folk Physics for Apes: The Chimpanzee's Theory of How the World Works (2000) — Daniel J. Povinelli
- Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change (1999) — Kent Beck
- Javaspaces Principles, Patterns, and Practice: Principles, Patterns and Practices (1999) — Eric Freeman, Susanne Hupfer, Ken Arnold
- Fondamenti di Informatica A (I parte) - Raccolta del materiale proiettato e discusso a lezione (1999) — Enrico Denti
- Fondamenti di Informatica A (Parte I) (1999) — Enrico Denti
- Co-ordination in Artificial Agent Societies (1999) — Sascha Ossowski
- Swarm Intelligence: From Natural to Artificial Systems (1999) — Eric Bonabeau, Marco Dorigo, Guy Theraulaz
- Introduction to Econophysics: Correlations and Complexity in Finance (1999) — Rosario N. Mantegna, H. Eugene Stanley
- Évolution et création, tome 1 — Sens ou non-sens de l'homme dans la nature? (1998) — Gustave Martelet
- Intelligent Decision Support Methods: The Science of Knowledge Work (1997) — Vasant Dhar, Roger M. Stein
- Situational Method Engineering (1997) — A.F. Harmsen
- The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1996) — Thomas S. Kuhn
- Calcolatori Elettronici III: una introduzione alla programmazione orientata agli oggetti (1995) — Enrico Denti, Antonio Natali
- The Origins of Order: Self-organization and Selection in Evolution (1993) — Stuart A. Kauffman
- Co-ordinating Plans of Autonomous Agents (1992) — Frank von Martial
- Intention, Plans, and Practical Reason (1987) — Michael E. Bratman
- Foundations of Logic Programming (1984) — John W. Lloyd
- Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living (1980) — Humberto R. Maturana, Francisco G. Varela
- Mind in Society: Development of Higher Psychological Processes (1978) — Lev Semenovich Vygotskiĭ
- Mind in Society (1978) — Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky
- A Structure for Plans and Behavior (1977) — Earl D. Sacerdoti
- Lectures on Gas Theory (1964) — Ludwig Boltzmann
- Principia Mathematica (1927) — Alfred North Whitehead, Bertrand Russell
Andrea Agiollo
Roberta Calegari
Giovanni Ciatto
Cristian Cosci
Angelo Croatti
Enrico Denti
Matteo Magnini
Sara Montagna
Andrea Omicini
Giuseppe Pisano
Andrea Rafanelli
Federico Sabbatini