XML Dataspaces for the Coordination of Internet Agents

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Giacomo Cabri, Letizia Leonardi, Franco Zambonelli
Applied Artificial Intelligence 15(1), pp. 35–58
gennaio 2001

This article presents MARS-X, a programmable coordination architecture for autonomous and mobile Internet agents. In MARS-X, mobile Internet agents coordinate through programmable XML dataspaces, accessed by agents in a Linda-like fashion. Therefore, MARS-X enforces open and uncoupled interactions and, via XML, it offers a high degree of standard interoperability. These properties suit very well the characteristics of both mobile Internet agents and the Internet environment itself. In addition, coordination in MARS-X is made more flexible and secure by the capability of programming the behavior of the XML dataspaces by reaction to the agents' accesses. An application example related to the management of on-line academic courses shows the suitability and effectiveness of the MARS-X architecture.

evento origine
worldCM 2000@SAC 2000
rivista o collana
book Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI)
pubblicazione contenitore
page_white_acrobatSpecial Issue “Coordination Models and Languages in AI” (numero speciale, 2001) — Andrea Omicini, George A. Papadopoulos