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Extending ReSpecT for Multiple Coordination Flows
TuCSoN on Android
Objective versus Subjective Coordination in the Engineering of Agent Systems
A Framework for Modelling and Implementing Self-Organising Coordination
Promoting Space-Aware Coordination: ReSpecT as a Spatial-Computing Virtual Machine
Timed Environment for Web Agents
Adaptive Coordination Models for Pervasive Environments
Situating A&A ReSpecT for Pervasive Environment Applications
Molecules of Knowledge: architettura, implementazione ed esempi
Probabilità e stocasticità nei sistemi coordinati: esperimenti in ReSpecT
Designing Multi-Agent Systems around an Extensible Communication Abstraction
Linkable Coordination Artifacts for Inter-Organisational Workflow
On the Expressive Power of a Language for Programming Coordination Media
Mapping REO on TuCSoN/ReSpecT
Situated Tuple Centres in ReSpecT
Advanced Topics in Agent-Oriented Computing 2006/2007
ReSpecT Nets: Towards an Analysis Methodology for ReSpecT Specifications
Topologia nel modello di coordinazione TuCSoN
From Tuple Spaces to Tuple Centres
Formal ReSpecT in the A&A Perspective
Artefatti e sistemi coordinati: esperimenti in ReSpecT
Programming the Interaction Space Effectively with ReSpecTX
Engineering Agent Societies with Coordination Artifacts and Supporting Infrastructures
Tecnologie per la collaborazione sociale tra robot Mindstorm: Lejos & ReSpecT
Situating A&A ReSpecT for Pervasive Environment Applications
An Agent-Oriented Conceptual Framework for Systems Biology
Esperienze in robotica con lego Mindstorm e ReSpecT
Progetto ed implementazione di uno smart environment per sistemi pervasivi su piattaforma TuCSoN
Autopoiesis vs. Allopoiesis: issues of autonomy in artificial systems
Expressive Power of the ACLT Reaction Specification Language
Trasduttori e middleware: da JDDAC alla coordinazione
General-Purpose Coordination Abstractions for Managing Interaction in MAS
ReSpecT: Teaching The Old Dog New Tricks
Formal ReSpecT in the A&A Perspective
Implementation of a Poker autonomous and distributed system
Coordination in Situated Systems: Engineering MAS Environment in TuCSoN
Artefatti di coordinazione per agenti in Smart Environment
Task-Oriented Engineering of Coordinated Software Systems
ReSpecTX: Programming Interaction Made Easy
EvoMAS – Sistema adattativo gerarchico ad agenti
Situated Tuple Centres in ReSpecT
A Framework for Modelling and Implementing Self-Organising Coordination
Hive BDI. Extending BDI Agents with Shared Memory
Programmable Coordination Media
Tecnologie per la collaborazione sociale tra robot Mindstorm: LeJOS & ReSpecT
ReSpecT in TuSoW
ReSpecT Nets: Towards an Analysis Methodology for ReSpecT Specifications
Coordinazione: Ingegneria dell'interazione
Situating A&A ReSpecT: Reactivity To Environment Events
Prototyping A&A ReSpecT in Maude
On the Role of Simulations in Engineering Self-Organising MAS: The Case of an Intrusion Detection System in TuCSoN
Tecnologie di coordinazione per la situatedness in ambito robotico
Programming Agent-Environment Interaction for MAS Situatedness in ReSpecT
Event-driven Situated Coordination in MAS: ReSpecT and the A&A Perspective
Sistemi di workflow dichiarativo
Progetto e sviluppo di una GUI per il linguaggio di coordinazione ReSpecT
Coordinazione situata: integrazione di Arduino in un middleware basato su tuple
Formal ReSpecT
A Biochemically-inspired Coordination-based Model for Simulating Intracellular Signalling Pathways
Interazione tra l'Inspector e il ciclo di vita della macchina virtuale ReSpecT
Coordinazione: Ingegneria dell'interazione
Coordination in Open and Dynamic Environments via TuCSoN Semantic Tuple Centres
Logic-based coordination: a semantic approach to self-composition of services
A Self-Organising Infrastructure for Chemical-Semantic Coordination
Distributed Workflow upon Linkable Coordination Artifacts
Semantic Tuple Centres
Have ReSpecT for LogOp
Implementazione automatica di protocolli di interazione AUML mediante reti di Petri
Refactoring TuCSoN/ReSpecT source code and development process
Coordination-aware Elasticity
Designing Multi-Agent Systems around an Extensible Communication Abstraction
Composable Patterns of Coordination as Library Services: Experiments in ReSpecT
Formal ReSpecT
Dalla Swarm Intelligence alla Self Organising Coordination: applicazione a scenari pervasive
Time-Aware Coordination in ReSpecT
Formal ReSpecT in the A&A Perspective
Sviluppo di un framework concettuale e tecnologico per l'integrazione di LEGO Mindstorm e ReSpecT
Coordinazione sociale di robot Mindstorm in ReSpecT
Coordinazione per SOS: modelli e architetture verso i sistemi autonomi
Ri-progettazione, separazione e integrazione delle tecnologie ReSpecT e TuCSoN per sistemi distribuiti
Have ReSpecT for LogOp
ReSpecT Guide
Prototyping A&A ReSpecT in Maude
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