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9 pubblicazioni con DOI  /  2023  /  Giovanni Ciatto
    author = {Sabbatini, Federico and Ciatto, Giovanni and Calegari, Roberta and Omicini, Andrea},
    dblp = {journals/ia/SabbatiniCCO23},
    doi = {10.3233/IA-230001},
    editor = {Ferrando, Angelo and Mascardi, Viviana},
    iris = {11585/941033},
    journal = {Intelligenza Artificiale},
    keywords = {explainable AI, knowledge extraction, interpretable prediction, PSyKE},
    month = jun,
    note = {Special issue: Selected papers from the 23rd Workshop ``From Objects to Agents'' (WOA 2022)},
    number = 1,
    numpages = 13,
    pages = {63--75},
    publisher = {IOS Press},
    scholar = {14669296704428238758},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85168332389},
    semanticscholar = {259324728},
    title = {Towards a Unified Model for Symbolic Knowledge Extraction with Hypercube-Based Methods},
    url = {},
    urlopenaccess = {},
    volume = 17,
    year = 2023
    author = {Ciatto, Giovanni and Magnini, Matteo and Bezcu, Berk and Aydoǧan, Reyhan and Omicini, Andrea},
    booktitle = {Explainable and Transparent {AI} and Multi-Agent Systems},
    chapter = 3,
    dblp = {conf/extraamas/CiattoMBAO23},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-40878-6_3},
    editor = {Calvaresi, Davide and Najjar, Amro and Omicini, Andrea and Aydoǧan, Reyhan and Carli, Rachele and Ciatto, Giovanni and Mualla, Yazan and Främling, Kary},
    iris = {11585/940656},
    isbn = {978-3-031-40878-6},
    issn = {0302-9743},
    keywords = {XAI, Recommender Systems, Multi-agent systems, Explanation protocols},
    month = sep,
    numpages = 22,
    pages = {38--58},
    publisher = {Springer},
    scholar = {5371175139312621961},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85172214167},
    semanticscholar = {261894587},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    subseries = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
    title = {A General-Purpose Protocol for Multi-Agent based Explanations},
    url = {},
    volume = 14127,
    year = 2023
    author = {Magnini, Matteo and Ciatto, Giovanni and Omicini, Andrea},
    dblp = {journals/logcom/MagniniCO23},
    doi = {10.1093/logcom/exad037},
    eissn = {1465-363X},
    iris = {11585/950567},
    issn = {0955-792X},
    journal = {Journal of Logic and Computation},
    keywords = {neural network, expalinable AI, symbolic knowledge injection, KINS, PSyKI},
    month = dec,
    number = 8,
    numpages = 19,
    pages = {1832--1850},
    publisher = {Oxford University Press},
    scholar = {2353304508513748358},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85179896166},
    semanticscholar = {266726315},
    title = {Knowledge injection of {D}atalog rules via Neural Network Structuring with {KINS}},
    url = {},
    volume = 33,
    wos = {WOS:001003002200001},
    year = 2023
    author = {Calegari, Roberta and Ciatto, Giovanni and Omicini, Andrea},
    doi = {10.1093/logcom/exad031},
    eissn = {1465-363X},
    iris = {11585/951151},
    issn = {0955-792X},
    journal = {Journal of Logic and Computation},
    month = dec,
    note = {Special Issue ``Computational Logic on Prolog's 50th Anniversary: Highlights from CILC 2022''},
    number = 8,
    numpages = 1,
    pages = {1711},
    publisher = {Oxford University Press},
    scholar = {2353304508513748358},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85180080592},
    title = {Preface},
    url = {},
    volume = 33,
    wos = {WOS:001003891800001},
    year = 2023
    articleno = 27,
    author = {Agiollo, Andrea and Rafanelli, Andrea and Magnini, Matteo and Ciatto, Giovanni and Omicini, Andrea},
    dblp = {journals/aamas/AgiolloRMCO23},
    doi = {10.1007/s10458-023-09609-6},
    iris = {11585/932553},
    issn = {1573-7454},
    journal = {Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems},
    keywords = {symbolic knowledge injection, quality of service, efficiency, robustness, PSyKI},
    month = jun,
    number = 2,
    numpages = 30,
    pages = {27:1-27:30},
    scholar = {6493335879803556297},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85162972232},
    semanticscholar = {259234850},
    title = {Symbolic Knowledge Injection meets Intelligent Agents: {QoS} metrics and experiments},
    url = {},
    volume = 37,
    wos = {WOS:001013184000001},
    year = 2023
    address = {Cham},
    author = {Baiardi, Martina and Burattini, Samuele and Ciatto, Giovanni and Pianini, Danilo},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Multi-Agents Systems},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-43264-4_4},
    editor = {Vadim Malvone and Aniello Murano},
    isbn = {978-3-031-43264-4},
    keywords = {BDI, AgentSpeak(L), DSL, Kotlin, JaKtA},
    month = sep,
    numpages = 16,
    pages = {49--65},
    publisher = {Springer, Cham},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    subseries = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
    title = {{JaKtA}: {BDI} Agent-Oriented Programming in Pure {K}otlin},
    url = {},
    year = 2023
    dblp = {conf/extraamas/2023},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-40878-6},
    editor = {Calvaresi, Davide and Najjar, Amro and Omicini, Andrea and Aydoǧan, Reyhan and Carli, Rachele and Ciatto, Giovanni and Mualla, Yazan and Främling, Kary},
    eissn = {1611-3349},
    iris = {11585/940742},
    isbn = {978-3-031-40878-6},
    issn = {0302-9743},
    month = sep,
    pages = {XII, 281},
    publisher = {Springer},
    scholar = {14814311818144144043},
    series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    subseries = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
    subtitle = {5th International Workshop, EXTRAAMAS 2023. London, UK, May 29, 2023. Revised Selected Papers},
    title = {Explainable and Transparent {AI} and Multi-Agent Systems},
    url = {},
    urlpdf = {},
    volume = 14127,
    year = 2023
    acm = {10.1016/j.cmpb.2023.107536},
    articleno = 107536,
    author = {Magnini, Matteo and Ciatto, Giovanni and Cantürk, Furkan and Aydoǧan, Reyhan and Omicini, Andrea},
    dblp = {journals/cmpb/MagniniCCAO23},
    doi = {10.1016/j.cmpb.2023.107536},
    iris = {11585/923772},
    issn = {0169-2607},
    journal = {Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine},
    keywords = {explainable artificial intelligence, symbolic knowledge extraction, recommendation systems, nutrition, neural networks},
    month = jun,
    numpages = 32,
    pubmed = {37060685},
    scholar = {14455392383017605572},
    scopus = {2-s2.0-85152230884},
    semanticscholar = {261426939},
    title = {Symbolic Knowledge Extraction for Explainable Nutritional Recommenders},
    url = {},
    volume = 235,
    wos = {000983750400001},
    year = 2023
9 pubblicazioni nel 2023 con DOI • in cimaindicein fondo