Per Year
address = {1st International Workshop on Interdisciplinary Aspects of Coordination Applied to Pervasive Environments: Models and Applications (CoMA 2007), Paris, France},
author = {Omicini, Andrea and Ricci, Alessandro and Vizzari, Giuseppe},
booktitle = {IEEE 16th International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WET~ICE 2007)},
doi = {10.1109/WETICE.2007.4407132},
iris = {11585/52137},
isbn = {978-0-7695-2879-3},
issn = {1524-4547},
month = {18--19~} # jun,
note = {Proceedings},
pages = {92--97},
publisher = {IEEE CS},
scopus = {2-s2.0-51149092101},
title = {Building Smart Environments as Agent Workspaces},
url = {},
urlpdf = {},
wos = {000252172400019},
year = 2007
address = {1st International Workshop on Interdisciplinary Aspects of Coordination Applied to Pervasive Environments: Models and Applications (CoMA 2007), Paris, France},
author = {Omicini, Andrea and Ricci, Alessandro and Vizzari, Giuseppe},
booktitle = {IEEE 16th International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WET~ICE 2007)},
doi = {10.1109/WETICE.2007.4407132},
iris = {11585/52137},
isbn = {978-0-7695-2879-3},
issn = {1524-4547},
month = {18--19~} # jun,
note = {Proceedings},
pages = {92--97},
publisher = {IEEE CS},
scopus = {2-s2.0-51149092101},
title = {Building Smart Environments as Agent Workspaces},
url = {},
urlpdf = {},
wos = {000252172400019},
year = 2007
acm = {1759348},
author = {Ricci, Alessandro and Viroli, Mirko and Omicini, Andrea},
booktitle = {Environments for MultiAgent Systems III},
chapter = 4,
doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-71103-2_4},
editor = {Weyns, Danny and Parunak, H. Van Dyke and Michel, Fabien},
eisbn = {978-3-540-71103-2},
isbn = {978-3-540-71102-5},
issn = {0302-9743},
keywords = {cartago, A&A, artifacts, multi-agent systems, agent-oriented computing},
month = may,
note = {3rd International Workshop (E4MAS 2006), Hakodate, Japan, 8~} # may # {~2006. Selected Revised and Invited Papers},
pages = {67--86},
part = {Models, Architecture, and Design},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
scopus = {2-s2.0-38049162300},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
subseries = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
title = {{{\sf CArtAgO}}: A Framework for Prototyping Artifact-Based Environments in {MAS}},
url = {},
volume = 4389,
wos = {000245775800004},
year = 2007
acm = {1759348},
author = {Ricci, Alessandro and Viroli, Mirko and Omicini, Andrea},
booktitle = {Environments for MultiAgent Systems III},
chapter = 4,
doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-71103-2_4},
editor = {Weyns, Danny and Parunak, H. Van Dyke and Michel, Fabien},
eisbn = {978-3-540-71103-2},
isbn = {978-3-540-71102-5},
issn = {0302-9743},
keywords = {cartago, A&A, artifacts, multi-agent systems, agent-oriented computing},
month = may,
note = {3rd International Workshop (E4MAS 2006), Hakodate, Japan, 8~} # may # {~2006. Selected Revised and Invited Papers},
pages = {67--86},
part = {Models, Architecture, and Design},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
scopus = {2-s2.0-38049162300},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
subseries = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
title = {{{\sf CArtAgO}}: A Framework for Prototyping Artifact-Based Environments in {MAS}},
url = {},
volume = 4389,
wos = {000245775800004},
year = 2007
acm = {10.1016/j.entcs.2007.03.006},
author = {Omicini, Andrea},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on the Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures (FOCLASA 2006)},
doi = {10.1016/j.entcs.2007.03.006},
editor = {Canal, Carlos and Viroli, Mirko},
elsevier-ref = {ENTCS1735},
issn = {1571-0661},
journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
keywords = {Tuple-based Coordination, Artifacts for MAS, A\&A, Tuple Centres, ReSpecT},
month = jun,
note = {5th International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures (FOCLASA'06), CONCUR'06, Bonn, Germany, 31~} # aug # {~2006. Post-proceedings},
number = 2,
numpages = 175,
pages = {97--117},
publisher = {Elsevier Science B.V.},
scopus = {2-s2.0-34250022550},
series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
title = {Formal {{\sf ReSpecT}} in the {A\&A} Perspective},
url = {},
volume = 175,
wos = {WOS:000214237100007},
year = 2007
acm = {10.1016/j.entcs.2007.03.006},
author = {Omicini, Andrea},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on the Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures (FOCLASA 2006)},
doi = {10.1016/j.entcs.2007.03.006},
editor = {Canal, Carlos and Viroli, Mirko},
elsevier-ref = {ENTCS1735},
issn = {1571-0661},
journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
keywords = {Tuple-based Coordination, Artifacts for MAS, A\&A, Tuple Centres, ReSpecT},
month = jun,
note = {5th International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures (FOCLASA'06), CONCUR'06, Bonn, Germany, 31~} # aug # {~2006. Post-proceedings},
number = 2,
numpages = 175,
pages = {97--117},
publisher = {Elsevier Science B.V.},
scopus = {2-s2.0-34250022550},
series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
title = {Formal {{\sf ReSpecT}} in the {A\&A} Perspective},
url = {},
volume = 175,
wos = {WOS:000214237100007},
year = 2007
acm = {10.1007/978-3-540-75254-7_13},
author = {Gardelli, Luca and Viroli, Mirko and Omicini, Andrea},
booktitle = {Multi-Agent Systems and Applications {V}},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-75254-7_13},
editor = {Burkhard, Hans-Dieter and Verbrugge, Rineke and Varga, László Zsolt},
eisbn = {978-3-540-75254-7},
isbn = {978-3-540-75253-0},
issn = {0302-9743},
month = sep,
note = {5th International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (CEEMAS'07), Leipzig, Germany, 25--27~} # sep # {~2007, Proceedings},
pages = {123--132},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
scopus = {2-s2.0-38049127353},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
subseries = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
title = {Design Patterns for Self-Organising Systems},
url = {},
volume = 4696,
wos = {000250900900013},
year = 2007
acm = {10.1007/978-3-540-75254-7_13},
author = {Gardelli, Luca and Viroli, Mirko and Omicini, Andrea},
booktitle = {Multi-Agent Systems and Applications {V}},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-75254-7_13},
editor = {Burkhard, Hans-Dieter and Verbrugge, Rineke and Varga, László Zsolt},
eisbn = {978-3-540-75254-7},
isbn = {978-3-540-75253-0},
issn = {0302-9743},
month = sep,
note = {5th International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (CEEMAS'07), Leipzig, Germany, 25--27~} # sep # {~2007, Proceedings},
pages = {123--132},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
scopus = {2-s2.0-38049127353},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
subseries = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
title = {Design Patterns for Self-Organising Systems},
url = {},
volume = 4696,
wos = {000250900900013},
year = 2007
acm = {1759362},
author = {Gardelli, Luca and Viroli, Mirko and Casadei, Matteo and Omicini, Andrea},
booktitle = {Environments for MultiAgent Systems III},
chapter = 15,
doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-71103-2_15},
editor = {Weyns, Danny and Parunak, H. Van Dyke and Michel, Fabien},
eisbn = {978-3-540-71103-2},
isbn = {978-3-540-71102-5},
issn = {0302-9743},
month = may,
note = {3rd International Workshop (E4MAS 2006), Hakodate, Japan, 8~} # may # {~2006. Selected Revised and Invited Papers},
numpages = 18,
pages = {254--271},
part = {Applications},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
scopus = {2-s2.0-38049129687},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
subseries = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
title = {Designing Self-organising {MAS} Environments: The Collective Sort Case},
url = {},
volume = 4389,
wos = {000245775800015},
year = 2007
acm = {1759362},
author = {Gardelli, Luca and Viroli, Mirko and Casadei, Matteo and Omicini, Andrea},
booktitle = {Environments for MultiAgent Systems III},
chapter = 15,
doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-71103-2_15},
editor = {Weyns, Danny and Parunak, H. Van Dyke and Michel, Fabien},
eisbn = {978-3-540-71103-2},
isbn = {978-3-540-71102-5},
issn = {0302-9743},
month = may,
note = {3rd International Workshop (E4MAS 2006), Hakodate, Japan, 8~} # may # {~2006. Selected Revised and Invited Papers},
numpages = 18,
pages = {254--271},
part = {Applications},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
scopus = {2-s2.0-38049129687},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
subseries = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
title = {Designing Self-organising {MAS} Environments: The Collective Sort Case},
url = {},
volume = 4389,
wos = {000245775800015},
year = 2007
acm = {10.1016/j.entcs.2007.01.049},
author = {Boella, Guido and Dastani, Mehdi and Omicini, Andrea and Černá, Ivana and Linden, Isabelle},
booktitle = {Combined Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Coordination and Organization (CoOrg 2006) and the Second International Workshop on Methods and Tools for Coordinating Concurrent, Distributed and Mobile Systems (MTCoord 2006)},
dblp = {journals/entcs/BoellaDOTCL07},
doi = {10.1016/j.entcs.2007.01.049},
editor = {Boella, Guido and Dastani, Mehdi and Omicini, Andrea and Černá, Ivana and Linden, Isabelle},
iris = {11585/901448},
issn = {1571-0661},
journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
month = jun,
note = {Combined Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Coordination and Organization (CoOrg 2006) and the Second International Workshop on Methods and Tools for Coordinating Concurrent, Distributed and Mobile Systems (MTCoord 2006)},
numpages = 3,
pages = {1--3},
publisher = {Elsevier Science B.V.},
semanticscholar = {209498649},
series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
title = {Preface},
url = {},
urlpdf = {},
volume = 181,
wos = {WOS:000214244400001},
year = 2007
acm = {10.1016/j.entcs.2007.01.049},
author = {Boella, Guido and Dastani, Mehdi and Omicini, Andrea and Černá, Ivana and Linden, Isabelle},
booktitle = {Combined Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Coordination and Organization (CoOrg 2006) and the Second International Workshop on Methods and Tools for Coordinating Concurrent, Distributed and Mobile Systems (MTCoord 2006)},
dblp = {journals/entcs/BoellaDOTCL07},
doi = {10.1016/j.entcs.2007.01.049},
editor = {Boella, Guido and Dastani, Mehdi and Omicini, Andrea and Černá, Ivana and Linden, Isabelle},
iris = {11585/901448},
issn = {1571-0661},
journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
month = jun,
note = {Combined Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Coordination and Organization (CoOrg 2006) and the Second International Workshop on Methods and Tools for Coordinating Concurrent, Distributed and Mobile Systems (MTCoord 2006)},
numpages = 3,
pages = {1--3},
publisher = {Elsevier Science B.V.},
semanticscholar = {209498649},
series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
title = {Preface},
url = {},
urlpdf = {},
volume = 181,
wos = {WOS:000214244400001},
year = 2007
acm = {10.1080/08839510701253674},
author = {Viroli, Mirko and Omicini, Andrea and Ricci, Alessandro},
doi = {10.1080/08839510701253674},
editor = {Bandini, Stefania and Manzoni, Sara},
eissn = {1087-6545},
iris = {11585/45413},
issn = {0883-9514},
journal = {Applied Artificial Intelligence},
month = apr,
note = {Special Issue: State of Applications in AI Research from AI*IA 2005},
number = 4--5,
pages = {443--467},
publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
scopus = {2-s2.0-34248579034},
title = {Infrastructure for {RBAC-MAS}: An Approach Based on {A}gent {C}oordination {C}ontexts},
url = {},
volume = 21,
wos = {000246536600011},
year = 2007
acm = {10.1080/08839510701253674},
author = {Viroli, Mirko and Omicini, Andrea and Ricci, Alessandro},
doi = {10.1080/08839510701253674},
editor = {Bandini, Stefania and Manzoni, Sara},
eissn = {1087-6545},
iris = {11585/45413},
issn = {0883-9514},
journal = {Applied Artificial Intelligence},
month = apr,
note = {Special Issue: State of Applications in AI Research from AI*IA 2005},
number = 4--5,
pages = {443--467},
publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
scopus = {2-s2.0-34248579034},
title = {Infrastructure for {RBAC-MAS}: An Approach Based on {A}gent {C}oordination {C}ontexts},
url = {},
volume = 21,
wos = {000246536600011},
year = 2007
acm = {10.1007/s10458-006-0012-0},
author = {Weyns, Danny and Omicini, Andrea and Odell, James J.},
dblp = {journals/aamas/WeynsOO07},
doi = {10.1007/s10458-006-0012-0},
editor = {Weyns, Danny and Parunak, H. Van Dyke},
eissn = {1573-7454},
iris = {11585/35367},
issn = {1387-2532},
journal = {Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems},
keywords = {Environment in multiagent systems; Definition, responsibilities, reference model of the environment},
month = feb,
note = {Special Issue on Environments for Multi-agent Systems},
number = 1,
pages = {5--30},
publisher = {Springer Netherlands},
publonsid = {13197279},
scholar = {5825725922325667046},
scopus = {2-s2.0-35148899434},
semanticscholar = {13347050},
title = {Environment as a First Class Abstraction in Multi-Agent Systems},
url = {},
volume = 14,
wos = {000242155200002},
year = 2007
acm = {10.1007/s10458-006-0012-0},
author = {Weyns, Danny and Omicini, Andrea and Odell, James J.},
dblp = {journals/aamas/WeynsOO07},
doi = {10.1007/s10458-006-0012-0},
editor = {Weyns, Danny and Parunak, H. Van Dyke},
eissn = {1573-7454},
iris = {11585/35367},
issn = {1387-2532},
journal = {Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems},
keywords = {Environment in multiagent systems; Definition, responsibilities, reference model of the environment},
month = feb,
note = {Special Issue on Environments for Multi-agent Systems},
number = 1,
pages = {5--30},
publisher = {Springer Netherlands},
publonsid = {13197279},
scholar = {5825725922325667046},
scopus = {2-s2.0-35148899434},
semanticscholar = {13347050},
title = {Environment as a First Class Abstraction in Multi-Agent Systems},
url = {},
volume = 14,
wos = {000242155200002},
year = 2007
acm = {1293732},
articleno = 12,
author = {Petta, Paolo and Omicini, Andrea and Payne, Terry R. and McBurney, Peter},
doi = {10.1145/1293731.1293732},
iris = {11585/52136},
issn = {1556-4665},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems},
month = nov,
number = 4,
pages = {12:1--12:6},
publisher = {ACM},
scopus = {2-s2.0-36649023530},
title = {Introduction to the Special Issue: The {A}gent{L}ink {III} {T}echnical {F}orums},
url = {},
volume = 2,
wos = {000207029300001},
year = 2007
acm = {1293732},
articleno = 12,
author = {Petta, Paolo and Omicini, Andrea and Payne, Terry R. and McBurney, Peter},
doi = {10.1145/1293731.1293732},
iris = {11585/52136},
issn = {1556-4665},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems},
month = nov,
number = 4,
pages = {12:1--12:6},
publisher = {ACM},
scopus = {2-s2.0-36649023530},
title = {Introduction to the Special Issue: The {A}gent{L}ink {III} {T}echnical {F}orums},
url = {},
volume = 2,
wos = {000207029300001},
year = 2007
acm = {1759352},
author = {Ricci, Alessandro and Omicini, Andrea and Viroli, Mirko and Gardelli, Luca and Oliva, Enrico},
booktitle = {Environments for MultiAgent Systems III},
chapter = 7,
doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-71103-2_7},
editor = {Weyns, Danny and Parunak, H. Van Dyke and Michel, Fabien},
eisbn = {978-3-540-71103-2},
iris = {11585/45690},
isbn = {978-3-540-71102-5},
issn = {0302-9743},
month = may,
note = {3rd International Workshop (E4MAS 2006), Hakodate, Japan, 8~} # may # {~2006. Selected Revised and Invited Papers},
numpages = 4389,
pages = {124--140},
part = {Mediated Interaction and Stigmery},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
publonsid = {13197240},
scholar = {8497596473192410111},
scopus = {2-s2.0-38049179113},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
subseries = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
title = {Cognitive Stigmergy: Towards a Framework Based on Agents and Artifacts},
url = {},
volume = 4389,
wos = {000245775800007},
year = 2007
acm = {1759352},
author = {Ricci, Alessandro and Omicini, Andrea and Viroli, Mirko and Gardelli, Luca and Oliva, Enrico},
booktitle = {Environments for MultiAgent Systems III},
chapter = 7,
doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-71103-2_7},
editor = {Weyns, Danny and Parunak, H. Van Dyke and Michel, Fabien},
eisbn = {978-3-540-71103-2},
iris = {11585/45690},
isbn = {978-3-540-71102-5},
issn = {0302-9743},
month = may,
note = {3rd International Workshop (E4MAS 2006), Hakodate, Japan, 8~} # may # {~2006. Selected Revised and Invited Papers},
numpages = 4389,
pages = {124--140},
part = {Mediated Interaction and Stigmery},
publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
publonsid = {13197240},
scholar = {8497596473192410111},
scopus = {2-s2.0-38049179113},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
subseries = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
title = {Cognitive Stigmergy: Towards a Framework Based on Agents and Artifacts},
url = {},
volume = 4389,
wos = {000245775800007},
year = 2007
acm = {10.1016/j.entcs.2006.10.049},
author = {Viroli, Mirko and Omicini, Andrea},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures (FOCLASA 2004)},
doi = {10.1016/j.entcs.2006.10.049},
editor = {Brogi, Antonio and Jacquet, Jean-Marie and Pimentel, Ernesto},
issn = {1571-0661},
journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
keyword = {Tuple spaces, {\sf {ReSpecT}}, Tuple centres, {P}etri nets, Formal analysis},
keywords = {Tuple spaces, ReSpecT, Tuple centres, Petri nets, Formal analysis},
month = jun,
note = {3rd International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures (FOCLASA'04), CONCUR'04, London, UK, 30~} # aug # {~2004. Post-proceedings},
number = 2,
numpages = 180,
pages = {123--144},
publisher = {Elsevier Science B.V.},
scopus = {2-s2.0-34250167192},
series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
title = {{{\sf ReSpecT}} Nets: Towards an Analysis Methodology for {{\sf ReSpecT}} Specifications},
url = {},
volume = 180,
wos = {WOS:000214244100009},
year = 2007
acm = {10.1016/j.entcs.2006.10.049},
author = {Viroli, Mirko and Omicini, Andrea},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures (FOCLASA 2004)},
doi = {10.1016/j.entcs.2006.10.049},
editor = {Brogi, Antonio and Jacquet, Jean-Marie and Pimentel, Ernesto},
issn = {1571-0661},
journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
keyword = {Tuple spaces, {\sf {ReSpecT}}, Tuple centres, {P}etri nets, Formal analysis},
keywords = {Tuple spaces, ReSpecT, Tuple centres, Petri nets, Formal analysis},
month = jun,
note = {3rd International Workshop on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software Architectures (FOCLASA'04), CONCUR'04, London, UK, 30~} # aug # {~2004. Post-proceedings},
number = 2,
numpages = 180,
pages = {123--144},
publisher = {Elsevier Science B.V.},
scopus = {2-s2.0-34250167192},
series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
title = {{{\sf ReSpecT}} Nets: Towards an Analysis Methodology for {{\sf ReSpecT}} Specifications},
url = {},
volume = 180,
wos = {WOS:000214244100009},
year = 2007