Coordination in Large-Scale Socio-Technical Systems: Introduction to the Special Section
author = {Zambonelli, Franco and Omicini, Andrea and Scerri, Paul},
dblp = {journals/tetc/ZambonelliOS16},
doi = {10.1109/TETC.2015.2505498},
ieee = {7423842},
iris = {11585/562495},
issn = {2168-6750},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing},
keywords = {Distributed computing, pervasive computing, social computing, software engineering},
month = jan # {--} # mar,
number = 1,
numpages = 4,
pages = {5--8},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
scopus = {2-s2.0-84963735849},
title = {Coordination in Large-Scale Socio-Technical Systems: Introduction to the Special Section},
url = {},
volume = 4,
wos = {000390195500002},
year = 2016