4 events

2nd International Workshop on Infrastructures and Tools for Multiagent Systems (
ITMAS 2011@AAMAS 2011)
— 02/05/2011–02/10/2011

1st International Workshop on Infrastructures and Tools for Multiagent Systems (
ITMAS 2010@AAMAS 2010)
— 11/05/2010–11/10/2010

Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Methodologies Infrastructures, and Processes. Special Track of the 25th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (
AOMIP 2010@SAC 2010)
— 25/03/2010

Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Methodologies and Processes. Special Track of the 24th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (
AOMP 2009@SAC 2009)
— 09/03/2009–12/03/2009