Per Year

3 publications without Web of Science ID  /  2021  /  Angelo Croatti
year = 2021,
number = 117,
author = {Croatti, Angelo and Montagna, Sara and Lombardi, Carolina and Parati, Gianfranco and Pengo, Martino F. and Silvani, Alessandro},
numpages = 9,
volume = 2,
status = {In press},
title = {An Internet of Medical Things system to increase continuous positive airway pressure usage in patients with sleep disordered breathing},
journal = {SN Computer Science},
abstract = {Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a highly prevalent sleep disorder and it is associated with increased daytime sleepiness and cardiovascular risk. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) requiring a pressure-generating device connected via tubing to a mask during sleep is an effective treatment, but compliance is often sub-optimal. Behavioural interventions are effective in improving adherence to CPAP. We aimed to provide proof of principle for the operation of a low-cost, self-standing, internet-based system to measure and promote CPAP compliance. The system is composed by triaxial acceleration sensors attached to the CPAP mask and to the wrist, able to record CPAP usage information, and a mobile app that collects such information and, thorough a chatbot, feeds back to the patient to improve treatment compliance. The mask subsystem identifies time periods when the mask is put on based on relatively high values of the ratio between acceleration spectral power at frequencies < 0.33 Hz vs. 0.33-2 Hz, over 1-minute windows. Accuracy in identification may be increased taking account of the surges in the standard deviation of wrist accelerations over 1-minute windows that accompany putting on and taking off the mask. The whole system can represent a unique tool capable to monitor and improve patients' adherence to CPAP treatment, thus improving sleep quality and OSA related symptoms. Its main strength lies in its simplicity, low-cost, and independence from the specific CPAP device and mask employed.},
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title = {Applying Telemedicine for Stroke Remote Diagnosis: the TeleStroke System},
journal = {Procedia Computer Science},
volume = {198},
pages = {164-170},
year = {2021},
note = {12th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks / 11th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare},
issn = {1877-0509},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Angelo Croatti and Marco Longoni and Sara Montagna},
keywords = {Telemedicine, Teleconsultation, Neurology, Stroke, Smartglasses},
abstract = {In the healthcare context, one of the branches where we assisted in a remarkable evolution in the last decade is telemedicine. Enhancements in the ICT landscape have driven this evolution toward the current state of the art. Nonetheless, despite its undeniable benefits – both for patients health and local health authorities economics – nowadays, telemedicine has not been fully adopted as much as it could be. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has further strengthened the role and importance of telemedicine nowadays, also highlighting the existing gaps. This paper describes a telemedicine-oriented software system called TeleStroke to support the remote diagnosis of a possible stroke, applied to an Hub&Spoke healthcare organisation.}
author = {Croatti, Angelo and Ricci, Alessandro},
title = {Programming Agent-Based Mobile Apps: The JaCa-Android Framework},
year = {2021},
isbn = {9781450383073},
publisher = {International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems},
address = {Richland, SC},
booktitle = {20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS 2021)},
pages = {1724–1726},
numpages = {3},
keywords = {android, agents, personal agents, BDI, Jacamo},
location = {Virtual Event, United Kingdom},
3 publications in 2021 without Web of Science ID • topindexbottom