Per Year

9 publications without Scopus ID  /  2009  /  Mirko Viroli
Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli, Michele Piunti
(paper in proceedings) Programming Multi-Agent Systems 7th International Workshop (ProMAS 2009) Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes Computer Science 5919, 2009
Alessandro Ricci, Michele Piunti, Mirko Viroli
(paper in proceedings) Proceedings of MALLOW 2009 federated workshops: LAnguages, methodologies and Development tools for multi-agent systemS (LADS 2009), September 2009
Matteo Casadei, Mirko Viroli
(paper in proceedings) 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2009), March, 8-12 2009
Matteo Casadei, Mirko Viroli
(paper in proceedings) IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2009 (CEC 2009)., May, 18-21 2009
Alessandro Ricci, Michele Piunti, Mirko Viroli, Andrea Omicini
(book chapter) Multi-Agent Programming II: Languages, Platforms and Applications. Multiagent Systems, Artificial Societies, and Simulated Organizations, June 2009
Matteo Casadei, Mirko Viroli, Luca Gardelli
(article in journal) Science of Computer Programming 74(9), 2009
Ferruccio Damiani, Paola Giannini, Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli
(paper in proceedings) ICSOFT 2009 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference  on Software and Data Technologies, Volume 1, Sofia, Bulgaria,  July 26-29, 2009, July 2009
Sara Montagna, Mirko Viroli
(paper in proceedings) 2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2009), 18-21 May 2009
Mirko Viroli, Matteo Casadei
(paper in proceedings) Coordination Languages and Models. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5521, June 2009
9 publications in 2009 without Scopus ID • topindexbottom