Per anno

4 pubblicazioni senza Scopus ID  /  1997  /  Andrea Omicini
   address = {Certosa di Pontignano, SI, Italy},
   author = {Denti, Enrico and Omicini, Andrea},
   booktitle = {4th Workshop on Formal Models of Agents (ModelAge'97)},
   editor = {Cesta, Amedeo and Schoebbens, Pierre Yves},
   isbn = {88-85059-07-4},
   keywords = {Multi-Agent Systems, Coordination Model, Programmable Communication Abstraction},
   month = {15--17~} # jan,
   pages = {87--98},
   publisher = {Istituto di Psicologia del CNR},
   title = {Designing Multi-Agent Systems around an Extensible Communication Abstraction},
   year = 1997
   author = {Milano, Michela and Omicini, Andrea and Riguzzi, Fabrizio},
   booktitle = {Joint Meeting of the AI*IA Workgroups on Machine Learning and Natural Language (AALN'97)},
   location = {Torino, Italy},
   month = {9--10~} # dec,
   note = {Extended Abstract},
   pages = {137--140},
   title = {Learning with an Object-Oriented Data Model},
   year = 1997
   address = {Bologna, Italy},
   author = {Denti, Enrico and Natali, Antonio and Omicini, Andrea},
   institution = {Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems (DEIS), Università di Bologna},
   keywords = {Multi-agent systems, Coordination, Tuple Spaces, Petri Nets, Programmable Coordination Media, Turing Equivalence},
   number = {DEIS-LIA-97-009},
   series = {DEIS Technical Reports},
   subseries = {LIA Series},
   title = {Expressive Power of the {$\mathcal{ACLT}$} Reaction Specification Language},
   type = {DEIS Technical Report},
   volume = 26,
   year = 1997
   address = {Leuven, Belgium},
   author = {Denti, Enrico and Natali, Antonio and Omicini, Andrea},
   booktitle = {ICLP'97 Post-Conference 2nd International Workshop on Logic Programming Tools for Internet Applications},
   editor = {De Bosschere, Koen and Hermenegildo, Manuel and Tarau, Paul},
   month = {11~} # jul,
   pages = {117--128},
   title = {Merging {L}ogic {P}rogramming into {W}eb-based Technology: A Coordination-based Approach},
   year = 1997
4 pubblicazioni nel 1997 senza Scopus ID • in cimaindicein fondo