Per Year

3 publications without ACM ID  /  2005  /  Enrico Denti
   address = {Kuşadası, Aydın, Turkey},
   author = {Molesini, Ambra and Omicini, Andrea and Denti, Enrico and Ricci, Alessandro},
   booktitle = {6th International Workshop ``Engineering Societies in the Agents World'' (ESAW'05)},
   editor = {Dikenelli, Oğuz and Gleizes, Marie-Pierre and Ricci, Alessandro},
   iris = {11585/22714},
   month = {26--28~} # oct,
   pages = {239--252},
   publisher = {Ege University},
   title = {{{\sf SODA}}: A Roadmap to Artefacts},
   year = 2005
   address = {AAMAS 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands},
   author = {Molesini, Ambra and Omicini, Andrea and Ricci, Alessandro and Denti, Enrico},
   booktitle = {6th International Workshop ``Agent-Oriented Software Engineering'' (AOSE 2005)},
   editor = {Müller, Jörg P. and Zambonelli, Franco},
   iris = {11585/6275},
   month = {25--26~} # jul,
   pages = {193--204},
   title = {Zooming Multi-Agent Systems},
   year = 2005
   address = {AAMAS 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands},
   author = {Rubino, Rossella and Omicini, Andrea and Denti, Enrico},
   booktitle = {1st International Workshop ``Agents, Norms and Institutions for Regulated Multi-Agent Systems'' (ANI@REM 2005)},
   editor = {Lindemann, Gabriela and Ossowski, Sascha and Padget, Julian A. and Vazquez-Salceda, Javier},
   month = {25~} # jul,
   numpages = 12,
   title = {Computational Institutions for Modelling Norm-Regulated {MAS}: An Approach Based on Coordination Artifacts},
   year = 2005
3 publications in 2005 without ACM ID • topindexbottom