Per anno

2 pubblicazioni senza Scopus ID  /  2021  /  Giuseppe Pisano
    author = {Billi, Marco and Calegari, Roberta and Contissa, Giuseppe and Pisano, Giuseppe and Sartor, Galileo and Sartor, Giovanni},
    booktitle = {Workshop on Causal Reasoning and Explanation in Logic Programming (CAUSAL 2021)},
    editor = {LeBlanc, Emily and Vennekens, Joost and Son, Tran Cao and Cabalar, Pedro and Fandiño, Jorge and Balduccini, Marcello and Lierler, Yuliya},
    iris = {11585/836343},
    location = {Porto, Portugal (virtual)},
    month = sep,
    numpages = 14,
    publisher = {Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University},
    series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
    subseries = {AIxIA Series},
    title = {Explainability through argumentation in logic programming},
    url = {},
    volume = 2970,
    year = 2021
	author = {Billi, Marco and Calegari, Roberta and Contissa, Giuseppe and Lagioia, Francesca and Pisano, Giuseppe and Sartor, Galileo and Sartor, Giovanni},
	doi = {10.3390/j4040061},
	editor = {Ivascu, Larisa},
	issn = {2571-8800},
	journal = {J},
	keywords = {argumentation; defeasible reasoning; tools and technologies; Arg2P},
	month = dec,
	note = {Special Issue The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Law},
	number = 4,
	pages = {897-914},
	publisher = {MDPI},
	status = {Published},
	title = {Argumentation and Defeasible Reasoning in the Law},
	url = {},
	volume = 4,
	year = 2021} 
2 pubblicazioni nel 2021 senza Scopus ID • in cimaindicein fondo