Sistemi Multi-Agente LM 2010/2011
Main | Slides | Materials | Technologies | Lab | Projects |
- Introduction to the Course
- The Evolution of Computational Systems: The Paradigm Shift
- Sources of Scientific Literature for Multiagent Systems
- Agents: From Premises to Definition
- Agents as Intentional Systems — Michele Piunti
- Artifacts for Agents: Multi-disciplinary Foundations
- Agents and Artifacts: The A&A Meta-model for Multiagent Systems
- Programming Languages for Multiagent Systems
- Agent-Oriented Software Engineering — Ambra Molesini
- The SODA Agent-Oriented Methodology — Ambra Molesini
- Self-Organisation & MAS: An Introduction — Luca Gardelli
- Framing Coordination — Alessandro Ricci
- Coordination Models: From Parallel Computing to Self-Organisation
- Simulation & Multi-Agent Systems: An Introduction — Sara Montagna
- SAPERE: Self-aware Pervasive Service Ecosystems (project presentation @ AWARE Meeting, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14/12/2010) — Franco Zambonelli (Franco Zambonelli)
slides / course pages