Distributed Systems. Concepts and Design
Author = {Coulouris, George and Dollimore, Jean and Kindberg, Tim and Blair, Gordon},
Booktitle = {Distributed Systems. Concepts and Design},
Edition = {5th},
Isbn = {978-0-273-76059-7},
Isbn-10 = {0132143011},
Isbn-13 = {978-0-132-14301-1},
Publisher = {Pearson},
Title = {Distributed Systems. Concepts and Design},
Url = {http://www.pearsonhighered.com/educator/product/Distributed-Systems-Concepts-and-Design/9780132143011.page},
Year = 2012}
Author = {Coulouris, George and Dollimore, Jean and Kindberg, Tim and Blair, Gordon},
Booktitle = {Distributed Systems. Concepts and Design},
Edition = {5th},
Isbn = {978-0-273-76059-7},
Isbn-10 = {0132143011},
Isbn-13 = {978-0-132-14301-1},
Publisher = {Pearson},
Title = {Distributed Systems. Concepts and Design},
Url = {http://www.pearsonhighered.com/educator/product/Distributed-Systems-Concepts-and-Design/9780132143011.page},
Year = 2012}