Per Year
Ambra Molesini
- Documenting SODA: An Evaluation of the Process Documentation Template (talk, WOA 2010) — Ambra Molesini (Ambra Molesini, Andrea Omicini)
- Agent Oriented Software Engineering (seminar, Cours for Ph.D. Student of the Doctorate of Electronic, Computer science and Telecommunications Engineerin) — Ambra Molesini (Ambra Molesini)
- Towards model-driven communications (talk, International Conference on Software Engineering and Technologies (ICSET 2010)) — Ambra Molesini (Antonio Natali, Ambra Molesini)
- Building an Agent Methodology from Fragments: the MEnSA experience (talk, AOMIP 2010@SAC 2010) — Ambra Molesini (Mariachiara Puviani, Massimo Cossentino, Giacomo Cabri, Ambra Molesini)
- Risk Analysis and Deployment Security Issues in a Multi-Agent System (talk, 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2010)) — Ambra Molesini (Ambra Molesini, Elena Nardini, Marco Prandini, Enrico Denti)