Changes for page Angelo Croatti
From version 16.1
edited by Angelo Croatti
on 15/02/2021 18:49
on 15/02/2021 18:49
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki 2.01 +XWiki 1.0 - Content
... ... @@ -1,39 +1,55 @@ 1 -Angelo Croatti is a **Research Fellow** at the Computer Science and Engineering Department (DISI) of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna. Also, he is an **Adjunct Professor** in the context of the course of "Object-Oriented Programming" at the Computer Science and Engineering Programme, Campus of Cesena. 1 +#includeMacros("Main.MacroSheet") 2 +#includeMacros("People.MacroSheet") 3 +#set( $userName = "XWiki.AngeloCroatti" ) 4 +#set( $userSpace = "AngeloCroatti" ) 5 +#set( $userFullname = $xwiki.getUserName($userName, false) ) 6 +#macro(iframe $url $name $width $height) 7 +#if($name=="") 8 +#set($name = "iframe") 9 +#end 10 +#if($width=="") 11 +#set($width="100%") 12 +#end 13 +#if($height=="") 14 +#set($height="500px") 15 +#end 16 +<iframe src="${url}" name="${name}" width="${width}" height="${height}" frameborder="0"></iframe> 17 +#end 18 +## 19 +1 $userFullname's Home 2 2 3 - In2014 he receivedhis**Master'sDegreecumlaudeinComputer Science and Engineering**at the University of Bologna, and in2019he obtainedthe ** Computer Science and Engineering**at thesameuniversity.21 +Angelo Croatti is a *Research Fellow* at the Computer Science and Engineering Department (DISI) of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna. Also, he is an *Adjunct Professor* in the context of the course of "Object-Oriented Programming" at the Computer Science and Engineering Programme, Campus of Cesena. 4 4 23 +In 2014 he received his *Master's Degree cum laude in Computer Science and Engineering* at the University of Bologna, and in 2019 he obtained the *Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering* at the same university. 24 + 5 5 Currently, his research is about the engineering of pervasive software systems integrating Mixed Reality techniques, with healthcare as the primary reference domain. 6 6 27 + 7 7 From 2015 he collaborates with the CRIAD (Research Centre for Computer Science Applied to Didactics), promoting initiative and lessons for children and teachers about Coding and Computational Thinking. 8 8 9 -= ==Research Interests===30 +<table width="99.9%"><tr><th align="left">Research Interests</th></tr></table> 10 10 11 11 * Augmented Worlds 12 12 * Personal Assistant Agents for Healthcare 13 -* [ [Computational Thinking>>]]34 +* [Computational Thinking|] 14 14 15 -= ==Scientific Service===36 +<table width="99.9%"><tr><th align="left">Scientific Service</th></tr></table> 16 16 17 -**Program Chair of Scientific Workshops** 38 +*Program Chair of Scientific Workshops* 39 +* 2nd International Workshop on Agents Living in Augmented Worlds ([ALAW 2018|]) 18 18 19 -* 2nd InternationalWorkshoponAgents Livingin AugmentedWorlds([[ALAW 2018>>]])41 +*Program Committee Member of Scientific Workshops* 20 20 21 -**Program Committee Member of Scientific Workshops** 43 +* International Workshop on Healthcare Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems ([HIMAS 2020|]) 44 +* International Workshop on Agents Applied in Health Care ([A2HC 2019|],[A2HC 2021|]) 22 22 23 -* International Workshop on Healthcare Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems ([[HIMAS 2020>>]]) 24 -* International Workshop on Agents Applied in Health Care ([[A2HC 2019>>]],[[A2HC 2021>>]]) 46 +*Program Committee Member of Scientific Conferences* 25 25 26 -**Program Committee Member of Scientific Conferences** 48 +* International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare ([ICTH 2017|], [ICTH 2020|]) 49 +* International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications ([INTELLI 2017|], [INTELLI 2018|], [INTELLI 2019|], [INTELLI 2020|]) 27 27 28 -* International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare ([[ICTH 2017>>]], [[ICTH 2020>>]]) 29 -* International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications ([[INTELLI 2017>>]], [[INTELLI 2018>>]], [[INTELLI 2019>>]], [[INTELLI 2020>>]]) 51 +*Reviewer for Scientific Conferences, Journals and Magazines* 30 30 31 -**Reviewer for Scientific Conferences, Journals and Magazines** 32 - 33 -* International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems ([[AAMAS 2020>>]]) 34 -* Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Journal ([[JAAMAS>>]]) 35 -* IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine ([[IEEE PC>>]]) 36 - 37 -{{include reference="Main.MacroSheet"/}} 38 -{{include reference="People.MacroSheet"/}} 39 -{{include reference="AngeloCroatti.MacroSheet"/}} 53 +* International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems ([AAMAS 2020|]) 54 +* Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Journal ([JAAMAS |]) 55 +* IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine ([IEEE PC|])