Franz Baader, Klaus U. Schulz (a cura di)
Frontiers of Combining Systems, pp. 147–160
Applied Logic Series 3
Kluwer Academic Publishers
This work presents ACLT, a coordination model aimed to combine and coordinate heterogeneous agents by means of a communication abstraction inspired to the Linda model, but rooted in a logic framework. The twofold interpretation of a logic tuple space both as a message and as a knowledge repository naturally induces a categorisation of agents as logic and non-logic. While non-logic agents adopt the basic Linda kernel, logic agents exploit the full power of the ACLT model, which supports deduction and reasoning over the content of the tuple space. By providing a conceptual framework where logic inference and temporal tuple space evolution coexist, ACLT provides a suitable environment to build heterogeneous multi-agent systems, where hybrid agent architectures can be designed, integrating reasoning capabilities together with reactive behaviours.