Michele Piunti

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Michele Piunti

 PhD Student in Computer Engineering

Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems (DEIS) {style:type=span|font-family=trebuchet ms,geneva}Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies ISTC CNR, Roma.


APICe Publication Page (from 2008)DBLP PageGoogle ScholarISTC CNR Page (updated at 2008)


email: michele.piunti@unibo.it"> michele.piunti(at)unibo.it skype: michele.piunti phone: +39.0547.\ fax: +39.0547. AliCE UniBo address: APICe Via Venezia, 52 47023, Cesena (FC) Italy ISTC CNR address: Istituto Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione - ISTC CNR Via San Martino della Battaglia, 44 00185 - Roma, Italyhttp://alice.unibo.it/xwiki/bin/download/MichelePiunti/WebHome/dada.jpg">DaAadA Back and Forth


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