Sistemi Multi-Agente LM 2011/2012
Main | Slides | Materials | Technologies | Lab | Projects |
(0) Introduction to the Course
(1) Evolution of Computational Systems: The Paradigm Shift
(2) Evolution of Programming Languages: Away from Objects
(3) Evolution of Middleware: Towards Agents
(4) The Many Agents Around
(5) Sources of Scientific Literature for Multiagent Systems
(6) Science of Computers: Epistemological Premises
(7) Agents: Definitions & Conceptual Framework
(8) Agents as Intentional Systems
(9) Artifacts for Agents: Multidisciplinary Foundation
(10) Agents & Artifacts: Definitions & Conceptual Framework
(11) Programming Languages for Multiagent Systems
(12) Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
(13) The SODA Agent-Oriented Methodology
(14) Self-Organisation & MAS: An Introduction
(15) Framing Coordination: From Transdisciplinary Models to Infrastructures and Tools for MAS Engineering
(16) Simulation & Multi-Agent Systems: An Introduction — Sara Montagna
(17) Coordination Models: From Parallel Computing to Self-Organisation