Per tipo

5 rapporti tecnici  /  Andrea Omicini
    author = {Piancastelli, Giulio and Omicini, Andrea},
    doi = {10.6092/unibo/amsacta/2515},
    institution = {Alma Mater Studiorum---Università di Bologna},
    iris = {11585/70098},
    issn = {2038-7954},
    month = aug,
    series = {AMS Acta},
    title = {A Multi-Theory Logic Programming Language for the {W}orld {W}ide {W}eb},
    url = {},
    volume = 2515,
    year = 2008
    address = {Bologna, Italy},
    author = {Denti, Enrico and Natali, Antonio and Omicini, Andrea},
    institution = {Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems (DEIS), Università di Bologna},
    keywords = {Multi-agent systems, Coordination, Tuple Spaces, Petri Nets, Programmable Coordination Media, Turing Equivalence},
    number = {DEIS-LIA-97-009},
    series = {DEIS Technical Reports},
    subseries = {LIA Series},
    title = {Expressive Power of the {$\mathcal{ACLT}$} Reaction Specification Language},
    type = {DEIS Technical Report},
    volume = 26,
    year = 1997
    address = {Bologna, Italy},
    author = {Omicini, Andrea},
    institution = {Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems (DEIS), Università di Bologna},
    keywords = {Multi-Theory Logic Languages, Object-Oriented Logic Programming, Modules},
    number = {DEIS-LIA-96-009},
    scholar = {11133488655293125604},
    series = {DEIS Technical Reports},
    subseries = {LIA Series},
    title = {A General Framework for Multi-Theory Logic Languages},
    volume = 16,
    year = 1996
    address = {Roma, Italy},
    author = {Denti, Enrico and Natali, Antonio and Omicini, Andrea},
    institution = {CNR},
    month = mar,
    note = {Progetto Finalizzato ``Sistemi informatici e calcolo parallelo'', Sottoprogetto ``Linguaggi di nuova concezione''},
    number = 4/91,
    series = {CNR Technical Report},
    title = {Verso un Ambiente di Sviluppo per Sistemi in Tempo Reale},
    type = {CNR Technical Report},
    year = 1993
    address = {Rome, Italy},
    author = {Denti, Enrico and Natali, Antonio and Omicini, Andrea},
    institution = {CNR},
    month = may,
    note = {Progetto Finalizzato ``Sistemi informatici e calcolo parallelo'', Sottoprogetto ``Linguaggi di nuova concezione''},
    number = 4/70,
    title = {{CSM} User's Guide},
    type = {Technical Report},
    year = 1992
5 rapporti tecnici • in cimaindicein fondo