Sistemi Multi-Agente LS 2008/2009
Main | Slides | Materials | Technologies | Projects |
- Introduction to the Course
- The Evolution of Computational Systems: Foundations of Agent Oriented Computing
- Sources of Scientific Literature for Multiagent Systems
- Agents and Artifacts: Multi-disciplinary Foundations
- Agents and Artifacts: The A&A Meta-model for Multiagent Systems
- Programming Languages for Multiagent Systems
- Tuple-based Coordination: From Linda to A&A ReSpecT
- The SODA AOSE Methodology — Ambra Molesini
- Agents as Intentional Systems — Michele Piunti
- Programming Intentional Agents in AgentSpeak(L) and Jason — Michele Piunti
- Agents in tuProlog — Giulio Piancastelli
- Coordination in Multi-agent Systems — Elena Nardini
- Self-Organisation & MAS: An Introduction — Luca Gardelli
- Simulation & MAS: An Introduction — Sara Montagna
- Technologies for Programming MAS with the A&A Meta-model: CArtAgO, simpA & Jason — Alessandro Ricci
- Environment Programming in MAS with CArtAgO
- simpA: An Agent-Oriented Approach for Prototyping Concurrent Applications on Top of Java
- Programming Multi-Agent Systems in AgentSpeak Using Jason
- Programmare agenti AgentSpeak con Jason
slides / course pages