Per anno

11 pubblicazioni senza DOI  /  2020–2024  /  Giuseppe Pisano
2023  •  2022  •  2021  •  2020
    author = {Pisano, Giuseppe and Calegari, Roberta and Omicini, Andrea and Giovanni Sartor},
    booktitle = {Special Issue: Advances in Argumentation in AI},
    dblp = {journals/flap/PisanoCOS23},
    editor = {D'Agostino, Marcello and D'Asaro, Fabio Aurelio and Larese, Costanza},
    eissn = {2631-9829},
    iris = {11585/926735},
    isbn = {978-1-84890-433-0},
    issn = {2631-9810},
    journal = {Journal of Applied Logics},
    keywords = {burdens of persuasion, argumentation, meta-argumentation},
    month = may,
    note = {Special Issue: Advances in Argumentation in AI},
    number = 3,
    numpages = 28,
    pages = {393--420},
    publisher = {College Publications},
    scholar = {6899343197318040336},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85160661742},
    title = {Burden of Persuasion: A Meta-argumentation Approach},
    url = {},
    volume = 10,
    year = 2023
    author = {Galileo Sartor and Jacinto Dàvila and Alessia Fidelangeli and Pisano, Giuseppe},
    keywords = {Logic Programming, Prolog, Controlled Natural Language, Legal Rule Modelling, Explainable AI, Logical English, s(CASP)},
    title = {(Re)Integration of Logical English and s(CASP)},
    urlpdf = {},
    year = 2023
2 pubblicazioni nel 2023 senza DOI • in cimaindicein fondo
    author = {Galileo Sartor and Jacinto Dávila and Marco Billi and Giuseppe Contissa and Pisano, Giuseppe and Robert Kowalski},
    booktitle = {Workshop on Goal-directed Execution of Answer Set Programs},
    keywords = {Logic Programming, Prolog, Controlled Natural Language, Legal Rule Modelling, Explainable AI, Logical English},
    series = {GDE 2022},
    title = {Integration of Logical English and s(CASP)},
    urlpdf = {}
3 pubblicazioni nel 2022 senza DOI • in cimaindicein fondo
    author = {Billi, Marco and Calegari, Roberta and Contissa, Giuseppe and Pisano, Giuseppe and Sartor, Galileo and Sartor, Giovanni},
    booktitle = {Workshop on Causal Reasoning and Explanation in Logic Programming (CAUSAL 2021)},
    editor = {LeBlanc, Emily and Vennekens, Joost and Son, Tran Cao and Cabalar, Pedro and Fandiño, Jorge and Balduccini, Marcello and Lierler, Yuliya},
    iris = {11585/836343},
    location = {Porto, Portugal (virtual)},
    month = sep,
    numpages = 14,
    publisher = {Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University},
    series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
    subseries = {AIxIA Series},
    title = {Explainability through argumentation in logic programming},
    url = {},
    volume = 2970,
    year = 2021
    address = {Parma, Italy},
    author = {Pisano, Giuseppe and Calegari, Roberta and Omicini, Andrea and Sartor, Giovanni},
    booktitle = {CILC 2021 -- Italian Conference on Computational Logic. Proceedings of the 36th Italian Conference on Computational Logic},
    dblp = {conf/cilc/PisanoCOS21},
    editor = {Monica, Stefania and Bergenti, Federico},
    iris = {11585/838785},
    issn = {1613-0073},
    keywords = {Argumentation · Defeasible preferences · Arg2P},
    month = {7-9}}},
    scholar = {12433999243058736062},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85122863663},
    semanticscholar = {243990504},
    series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
    subseries = {AIxIA Series},
    title = {A Mechanism for Reasoning over Defeasible Preferences in {Arg\textsf{2}P}},
    url = {},
    urlpdf = {},
    volume = 3002,
    year = 2021
    author = {Pisano, Giuseppe and Calegari, Roberta and Omicini, Andrea and Sartor, Giovanni},
    booktitle = {Advances in Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence 2021},
    dblp = {conf/aiia/PisanoCOS21},
    editor = {D'Agostino, Marcello and Aurelio D'Asaro, Fabio and Larese, Costanza},
    iris = {11585/893243},
    issn = {1613-0073},
    keywords = {burdens of persuasion, argumentation, meta-argumentation, reasoning over burdens},
    month = nov,
    note = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Advances in Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence (AI$^{3}$ 2021), co-located with the 19th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2021), Milan, November 29, 2021},
    numpages = 19,
    pages = {5:1--5:19},
    publisher = {Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University},
    scholar = {10187981790280478304},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85125434069},
    series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
    subseries = {AIxIA Series},
    title = {Burden of persuasion in argumentation: A meta-argumentation approach},
    url = {},
    urlpdf = {},
    volume = 3086,
    year = 2021
    articleno = 12,
    author = {Pisano, Giuseppe and Calegari, Roberta and Omicini, Andrea},
    booktitle = {WOA 2021 -- 22nd Workshop ``From Objects to Agents''},
    dblp = {conf/woa/PisanoCO21},
    editor = {Calegari, Roberta and Ciatto, Giovanni and Denti, Enrico and Omicini, Andrea and Sartor, Giovanni},
    iris = {11585/834366},
    issn = {1613-0073},
    keywords = {Argumentation, MAS, cooperative argumentation, distributed argumentation process},
    location = {Bologna, Italy},
    month = oct,
    note = {22nd Workshop ``From Objects to Agents'' (WOA 2021), Bologna, Italy, 1--3~} # sep # {~2021. Proceedings},
    numpages = 16,
    pages = {162--177},
    publisher = {Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University},
    scholar = {13615595110063768054},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85116856131},
    series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
    subseries = {AI*IA Series},
    title = {Towards cooperative argumentation for {MAS}: An actor-based approach},
    url = {},
    volume = 2963,
    year = 2021
4 pubblicazioni nel 2021 senza DOI • in cimaindicein fondo
    address = {Aachen, Germany},
    author = {Pisano, Giuseppe and Calegari, Roberta and Omicini, Andrea and Sartor, Giovanni},
    booktitle = {CILC 2020 -- Italian Conference on Computational Logic. Proceedings of the 35th Italian Conference on Computational Logic},
    dblp = {conf/cilc/PisanoCOS20},
    editor = {Calimeri, Francesco and Perri, Simona and Zumpano, Ester},
    iris = {11585/776173},
    issn = {1613-0073},
    keywords = {argumentation; logic-based argumentation; burden of persuasion; tuProlog; micro-intelligence; symbolic intelligence},
    location = {Rende, CS, Italy},
    month = {13-15}}},
    publisher = {CEUR-WS},
    scholar = {11457064787617704916},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85095821934},
    series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
    subseries = {AI*IA Series},
    title = {Arg-{{\sf tu}Prolog}: A {{\sf tu}Prolog}-based argumentation framework},
    url = {},
    volume = 2710,
    year = 2020
    address = {Aachen, Germany},
    articleno = 8,
    author = {Pisano, Giuseppe and Ciatto, Giovanni and Calegari, Roberta and Omicini, Andrea},
    booktitle = {WOA 2020 -- 21th Workshop ``From Objects to Agents''},
    dblp = {conf/woa/PisanoCCO20},
    editor = {Calegari, Roberta and Ciatto, Giovanni and Denti, Enrico and Omicini, Andrea and Sartor, Giovanni},
    iris = {11585/781387},
    issn = {1613-0073},
    keywords = {XAI, Hybrid Systems, Neural Networks, Logical Constraining},
    location = {Bologna, Italy},
    month = oct,
    note = {21st Workshop ``From Objects to Agents'' (WOA 2020), Bologna, Italy, 14--16~} # sep # {~2020. Proceedings},
    numpages = 17,
    pages = {101--117},
    publisher = {Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85095616404},
    scopus-id = {2-s2.0-85095616404},
    series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
    subseries = {AI*IA Series},
    title = {Neuro-symbolic Computation for {XAI}: Towards a Unified Model},
    url = {},
    urlpdf = {},
    volume = 2706,
    year = 2020
2 pubblicazioni nel 2020 senza DOI • in cimaindicein fondo