Per Year

3 publications without DOI  /  1996  /  Andrea Omicini
    address = {Darmstadt, Germany},
    author = {Fonda, Umberto and Natali, Antonio and Omicini, Andrea},
    booktitle = {FAPR'96 Workshop ``Reasoning about Actions and Planning in Complex Environments''},
    editor = {Sigmund, Ute C. and Thielscher, Michael},
    month = {4}}},
    title = {An Object-Oriented Approach to Planning},
    year = 1996
    address = {Bologna, Italy},
    author = {Omicini, Andrea},
    institution = {Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems (DEIS), Università di Bologna},
    keywords = {Multi-Theory Logic Languages, Object-Oriented Logic Programming, Modules},
    number = {DEIS-LIA-96-009},
    scholar = {11133488655293125604},
    series = {DEIS Technical Reports},
    subseries = {LIA Series},
    title = {A General Framework for Multi-Theory Logic Languages},
    volume = 16,
    year = 1996
    address = {Napoli, Italy},
    author = {Natali, Antonio and Omicini, Andrea},
    booktitle = {AI*IA'96 Workshop ``Pianificazione di azioni robotiche in ambienti complessi''},
    month = {26--28}}},
    title = {Integrating Knowledge Acquisition in Plan Selection},
    year = 1996
3 publications in 1996 without DOI • topindexbottom