Per Year
@article{iaII, author = {Cadoli, Marco and Milano, Michela and Omicini, Andrea}, editor = {Cadoli, Marco and Milano, Michela and Omicini, Andrea}, issn = {1724-8035}, journal = {Intelligenza Artificiale}, month = mar, number = 1, pages = {6--61}, publisher = {Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificiale}, title = {Special Issue ``Agenti e vincoli: modelli, tecnologie e metodi per dominare la complessità''}, url = {}, volume = {II}, year = 2005 }
address = {AAMAS 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands},
author = {Gardelli, Luca and Viroli, Mirko and Omicini, Andrea},
booktitle = {3rd International Workshop ``Engineering Self-Organising Applications'' (ESOA 2005)},
editor = {Brueckner, Sven and Di Marzo Serugendo, Giovanna and Hales, David and Zambonelli, Franco},
month = {26}}}: the Case of an Intrusion Detection System in {{\sf TuCSoN,
year = 2005
} }}}
@inproceedings{soda-esaw05, address = {Kuşadası, Aydın, Turkey}, author = {Molesini, Ambra and Omicini, Andrea and Denti, Enrico and Ricci, Alessandro}, booktitle = {6th International Workshop ``Engineering Societies in the Agents World'' (ESAW'05)}, editor = {Dikenelli, Oğuz and Gleizes, Marie-Pierre and Ricci, Alessandro}, iris = {11585/22714}, month = {26--28}}}, title = {{{\sf SODA}}: A Roadmap to Artefacts}, year = 2005 } }}}))) ((({{{ @article{agentlink2techforum-aln17, author = {Omicini, Andrea and Petta, Paolo and Gams, Matjaz}, editor = {Payne, Terry}, iris = {11585/8435}, journal = {AgentLink Newsletter}, month = apr, note = {Special Issue: Hot Topics in European Agent Research I}, numpages = 1, pages = {23}, publisher = {AgentLink III Network of Excellence}, scopus = {2-s2.0-29844435676}, title = {The {S}econd {A}gentLink {III} {T}echnical {F}orum}, url = {}, volume = 17, year = 2005 } }}}))) ((({{{ @inproceedings{sac05-message, address = {New York, NY, USA}, author = {Omicini, Andrea and Wainwright, Roger L.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2005 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2005)}, isbn = {1-58113-964-0}, location = {Santa Fe, NM, USA}, month = {13--17}}}, title = {Message from the {P}rogram {C}hairs}, urlpdf = {}, year = 2005 } }}}))) ((({{{ @inproceedings{artifacts-e4mas05, address = {AAMAS 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands}, author = {Viroli, Mirko and Omicini, Andrea and Ricci, Alessandro}, booktitle = {2nd International Workshop ``Environments for Multi-Agent Systems'' (E4MAS 2005)}, editor = {Weyns, Danny and Parunak, H. Van Dyke and Michel, Fabien}, month = {26}}} Environment with Artifacts}, year = 2005 } }}}))) ((({{{ @article{aaecc16, author = {Viroli, Mirko and Omicini, Andrea}, editor = {Viroli, Mirko and Omicini, Andrea}, eissn = {1432-0622}, issn = {0302-9743}, journal = {Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing}, month = aug, number = 2-3, pages = {69--203}, publisher = {Springer}, title = {Special Issue ``Process Algebras and Multi-Agent Systems''}, url = {}, volume = 16, year = 2005 } }}}))) ((({{{ @article{intro-informatica29-4, author = {Omicini, Andrea and Petta, Paolo and Gams, Matjaz}, editor = {Omicini, Andrea and Petta, Paolo and Gams, Matjaz}, eissn = {1854-3871}, iris = {11585/22977}, issn = {0350-5596}, journal = {Informatica}, month = nov, note = {Special Issue: Hot Topics in European Agent Research I}, number = 4, pages = {377--378}, publisher = {Slovene Society Informatika}, scopus = {2-s2.0-29844435676}, title = {The {S}econd {A}gentLink {III} {T}echnical {F}orum: Main Issues and Hot Topics in {E}uropean Agent Research}, url = {}, urlpdf = {}, volume = 29, wos = {WOS:000213200100001}, year = 2005 } }}}))) ((({{{ @proceedings{woa2005, address = {Camerino, MC, Italy}, booktitle = {WOA 2005 -- Dagli oggetti agli agenti: simulazione e analisi formale di sistemi complessi}, editor = {Corradini, Flavio and De Paoli, Flavio and Merelli, Emanuela and Omicini, Andrea}, isbn = {88-371-1590-3}, month = {14--16}}}, title = {WOA 2005 -- Dagli oggetti agli agenti: simulazione e analisi formale di sistemi complessi}, year = 2005 } }}}))) ((({{{ @inproceedings{artifacts-promas05, address = {AAMAS 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands}, author = {Ricci, Alessandro and Viroli, Mirko and Omicini, Andrea}, booktitle = {3rd International Workshop ``Programming Multi-Agent Systems'' (PROMAS 2005)}, editor = {Bordini, Rafael P. and Dastani, Mehdi and Dix, Jürgen and El Fallah Seghrouchni, Amal}, iris = {11585/4700}, month = {26}}} with Artifacts}, year = 2005 } }}}))) ((({{{ @inproceedings{cogstig-eumas05, address = {Brussels, Belgium}, author = {Ricci, Alessandro and Omicini, Andrea and Viroli, Mirko and Gardelli, Luca and Oliva, Enrico}, booktitle = {3rd European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2005)}, editor = {Gleizes, Marie-Pierre and Kaminka, Gal A. and Nowè, Ann and Ossowski, Sascha and Tuyls, Karl and Verbeeck, Katja}, iris = {11585/22712}, month = {7--8}}}, title = {Cognitive Stigmergy: A Framework Based on Agents and Artifacts}, year = 2005 } }}}))) ((({{{ @article{iaii-intro, author = {Cadoli, Marco and Milano, Michela and Omicini, Andrea}, editor = {Cadoli, Marco and Milano, Michela and Omicini, Andrea}, journal = {Intelligenza Artificiale}, month = mar, note = {Nota dei curatori}, number = 1, numpages = 1, pages = 14, publisher = {Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificiale}, title = {Agenti e vincoli: Modelli, tecnologie e metodi per dominare la complessità}, url = {}, volume = {II}, year = 2005 } }}}))) ((({{{ @article{informatica29-4, author = {Omicini, Andrea and Petta, Paolo and Gams, Matjaz}, editor = {Omicini, Andrea and Petta, Paolo and Gams, Matjaz}, eissn = {1854-3871}, issn = {0350-5596}, journal = {Informatica}, month = nov, number = 4, numpages = 29, pages = {377--443}, publisher = {Slovene Society Informatika}, title = {Special Issue ``Hot Topics in European Agent Research {I}''}, url = {}, urlpdf = {}, volume = 29, year = 2005 } }}}))) ((({{{ @incollection{preface-daltII, author = {Leite, João Alexandre and Omicini, Andrea and Torroni, Paolo and Yolum, Pınar}, booktitle = {Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies {II}}, editor = {Leite, João Alexandre and Omicini, Andrea and Torroni, Paolo and Yolum, Pınar}, eisbn = {978-3-540-31927-6}, isbn = {978-3-540-26172-8}, isbn10 = {3-540-26172-9}, issn = {0302-9743}, month = jun, note = {2nd International Workshop, New York City, NY, USA, 19~} # jul # {~2004. Revised Selected Papers}, numpages = 3, pages = {V--VII}, publisher = {Springer}, scopus = {2-s2.0-33645798849}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, subseries = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}, title = {Preface}, url = {}, volume = 3476, year = 2005 } }}}))) ((({{{ @inproceedings{soda-aose2005, address = {AAMAS 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands}, author = {Molesini, Ambra and Omicini, Andrea and Ricci, Alessandro and Denti, Enrico}, booktitle = {6th International Workshop ``Agent-Oriented Software Engineering'' (AOSE 2005)}, editor = {Müller, Jörg P. and Zambonelli, Franco}, iris = {11585/6275}, month = {25--26}}}, year = 2005 } }}}))) ((({{{ @article{ker20, author = {Omicini, Andrea and McBurney, Peter}, editor = {Omicini, Andrea and McBurney, Peter}, eissn = {1469-8005}, issn = {0269-8889}, journal = {The Knowledge Engineering Review}, month = jun, number = 2, pages = {95--199}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {Special Issue ``{R}evised Reports from Selected {T}echnical {F}orum {G}roups at the 1st \& 2nd {A}gent{L}ink {III} {T}echnical {F}orums''}, url = {}, volume = 20, year = 2005 } }}}))) ((({{{ @incollection{preface-tcsbIII, author = {Merelli, Emanuela and González Perez, Pablo Pedro and Omicini, Andrea}, booktitle = {Transactions on Computational Systems Biology III}, doi = {10.1007/11599128_8}, editor = {Merelli, Emanuela and Gonz{\'a}lez Perez, Pablo Pedro and Omicini, Andrea}, eissn = {1611-3349}, iris = {11585/22979}, isbn = {978-3-540-30883-6}, isbn10 = {3-540-30883-0}, issn = {0302-9743}, month = dec, note = {4th International Workshop on NETwork Tools and Applications in Biology (NETTAB 2004), Camerino, MC, Italy, September 5--7, 2004. Revised Selected and Invited Papers}, pages = {105--122}, publisher = {Springer}, scopus = {2-s2.0-37149037456}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, subseries = {Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics}, title = {Preface}, urlpdf = {}, volume = 3737, year = 2005 } }}}))) ((({{{ @incollection{preface-esawV, author = {Gleizes, Marie-Pierre and Omicini, Andrea and Zambonelli, Franco}, booktitle = {Engineering Societies in the Agents World {V}}, editor = {Gleizes, Marie-Pierre and Omicini, Andrea and Zambonelli, Franco}, eisbn = {978-3-540-31887-3}, iris = {11585/8637}, isbn = {978-3-540-27330-1}, isbn10 = {3-540-27330-1}, issn = {0302-9743}, month = jun, note = {5th International Workshop (ESAW 2004), Toulouse, France, 20--22~} # oct # {~2004. Revised Selected and Invited Papers}, numpages = 3, pages = {V--VII}, publisher = {Springer}, scopus = {2-s2.0-33645826521}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, subseries = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}, title = {Preface}, url = {}, volume = 3451, year = 2005 } }}}))) ((({{{ @inproceedings{selforg-woa2005, address = {Camerino, MC, Italy}, author = {Gardelli, Luca and Viroli, Mirko and Omicini, Andrea}, booktitle = {AI*IA/TABOO Joint Workshop ``Dagli oggetti agli agenti: simulazione e analisi formale di sistemi complessi'' (WOA 2005)}, editor = {Corradini, Flavio and De Paoli, Flavio and Merelli, Emanuela and Omicini, Andrea}, iris = {11585/22713}, isbn = {88-371-1590-3}, month = {14--16}}}, scopus = {2-s2.0-70349450492}, title = {On the Role of Simulation in the Engineering of Self-Organising Systems: Detecting Abnormal Behaviour in {MAS}}, year = 2005 } }}}))) ((({{{ @inproceedings{norms-anirem05, address = {AAMAS 2005, Utrecht, The Netherlands}, author = {Rubino, Rossella and Omicini, Andrea and Denti, Enrico}, booktitle = {1st International Workshop ``Agents, Norms and Institutions for Regulated Multi-Agent Systems'' (ANI@REM 2005)}, editor = {Lindemann, Gabriela and Ossowski, Sascha and Padget, Julian A. and Vazquez-Salceda, Javier}, month = {25}}}, year = 2005 } }}}))) </div> <div id="bottom" class="mainselectbottom"> 20 {{stringEngIta eng='publications in' ita='pubblicazioni nel'/}} 2005 {{stringEngIta eng='without' ita='senza'/}} DOI • [[top>>||anchor="top"]] • [[index>>||anchor="index"]] • [[bottom>>||anchor="bottom"]]</div>