Server based system for small cities traffic lights management

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Almost everywhere, traffic lights are managed as independent units in each intersection. Each one has its own state cycle and it is synchronized with its corrisponding twin on the other side of the street.
The timing for each state might vary depending on the type of the street. This mechanism assures a stable management of the single intersection where average traffic is homogeneous. But what happens if certain streets have unpredictable peaks of traffic in certain time frames? Or what happens in case of exceptional events, such as a football game, that could cause certain city areas to be more trafficated rather than others?
All these problems could be solved with a dynamic management of the semaphores cycles based on data that tells which one requires more green light time than the others.
This project aims to develop a system where a central server acquires the data sent by sensors placed in the streets near the intersecionts and continuously process the timings each semaphore cycle will be based on. The main focus of the project is to show the interaction between these entities, by providing a simple interface that emulates a streetmap window which shows the vehicle movements in real time.
