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2 publications without DOI  /  2023  /  Giuseppe Pisano
   author = {Pisano, Giuseppe and Calegari, Roberta and Omicini, Andrea and Giovanni Sartor},
   booktitle = {Special Issue: Advances in Argumentation in AI},
   dblp = {journals/flap/PisanoCOS23},
   editor = {D'Agostino, Marcello and D'Asaro, Fabio Aurelio and Larese, Costanza},
   eissn = {2631-9829},
   iris = {11585/926735},
   isbn = {978-1-84890-433-0},
   issn = {2631-9810},
   journal = {Journal of Applied Logics},
   keywords = {burdens of persuasion, argumentation, meta-argumentation},
   month = may,
   note = {Special Issue: Advances in Argumentation in AI},
   number = 3,
   numpages = 28,
   pages = {393--420},
   publisher = {College Publications},
   scholar = {6899343197318040336},
   scopus = {2-s2.0-85160661742},
   title = {Burden of Persuasion: A Meta-argumentation Approach},
   url = {},
   volume = 10,
   year = 2023
   author = {Galileo Sartor and Jacinto Dàvila and Alessia Fidelangeli and Pisano, Giuseppe},
   keywords = {Logic Programming, Prolog, Controlled Natural Language, Legal Rule Modelling, Explainable AI, Logical English, s(CASP)},
   title = {(Re)Integration of Logical English and s(CASP)},
   urlpdf = {},
   year = 2023
2 publications in 2023 without DOI • topindexbottom