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self-organising systems
All pages tagged with
self-organising systems
Coordination Models and Technologies toward Self-Organising Systems
Designing Self-Organising Environments with Agents and Artefacts: A Simulation-Driven Approach
A Framework for Modelling and Implementing Self-Organising Coordination
Birds of a feather flock together
Designing Self-organising MAS Environments: The Collective Sort Case
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Self-Organizing Cells for Jason (SOC4J)
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems
Literature Survey on Applications of Self-Organising Systems
Advanced Topics in Agent-Oriented Computing 2006/2007
Swarm-bot: colonie di robot auto-organizzati
Self-Organisation e Emergenza in MAS
Coordination Issues in Complex Socio-technical Systems: Self-organisation of Knowledge in MoK
Autonomy, Interaction & Complexity in Computational Systems. Preliminary Notes
Engineering Self-organising Coordination: A Computational Field Approach
Towards a Pervasive Infrastructure for Chemical-Inspired Self-organising Services
Dynamic Social Networks: Modeling Trust, Shocks and Hype
Molecules of Knowledge: Self-Organisation in Knowledge-Intensive Environments
A Self-Organising Infrastructure for Chemical-Semantic Coordination: Experiments in TuCSoN
Design Patterns for Self-Organising Systems
Self-Organising Semantic Resource Discovery for Pervasive Systems
Nature-inspired Coordination for Complex Multi-Agent Systems
Coordination Models and Technologies toward Self-Organising Systems
Glocality: emergent behaviours
Pervasive Ecosystems: a Coordination Model based on Semantic Chemistry
Biochemical Tuple Spaces for Self-Organising Coordination
On the Collective Sort Problem for Distributed Tuple Spaces
Combining Simulation and Formal Tools for Developing Self-Organizing MAS
From Service-Oriented Architectures to Nature-Inspired Self-aware Pervasive Service Ecosystems: The SAPERE Approach
Coordination Models and Languages: From Parallel Computing To Self-Organisation
On the Role of Simulations in Engineering Self-Organizing MAS: the Case of an Intrusion Detection System in TuCSoN
A Framework for Modelling and Implementing Self-Organising Coordination
Self-adaptive Service Ecosystems for Pervasive Computing
Self-Organisation and Adaptation within MAS: the crowd evacuation example in Jade and TuCSoN
L'utilizzo dello standard WSDM per la costruzione di sistemi self-* ad agenti, nell'ambito dell'Autonomic Computing
Cognitive Stigmergy: Towards a Framework Based on Agents and Artifacts
On the Role of Simulations in Engineering Self-Organising MAS: The Case of an Intrusion Detection System in TuCSoN
Engineering Confluent Computational Fields: from Functions to Rewrite Rules
A Case of Self-Organising Environment for MAS: the Collective Sort Problem
State-of-the-Art and Trends in Nature-inspired Coordination Models
Bio-inspired Design Patterns in MAS
Self-Organizing MAS
A Self-Organising Infrastructure for Chemical-Semantic Coordination
Applying Self-Organizing Coordination to Emergent Tuple Organization in Distributed Networks
An Experience on Probabilistic Model Checking and Stochastic Simulation to Design Self-Organizing Systems
Exploring the Dynamics of Self-Organising Systems with Stochastic π-Calculus: Detecting Abnormal Behaviour in MAS
Architecture and Metaphors for Eternally Adaptive Service Ecosystems
MAS for SOS: models and technologies
Algoritmo di auto-organizzazione per STS basato su stigmergia e sui principi della democrazia di Atene
Multi-level models and infrastructures for simulating biological system development
Agents & MAS: An Introduction
How to learn by ant
A Conceptual Framework for Self-Organising MAS
Coordination Models and Languages: From Parallel Computing to Self-Organisation
Using Probabilistic Model Checking and Simulation for Designing Self-Organizing Systems
Towards Semantic Self-Organisation: A Perspective for the Coordination of Complex Systems
Co-Fields & TOTA: una risposta al problema della coordinazione in sistemi multi-agente
Agents Writing on Walls: Cognitive Stigmergy and Beyond
Coordinazione per SOS: modelli e architetture verso i sistemi autonomi
From Coordination to Semantic Self-Organisation: A Perspective on the Engineering of Complex Systems
Using Probabilistic Model Checking and Simulation for Designing Self-Organizing Systems
Pervasive Ecosystems: a Coordination Model based on Semantic Chemistry
Toward Nature-Inspired Computing
On the Role of Simulation in the Engineering of Self-Organising Systems: Detecting Abnormal Behaviour in MAS
Cognitive Stigmergy: A Framework Based on Agents and Artifacts
Self Organization in Coordination Systems using a WordNet-based Ontology
A Biochemical Metaphor for Developing Eternally Adaptive Service Ecosystems
Self-Organizing MAS
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self-organising systems
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