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5 documents  /  tag : symbolic vs. subsymbolic  /  AI4EU
page_white_powerpointNot just for humans: Explanation for agent-to-agent communication (AIxIA 2020, 27/11/2020) — Andrea Omicini (Andrea Omicini)
page_white_acrobatNot just for humans: Explanation for agent-to-agent communication (paper in proceedings, 2020) — Andrea Omicini
page_white_acrobatOn the integration of symbolic and sub-symbolic techniques for XAI: A survey (article in journal, 2020) — Roberta Calegari, Giovanni Ciatto, Andrea Omicini
page_white_acrobatComputable Law as Argumentation-based MAS (paper in proceedings, 2020) — Roberta Calegari, Andrea Omicini, Giovanni Sartor
page_white_powerpointComputable Law as Argumentation-based MAS (WOA 2020, 14/09/2020) — Roberta Calegari (Andrea Omicini, Giovanni Sartor, Roberta Calegari)