Per Year

20 publications without ACM ID  /  2020–2024  /  Giuseppe Pisano
2023  •  2022  •  2021  •  2020
    author = {Pisano, Giuseppe and Calegari, Roberta and Omicini, Andrea and Giovanni Sartor},
    booktitle = {Special Issue: Advances in Argumentation in AI},
    dblp = {journals/flap/PisanoCOS23},
    editor = {D'Agostino, Marcello and D'Asaro, Fabio Aurelio and Larese, Costanza},
    eissn = {2631-9829},
    iris = {11585/926735},
    isbn = {978-1-84890-433-0},
    issn = {2631-9810},
    journal = {Journal of Applied Logics},
    keywords = {burdens of persuasion, argumentation, meta-argumentation},
    month = may,
    note = {Special Issue: Advances in Argumentation in AI},
    number = 3,
    numpages = 28,
    pages = {393--420},
    publisher = {College Publications},
    scholar = {6899343197318040336},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85160661742},
    title = {Burden of Persuasion: A Meta-argumentation Approach},
    url = {},
    volume = 10,
    wos = {WOS:001243893100005},
    year = 2023
    author = {Galileo Sartor and Jacinto Dàvila and Alessia Fidelangeli and Pisano, Giuseppe},
    keywords = {Logic Programming, Prolog, Controlled Natural Language, Legal Rule Modelling, Explainable AI, Logical English, s(CASP)},
    title = {(Re)Integration of Logical English and s(CASP)},
    urlpdf = {},
    year = 2023
    address = {Cham, Switzerland},
    author = {Pisano, Giuseppe and Calegari, Roberta and Omicini, Andrea},
    booktitle = {AIxIA 2022 -- Advances in Artificial Intelligence},
    chapter = 10,
    dblp = {conf/aiia/PisanoCO22},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-27181-6_10},
    editor = {Dovier, Agostino and Montanari, Angelo and Orlandini, Andrea},
    eisbn = {978-3-031-27181-6},
    institution = {University of Udine},
    iris = {11585/926736},
    isbn = {978-3-031-27180-9},
    issn = {0302-9743},
    keywords = {argumentation, arg2p, cooperative argumentation, multi-agent systems, cooperative reasoning},
    location = {Udine, Italy},
    month = mar,
    note = {XXI International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, AIxIA 2022, Udine, Italy, November 28 -- December 2, 2022, Proceedings},
    numpages = 14,
    pages = {140--153},
    publisher = {Springer},
    scholar = {611421105673679245},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85151050879},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    subseries = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
    title = {Multi-Agent Cooperative Argumentation in {Arg\textsf{2}P}},
    url = {},
    volume = 13796,
    wos = {WOS:000999015100010},
    year = 2023
    author = {Matteo Francia and Joseph Giovanelli and Pisano, Giuseppe},
    journal = {Future Generation Computer Systems},
    keywords = {Human-centered, AutoML, Logic, Argumentation, CRISP-DM, Data Scientist},
    title = {HAMLET: a framework for Human-centered AutoML via Structured Argumentation}
    author = {Robaldo, Livio and Batsakis, Sotiris and Calegari, Roberta and Calimeri, Francesco and Fujita, Megumi and Governatori, Guido and Morelli, Maria Concetta and Pacenza, Francesco and Pisano, Giuseppe and Satoh, Ken and Tachmazidis, Ilias and Zangari, Jessica},
    doi = {10.1007/s10506-023-09360-z},
    eissn = {1572-8382},
    issn = {0924-8463},
    journal = {Artificial Intelligence and Law},
    keywords = {Compliance checking, First-order knowledge, LegalTech},
    month = jun,
    numpages = 51,
    title = {Compliance checking on first-order knowledge with conflicting and compensatory norms: a comparison among currently available technologies},
    url = {},
    year = 2023
5 publications in 2023 without ACM ID • topindexbottom
	address = {Cham},
	author = {Calegari, Roberta and Contissa, Giuseppe and Pisano, Giuseppe and Sartor, Galileo and Sartor, Giovanni},
	booktitle = {AIxIA 2021 -- Advances in Artificial Intelligence},
	doi = 10.1007/978-3-031-08421-8_7,
	editor = {Bandini, Stefania and Gasparini, Francesca and Mascardi, Viviana and Palmonari, Matteo and Vizzari, Giuseppe},
	isbn = {978-3-031-08421-8},
	month = jul,
	pages = {91--103},
	publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
	series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
	title = {Modular Logic Argumentation in Arg-TuProlog},
	volume = 13196,
	year = 2022} 
    author = {Galileo Sartor and Jacinto Dávila and Marco Billi and Giuseppe Contissa and Pisano, Giuseppe and Robert Kowalski},
    booktitle = {Workshop on Goal-directed Execution of Answer Set Programs},
    keywords = {Logic Programming, Prolog, Controlled Natural Language, Legal Rule Modelling, Explainable AI, Logical English},
    series = {GDE 2022},
    title = {Integration of Logical English and s(CASP)},
    urlpdf = {}
    author = {Calegari, Roberta and Pisano, Giuseppe and Omicini, Andrea and Sartor, Giovanni},
    dblp = {journals/logcom/CalegariOPS22},
    doi = {10.1093/logcom/exab089},
    editors = {Calimeri, Francesco and Perri, Simona and Zumpano. Ester},
    iris = {11585/877812},
    issn = {0955-792X},
    journal = {Journal of Logic and Computation},
    keywords = {Arg2P, intelligent systems engineering, explainable intelligent systems, logic-based technology, argumentation, defeasible reasoning, multi-agent systems},
    month = mar,
    note = {{S}pecial {I}ssue from the 35th Italian Conference on Computational Logic ({CILC} 2020)},
    number = 2,
    pages = {369--401},
    publisher = {Oxford University Press},
    scholar = {7687317421217944977},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85126283334},
    title = {{Arg\textsf{2}P}: An argumentation framework for explainable intelligent systems},
    url = {},
    volume = 32,
    wos = {000762067600009},
    year = 2022
    address = {Cham},
    author = {Pisano, Giuseppe and Calegari, Roberta and Omicini, Andrea and Sartor, Giovanni},
    booktitle = {AIxIA 2021 -- Advances in Artificial Intelligence},
    dblp = {conf/aiia/PisanoCOS21},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-08421-8_8},
    editor = {Bandini, Stefania and Gasparini, Francesca and Mascardi, Viviana and Palmonari, Matteo and Vizzari, Giuseppe},
    iris = {11585/893244},
    isbn = {978-3-031-08421-8},
    keywords = {Burdens of persuasion · Argumentation · Meta-argumentation},
    location = {Milan, Italy},
    month = jul,
    pages = {104--119},
    publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
    scholar = {17799901578643288638},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85135015182},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    subseries = {AI*IA Series},
    title = {Burden of Persuasion in Meta-argumentation},
    url = {},
    urlopenaccess = {},
    urlpdf = {},
    volume = 13196,
    wos = {WOS:000876859300008},
    year = 2022
    author = {Pisano, Giuseppe and Calegari, Roberta and Henry Prakken and Sartor, Giovanni},
    booktitle = {Computational Models of Argument},
    doi = {10.3233/FAIA220160},
    editor = {Francesca Toni and Sylwia Polberg and Richard Booth and Martin Caminada and Hiroyuki Kido},
    eisbn = {978-1-64368-307-2},
    institution = {Cardiff University},
    isbn = {978-1-64368-306-5},
    keywords = {meta-argumentation, argumentation, ASPIC+},
    location = {Cardiff},
    numpages = 12,
    pages = {284--295},
    publisher = {IOS Press},
    series = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications},
    title = {Arguing About the Existence of Conflicts},
    url = {},
    volume = 353,
    year = 2022
7 publications in 2022 without ACM ID • topindexbottom
    author = {Billi, Marco and Calegari, Roberta and Contissa, Giuseppe and Pisano, Giuseppe and Sartor, Galileo and Sartor, Giovanni},
    booktitle = {Workshop on Causal Reasoning and Explanation in Logic Programming (CAUSAL 2021)},
    editor = {LeBlanc, Emily and Vennekens, Joost and Son, Tran Cao and Cabalar, Pedro and Fandiño, Jorge and Balduccini, Marcello and Lierler, Yuliya},
    iris = {11585/836343},
    location = {Porto, Portugal (virtual)},
    month = sep,
    numpages = 14,
    publisher = {Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University},
    series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
    subseries = {AIxIA Series},
    title = {Explainability through argumentation in logic programming},
    url = {},
    volume = 2970,
    year = 2021
	author = {Billi, Marco and Calegari, Roberta and Contissa, Giuseppe and Lagioia, Francesca and Pisano, Giuseppe and Sartor, Galileo and Sartor, Giovanni},
	doi = {10.3390/j4040061},
	editor = {Ivascu, Larisa},
	issn = {2571-8800},
	journal = {J},
	keywords = {argumentation; defeasible reasoning; tools and technologies; Arg2P},
	month = dec,
	note = {Special Issue The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Law},
	number = 4,
	pages = {897-914},
	publisher = {MDPI},
	status = {Published},
	title = {Argumentation and Defeasible Reasoning in the Law},
	url = {},
	volume = 4,
	year = 2021} 
    address = {Parma, Italy},
    author = {Pisano, Giuseppe and Calegari, Roberta and Omicini, Andrea and Sartor, Giovanni},
    booktitle = {CILC 2021 -- Italian Conference on Computational Logic. Proceedings of the 36th Italian Conference on Computational Logic},
    dblp = {conf/cilc/PisanoCOS21},
    editor = {Monica, Stefania and Bergenti, Federico},
    iris = {11585/838785},
    issn = {1613-0073},
    keywords = {Argumentation · Defeasible preferences · Arg2P},
    month = {7-9}}},
    scholar = {12433999243058736062},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85122863663},
    semanticscholar = {243990504},
    series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
    subseries = {AIxIA Series},
    title = {A Mechanism for Reasoning over Defeasible Preferences in {Arg\textsf{2}P}},
    url = {},
    urlpdf = {},
    volume = 3002,
    year = 2021
    author = {Pisano, Giuseppe and Calegari, Roberta and Omicini, Andrea and Sartor, Giovanni},
    booktitle = {Advances in Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence 2021},
    dblp = {conf/aiia/PisanoCOS21},
    editor = {D'Agostino, Marcello and Aurelio D'Asaro, Fabio and Larese, Costanza},
    iris = {11585/893243},
    issn = {1613-0073},
    keywords = {burdens of persuasion, argumentation, meta-argumentation, reasoning over burdens},
    month = nov,
    note = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Advances in Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence (AI$^{3}$ 2021), co-located with the 19th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2021), Milan, November 29, 2021},
    numpages = 19,
    pages = {5:1--5:19},
    publisher = {Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University},
    scholar = {10187981790280478304},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85125434069},
    series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
    subseries = {AIxIA Series},
    title = {Burden of persuasion in argumentation: A meta-argumentation approach},
    url = {},
    urlpdf = {},
    volume = 3086,
    year = 2021
    articleno = 12,
    author = {Pisano, Giuseppe and Calegari, Roberta and Omicini, Andrea},
    booktitle = {WOA 2021 -- 22nd Workshop ``From Objects to Agents''},
    dblp = {conf/woa/PisanoCO21},
    editor = {Calegari, Roberta and Ciatto, Giovanni and Denti, Enrico and Omicini, Andrea and Sartor, Giovanni},
    iris = {11585/834366},
    issn = {1613-0073},
    keywords = {Argumentation, MAS, cooperative argumentation, distributed argumentation process},
    location = {Bologna, Italy},
    month = oct,
    note = {22nd Workshop ``From Objects to Agents'' (WOA 2021), Bologna, Italy, 1--3~} # sep # {~2021. Proceedings},
    numpages = 16,
    pages = {162--177},
    publisher = {Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University},
    scholar = {13615595110063768054},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85116856131},
    series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
    subseries = {AI*IA Series},
    title = {Towards cooperative argumentation for {MAS}: An actor-based approach},
    url = {},
    volume = 2963,
    year = 2021
5 publications in 2021 without ACM ID • topindexbottom
    address = {Aachen, Germany},
    author = {Pisano, Giuseppe and Calegari, Roberta and Omicini, Andrea and Sartor, Giovanni},
    booktitle = {CILC 2020 -- Italian Conference on Computational Logic. Proceedings of the 35th Italian Conference on Computational Logic},
    dblp = {conf/cilc/PisanoCOS20},
    editor = {Calimeri, Francesco and Perri, Simona and Zumpano, Ester},
    iris = {11585/776173},
    issn = {1613-0073},
    keywords = {argumentation; logic-based argumentation; burden of persuasion; tuProlog; micro-intelligence; symbolic intelligence},
    location = {Rende, CS, Italy},
    month = {13-15}}},
    publisher = {CEUR-WS},
    scholar = {11457064787617704916},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85095821934},
    series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
    subseries = {AI*IA Series},
    title = {Arg-{{\sf tu}Prolog}: A {{\sf tu}Prolog}-based argumentation framework},
    url = {},
    volume = 2710,
    year = 2020
    address = {Aachen, Germany},
    articleno = 8,
    author = {Pisano, Giuseppe and Ciatto, Giovanni and Calegari, Roberta and Omicini, Andrea},
    booktitle = {WOA 2020 -- 21th Workshop ``From Objects to Agents''},
    dblp = {conf/woa/PisanoCCO20},
    editor = {Calegari, Roberta and Ciatto, Giovanni and Denti, Enrico and Omicini, Andrea and Sartor, Giovanni},
    iris = {11585/781387},
    issn = {1613-0073},
    keywords = {XAI, Hybrid Systems, Neural Networks, Logical Constraining},
    location = {Bologna, Italy},
    month = oct,
    note = {21st Workshop ``From Objects to Agents'' (WOA 2020), Bologna, Italy, 14--16~} # sep # {~2020. Proceedings},
    numpages = 17,
    pages = {101--117},
    publisher = {Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85095616404},
    scopus-id = {2-s2.0-85095616404},
    series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
    subseries = {AI*IA Series},
    title = {Neuro-symbolic Computation for {XAI}: Towards a Unified Model},
    url = {},
    urlpdf = {},
    volume = 2706,
    year = 2020
	location = {Brno/Prague, Czech Republic},
        Month = {9-11}}},
	editor = {Villata, Serena and Harašta, Jakub and Křemen, Petr},
	author = {Calegari, Roberta and Contissa, Giuseppe and Pisano, Giuseppe and Sartor, Galileo and Sartor, Giovanni},
	title = {{A}rg-tu{P}rolog: a modular logic argumentation tool for {PIL}},
	pages = {265-268},
	doi = {10.3233/FAIA200880},
        Volume = 334,
3 publications in 2020 without ACM ID • topindexbottom