Sistemi distribuiti 2012/2013
Main | Slides | Books | Materials | Resources | Lab |
- Introduction to the Course
- Introduction to Distributed Systems
- Software Architectures
- The Architecture of the World Wide Web
- Processes in Distributed Systems
- Communication in Distributed Systems
- Naming in Distributed Systems
- Synchronisation in Distributed Systems
- Consistency & Replication in Distributed Systems
- Fault Tolerance in Distributed Systems: An Introduction
- Object-Oriented Middleware for Distributed Systems
- Cloud Computing — (slides by Antonio Corradi)
- Web Services — (Andrea Santi)
- Pervasive Computing and Context-aware Technologies — (slides by Franco Zambonelli & Marco Mamei)
- Interaction & Coordination in Distributed Systems
- Tuple-based Coordination of Distributed Systems
- Tuple-based Coordination of Situated Systems
slides / course pages