tag : stigmergy
6 publications
Agents Writing on Walls: Cognitive Stigmergy and Beyond (2012) — Andrea Omicini
Behavioral Implicit Communication (BIC): Communicating with Smart Environments via our Practical Behavior and Its Traces (2010) — Cristiano Castelfranchi, Giovanni Pezzullo, Luca Tummolini
Pervasive pheromone-based interaction with RFID tags (ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 2007) — Mamei Marco, Franco Zambonelli
A Survey of Environments and Mechanisms for Human-Human Stigmergy (E4MAS 2005) — H. Van Dyke Parunak
Programming Stigmergic Coordination with the TOTA Middleware () — Marco Mamei, Franco Zambonelli
Digital Pheromone Mechanisms for Coordination of Unmanned Vehicles (AAMAS 2002) — H. van Dyke Parunak, Sven Brueckner, John Sauter